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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.

Well played. I don't think the "release the transcripts" argument from Bernie really holds any weight.


So you're voting Trump in the general right?

I really don't want to. But if Sanders doesn't win the Primary, then I might end up at least funding Trump's campaign or convince others to vote for him instead. Truthfully, I can't say right now.
So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.
I'm just asking questions. If there's nothing there, there's nothing there. But her refusal to release it raises some red flags. With hammers and sickles on them.....

Only elitists cared about Marco Rubio ever.


But honestly, what did she expect him to say?

Obviously there was nothing nefarious about this visit. It just seems incredibly naive. What did she hope to achieve here?

From the tweet I assume she was hoping to get him to play Papers Please. Which he would no doubt enjoy, although he probably wouldn't get all the coins.
My problem is he's an ideologue and not pragmatic.

Liberal doctrine hates GMO thus Bernie Sanders hates GMO, regardless of any pragmatic considerations of good policy.

Liberal doctrine hates Trade Deals thus Bernie Sanders hates trade deals regardless of prgamatic considerations of good policy.

Liberal doctrine hates wall street and everything about it with no nuance, regardless of pragmatic considerations of good policy.

This is not where I want the left to go. And its not just about this issue (the issues will change). I want a progressive party that is constantly adaptive to what's going on in the world and how we can best solve problems even if those solutions change! I don't just want them applying what "liberalism" as an unchanging ideology says

I don't see that in Obama and Clinton.

I want a party who always questioning itself and its presumtions and not with purity tests and how close we can come to pure liberalism. I want a curious party, a party and one that can adapt. I don't want a part that posts the same 5 things on facebook and twitter everyday becuase its ideas are so basic and lacking nuance. Sanders is unable to re-frame and issue beyond his basic critique of a rigged system (which tells us nothing btw) and that to me is problem and why I don't want the left drifting in his direction.

Again this isn't always a policy critique with sanders (though has the primary has gone on its become more so.) Its a disposition and an attitude that's shared with the Tea Party that bother me

The issue with pragmatism is that it's hard to sensibly decide when to be pragmatic and when to be dogmatic. But anyway, perhaps take another look at Obama, Clinton, and Sanders?

Dr. Paul Krugman is on his blog attempting to correct various claims w/ citations here and there about trade that were false or misleading. Will politicians running and in charge now jump up and change course with upcoming trade deals?

Folks with decades of experience on Wall St. and at the federal level put out a pragmatic plan that any candidate or POTUS can adopt and implement in roughly 2 months almost entirely w/o new legislation. Has Clinton, Obama, or Sanders said a peep or brought folks in with comparable pedigree into the fold in search of the best solutions?

Infrastructure is falling apart, potential GDP has been slashed, many states are woefully unprepared for the next recession/aren't investing properly in their future, and goverment purchases of good and services fell dramatically under the Obama administration. Did he look at the results and jump up saying oh my goodness small gov't is holding the economy back?

Bernie Sanders doesn't have much power yet so I'm confused how he could be one of the dangerous fanatics you're worried about. Those folks are in charge and making big time decisions as we speak. Quite a few have cost the US dearly too.


Over/under on Rubio having some sort of breakdown when the Florida results come out? Can't imagine his programming is designed to cope with this eventuality.
Over/under on Rubio having some sort of breakdown when the Florida results come out? Can't imagine his programming is designed to cope with this eventuality.

Maybe I'm putting too much faith in Rubio to live in reality, but I think he has a concession speech planned to deliver tomorrow night. He already stated that the winner of FL and OH would likely be the nominee. Kinda hard to walk back from a statement like that.
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.


Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie

Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.


Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie

Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz

Explain yourself.


Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.


Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie

Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz

There are some... interesting choices there.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Seems pretty obvious to me that your campaign manager saying you will win X state "guaranteed" means you will lose it guaranteed.
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.


Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie

Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz

It's like you disregard anything that makes sense and just try to see how many times you can get quoted.

it worked.


You know I've got nothin' but love for you guys...most of the time :p

Love you too :p

I actually can't wait for the Dem primary to be over. Not because I'm that desperate for the Queen to be crowned, but so we can all stop fighting and embrace each other while laughing at the burnt-out embers of Rubio's campaign :p
Love you too :p

I actually can't wait for the Dem primary to be over. Not because I'm that desperate for the Queen to be crowned, but so we can all stop fighting and embrace each other while laughing at the burnt-out embers of Rubio's campaign :p

Yes, this sounds lovely :)
Just such a warm and loving community.

I really do need to start posting in here more often.

Or just posting more often.

But house repairs don't do themselves, and these homes I own are falling to pieces. Like literally chunks of ceiling falling in.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Going through security now. Flight to Chicago to endorse Hillary!!!*

*to the person sitting next to me on the plane
Just such a warm and loving community.

I really do need to start posting in here more often.

Or just posting more often.

But house repairs don't do themselves, and these homes I own are falling to pieces. Like literally chunks of ceiling falling in.

Sounds rough. How many homes do you own, if you don't mind me asking?
Sounds rough. How many homes do you own, if you don't mind me asking?

Two, both small, two bedroom, one bath.

Bought by my father when he was alive for like $3000 a piece.

A steal, but not exactly in the best of shape. Currently doing some repairs. Thinking about selling one whenever I get it repaired.
I kick myself. My dad owned two properties he rented out. When he got sick, he wanted me to take over and manage them. I refused, so we sold them. Could have had a nice couple rentals but meh. I'm not cut out for that type of thing.
I kick myself. My dad owned two properties he rented out. When he got sick, he wanted me to take over and manage them. I refused, so we sold them. Could have had a nice couple rentals but meh. I'm not cut out for that type of thing.

I'll probably end up just selling the property to one of them. The entire house needs to be rewired. Repair the structural issues since I've been using it as storage, but I'm not about to pay to have it rewired (I'm okay at construction, but have a deathly fear of electricity).

Now that he's finished the knives come out. If he was poised to win...

I'm amazed and not shocked at the same time. Amazed that he didn't get the establishment support after this became a five person race. He had a lot of big people lined up for endorsements and campaign checks but it never materialized.

On the other hand I'm not shocked given his lack of impulse control. When you find a guy like that run away because the shit is going to hit the fan sooner than later (see: John Edwards). It didn't get to that point with Rubio solely because of the horrible campaign he ran. You can't blow off building relationships in the two years before you run, or not building a proper grassroots organization in early states.

Rubio has relied on his image for far too long. It wasn't surprising his campaign strategy revolved around appearing on television for interviews: he has always been focused on selling a product (himself/his image) and hoping republicans believe he is the future because he looks like the future. But that only works for so long before you have to prove it with a win. And he doesn't really have any this year.
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