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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I bet she's not the actual owner, probably just works there.
Edit: Ok, yeah, no I was just being a dumbass literalist. But if you can't throw up a semi-credible lie in your own defense on PoliGAF, where can you do it?

Gaming side, obv.

This is really rude. She gets free publicity and acts nice to her face, and then burns her online because she is voting for someone else? There are much nicer ways to ask for a picture to be removed.

She's an employee. It's her job to act nice towards a customer. She doesn't much care about the publicity. The polite thing to do would be to ask her permission before posting the picture online.

I bet she's not the actual owner, probably just works* there.

*used to. Yall know what hills does to a fool who crosses her.


Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 10m10 minutes ago
Next Tuesday could be Trumpfantastic. Or he'll lose 3 of those 4, and who knows where we

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 11m11 minutes ago
So Kasich trails in Ohio. Rubio really trails in Florida. We have no polls from Missouri. There's a clown car pile up in Illinois... (1/?)

Not even taking shots, but 538 really in shambles this cycle lol

I think Trump will lose 3 of 4.

Most of them being closed or semi closed could hurt Trump a lot.


Three new polls out of Florida came out today showing Rubio down badly. He has to drop out before tomorrow's debate.



In a Donald Trump administration, the U.S. military will be so strong that Mexico won’t dare go to war over the wall Trump wants to build between the two counties.

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,”
Trump responded Wednesday.


If Kasich takes Ohio, that's really a win for Trump anyways as Cruz is the main competition for delegates at this stage.

Trump win in Florida and Kasich win in Ohio is excellent for Trump, but he is still leading in polling in Ohio for whatever little that is worth.


If Rubio is contemplating dropping you know Trump is headed for a romp. Keep in mind they have private internals despite their public display of confidence.


A Little Rant, if I may:
One of the things that has gotten to me today is seeing so many people saying "Yeah the only people who did not think Bernie was gonna win is THE MEDIA and politicians in their ivory towers!" Listen asshole, many of pundits are dickheads to be sure, but alot of people have put years of their lives trying to figure this stuff out, and then to have you come in with a fucking bumper sticker, read the results this morning and act as though you know the fucking electorial process like a Supreme Court Justice? Ridiculous. Vote how you want,but be gracious in victory as well as defeat, and dont foget that sharing videos on facebook does not make you a Doctor in political science. I cant predict elections and neither can you, so let's just have fun with this.


I expect the panhandle region of FL to come out strongly in favor of Trump.

The problem there is that if Ted Cruz does well in FL he will do well in the panhandle and split that vote with Trump.

Rubio should do well in places like Orlando, Tampa and Miami.
I'm trying to think how this would affect Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio, but Rubio is probably already so dead in those states that dropping out before might not be that big of a difference. PPP already had him at what, 5% in Ohio?

On the other hand, imagine how much this would piss off all those donors and groups pouring money into Florida if Rubio handed it to Trump before election day.

I think Rubio's already effectively handed Florida to Trump regardless of whether he stays or drops. All those early votes + Rubio cratering = any stop Trump effort in FL is doomed
A Little Rant, if I may:
One of the things that has gotten to me today is seeing so many people saying "Yeah the only people who did not think Bernie was gonna win is THE MEDIA and politicians in their ivory towers!" Listen asshole, many of pundits are dickheads to be sure, but alot of people have put years of their lives trying to figure this stuff out, and then to have you come in with a fucking bumper sticker, read the results this morning and act as though you know the fucking electorial process like a Supreme Court Justice? Ridiculous. Vote how you want,but be gracious in victory as well as defeat, and dont foget that sharing videos on facebook does not make you a Doctor in political science. I cant predict elections and neither can you, so let's just have fun with this.

Man, thats par for the course. Learning to let that shit slide is good for the soul.


So, my lazy read on last night.

We need to go from a +20 H to +2 S. 22 point swing to explain.

Roughly 8 points can probably be attributed to the polls being poorly weighted. Probably from the mess in 2008. 20 points was too high from the demographics in MI and the overall state of the race. Given the national trend, +12 would have been a better prediction.

I'd say 4-6 points can be explained by the "cocky crossover" effect. I can't say this with too much confidence and I'd want to know more about when the crossovers looked like in other states. But anecdotally, I know a ton of people who voted GOP because it looked like HRC had it sewn up, so I'm disposed towards buying the narrative. Then you have the gaffers who went ahead and voted for Sanders even though they supported Hillary for reasons. Hopefully after last night this will not be replicated.

