So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.I for one would like to see the transcripts of what was said.
So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.I for one would like to see the transcripts of what was said.
So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.
So you're voting Trump in the general right?
I'm just asking questions. If there's nothing there, there's nothing there. But her refusal to release it raises some red flags. With hammers and sickles on them.....So true! How can we ever trust her? This is big guys. I know she said something incriminating to known latino hater and jailer Joe Arpaio and we have a right to know.
But honestly, what did she expect him to say?
Obviously there was nothing nefarious about this visit. It just seems incredibly naive. What did she hope to achieve here?
Was just reading this at slate lolDawn of the Final Day for Rubio's political career.
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Dawn of the Final Day for Rubio's political career.
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
My problem is he's an ideologue and not pragmatic.
Liberal doctrine hates GMO thus Bernie Sanders hates GMO, regardless of any pragmatic considerations of good policy.
Liberal doctrine hates Trade Deals thus Bernie Sanders hates trade deals regardless of prgamatic considerations of good policy.
Liberal doctrine hates wall street and everything about it with no nuance, regardless of pragmatic considerations of good policy.
This is not where I want the left to go. And its not just about this issue (the issues will change). I want a progressive party that is constantly adaptive to what's going on in the world and how we can best solve problems even if those solutions change! I don't just want them applying what "liberalism" as an unchanging ideology says
I don't see that in Obama and Clinton.
I want a party who always questioning itself and its presumtions and not with purity tests and how close we can come to pure liberalism. I want a curious party, a party and one that can adapt. I don't want a part that posts the same 5 things on facebook and twitter everyday becuase its ideas are so basic and lacking nuance. Sanders is unable to re-frame and issue beyond his basic critique of a rigged system (which tells us nothing btw) and that to me is problem and why I don't want the left drifting in his direction.
Again this isn't always a policy critique with sanders (though has the primary has gone on its become more so.) Its a disposition and an attitude that's shared with the Tea Party that bother me
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Over/under on Rubio having some sort of breakdown when the Florida results come out? Can't imagine his programming is designed to cope with this eventuality.
We're in the future now brah. Mass Effect brah. Trump is the Illusive Man. Hilldawg is femshep. Ted Cruz is Udina. Obama is Captain Anderson.
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.
Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie
Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz
What would he do if he got elected president?Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.
Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie
Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz
Ohio - Bernie
Missouri - Bernie
Iliinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Hillary
Feels like a bad night for Hillary
Feeling like it might be a bad night for Trump. Not sure why, just a gut feeling.
Ohio - Hillary
Missouri - Hillary
Illinois - Bernie
Florida - Hillary
North Carolina - Bernie
Ohio - Kasich
Florida - Trump
Missouri - Rubio
North Carolina - Kasich
Illinois - Cruz
Not with the delegates she'll be taking home!
So now we have Bernie supporters trying to cheer up Clinton supporters about how she's doing in the race. The cartoon_soldier effect is in full motion
You know I've got nothin' but love for you guys...most of the time
Love you too
I actually can't wait for the Dem primary to be over. Not because I'm that desperate for the Queen to be crowned, but so we can all stop fighting and embrace each other while laughing at the burnt-out embers of Rubio's campaign
I actually started shedding happy tears.Aww, brainchild and CCS are having a moment over the bloated corpse of Rubio's campaign.
How sweet.
Aww, brainchild and CCS are having a moment over the bloated corpse of Rubio's campaign.
How sweet.
I actually started shedding happy tears.
You guys already know that you'll be right there with us.
Aww, brainchild and CCS are having a moment over the bloated corpse of Rubio's campaign.
How sweet.
Depends on how Queen does.
No idea why but I feel better about Ohio than I do Illinois. Go figure that one out.
Rubio: Bringing people together to laugh at him since 2015.
The unification candidate Trump could never beRubio: Bringing people together to laugh at him since 2015.
Just such a warm and loving community.
I really do need to start posting in here more often.
Or just posting more often.
But house repairs don't do themselves, and these homes I own are falling to pieces. Like literally chunks of ceiling falling in.
Sounds rough. How many homes do you own, if you don't mind me asking?
I kick myself. My dad owned two properties he rented out. When he got sick, he wanted me to take over and manage them. I refused, so we sold them. Could have had a nice couple rentals but meh. I'm not cut out for that type of thing.
Was just reading this at slate lol
No one warned Jeb?!