That leaves as much as 10 points which is purely the effect of Michigan feeling the Bern. Some might be higher youth turnout due to Sanders having his back against the wall. Some is Sanders crushing in Dearborne unexpectedly. Some might by auto unions rallying at the last minute. Maybe some from Bernie outspending. And some might be a more general misread of the rust belt from pollsters. Hard to parse without being more rigorous.

Either way, until we know more I think it's reasonable to conservative give Bernie a wide benefit of the doubt on polling in MO, IL, and OH. Now, IL and OH are more favorable for HRC than MI, based on demographic benchmarks. FL and NC I think are still extremely safe big wins for HRC. MO who fucking knows. I'd say OH and MO are where Sanders will make hard stands.

Obviously last night does not change the delegate math one bit, but it's disappointing based on the narratives it will push.


Good lord could the "SHOCKING BERNIE WIN IN MICHIGAN" get any more blown out of proportion?

Yea, its cool he won, but it was by like 1%, and polling was totally off evidently. This wasn't like a 50 point blowout or something, ffs.

Fucking facebook, seriously.


Ashley Parker ‏@AshleyRParker 4m4 minutes ago
NEWS: Jeb to meet w Rubio, Cruz and Kasich in Miami, before the GOP debate. Story TK

Jeb is a mess.

So, my lazy read on last night.

We need to go from a +20 H to +2 S. 22 point swing to explain.

Roughly 8 points can probably be attributed to the polls being poorly weighted. Probably from the mess in 2008. 20 points was too high from the demographics in MI and the overall state of the race. Given the national trend, +12 would have been a better prediction.

I'd say 4-6 points can be explained by the "cocky crossover" effect. I can't say this with too much confidence and I'd want to know more about when the crossovers looked like in other states. But anecdotally, I know a ton of people who voted GOP because it looked like HRC had it sewn up, so I'm disposed towards buying the narrative. Then you have the gaffers who went ahead and voted for Sanders even though they supported Hillary for reasons. Hopefully after last night this will not be replicated.

That leaves as much as 10 points which is purely the effect of Michigan feeling the Bern. Some might be higher youth turnout due to Sanders having his back against the wall. Some is Sanders crushing in Dearborne unexpectedly. Some might by auto unions rallying at the last minute. Maybe some from Bernie outspending. And some might be a more general misread of the rust belt from pollsters. Hard to parse without being more rigorous.

Either way, until we know more I think it's reasonable to conservative give Bernie a wide benefit of the doubt on polling in MO, IL, and OH. Now, IL and OH are more favorable for HRC than MI, based on demographic benchmarks. FL and NC I think are still extremely safe big wins for HRC. MO who fucking knows. I'd say OH and MO are where Sanders will make hard stands.

Obviously last night does not change the delegate math one bit, but it's disappointing based on the narratives it will push.

Hillary's association with Obama is going to make IL hard for Sanders.
Good lord could the "SHOCKING BERNIE WIN IN MICHIGAN" get any more blown out of proportion?

Yea, its cool he won, but it was by like 1%, and polling was totally off evidently. This wasn't like a 50 point blowout or something, ffs.

Fucking facebook, seriously.
A friend of mine who grew up in Michigan said he knew Bernie would win, but admitted it wasn't grounded in anything other than a gut feeling.

Sometimes hopeless optimism pays off. And I speak from experience on that one. 2012crayonmap.jpg
He loses FL, MO and OH, but wins IL imo.

I hope I'm wrong tho.

Has there been any polling of missouri?

Cruz seems to do well in the flyover states

Trump is doing very well in the south but seems to have won by the highest margins in some of the bluest states


Hillary's association with Obama is going to make IL hard for Sanders.
Yeah, I agree. Hillary also seems to benefit from machine politics, like MA and NV, while Sander's MI win can be partially explained by him taking that from her at the last minute.

I only expect Sanders to have a chance in OH and MO, though I can't even begin to predict the chances or margins right now. I think HRC wins IL safely though the margins might be a little lower than predicted. FL and NC are still overwhelmingly safe.


I bet she's not the actual owner, probably just works there.

Also dumb to turn down free and seemingly innocent advertising as well. Especially since you and the business is being praised. So you're voting for someone else. Okay. Accept the damn compliment and business push. No one is suggesting you endorsed her. If that is indeed her then it shows she'll happily smile in your fact and take your money and then get nasty once you're out of sight.




No Scrubs
Agreed and she's probably going to play up the fact that IL is her home state.

I expect gun control to be heavily highlighted in IL. Bernie's "let the states decide" stance is going to hurt him there considering where all the guns killing people in Chicago are coming from.
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