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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Found the whole resolution online. Ok, whew, it's about stage magic.

Fuck, don't scare me like that.

I mean it's pointless drivel, sure. But I thought at first they were legit endorsing like...actual wizardry?

I'm not sure what the problem is with recognizing stage magic. Seems like a big bunch of nothing. Which is perfect for the current congress.
The Establishment will spend in excess of $20M against Trump in Florida while straight up committing fraud against Trump just to narrow the margin from 20 points to 10. And then they'll cry and cry and cry.


I'm not sure what the problem is with recognizing stage magic. Seems like a big bunch of nothing. Which is perfect for the current congress.

That's what I meant when I called it pointless drivel. It's just them spinning their gears, so they can say they "Passed X number of resolutions" or whatever. It's entirely harmless.

As an aside, my brother actually is a street magician and I'm sure he'd at least appreciate an attempt to preserve more of the history of the art. He and I used to put our heads together on the presentation front of his act. Has a close-range card trick routine focused around time travel that is a lot of fun.

I was going to lol if they were talking about like, Hermetic magic or something though. Especially since they cite Houdini. Dude was one of the most outspoken skeptics of his era. Should've known. The sponsor of the resolution is from Texas. No one from Texas would be caught dead anywhere near witchcraft. That's not Christian at all!
Its true that its wrong but its better than the alternative. If you could undo election results in a way that you are suggesting than every time anyone lost, they'd claim they were cheated, and demand a do-over.

Its kind of like in sports. Just because the refs made the wrong call, or if you find one individual player broke the rules or got away with something, you really can't retroactively hand the other team the win once its over.

Sports results don't matter. Political elections do. Who won the Superbowl this year is inconsequential to the future direction of our country, who our next president is going to be is not.

I'm not sure it is better than the alternative because there's no recourse for actual fraud as it stands. Having a mechanism to undo fraud doesn't mean that you always have to use that mechanism. You can still have processes in place to require certain standards of evidence or thresholds before things kick in. 'Proven acts with demonstrable result on outcome' just off the top of my head for one. Holding new elections when you know the results were fraudulent doesn't seem like it should be that controversial.

Do I think any of what's alleged to have happened here would qualify? No of course not, people can still vote, it merely makes it more difficult to vote for one candidate through ballot omission, limited scope, plausible deniability of mistake, etc. But without some kind of punishment scheme the system as is encourages people to push these types of small transgressions as far they can and eventually that adds up in ways we can't really measure. It's a stain on the integrity of the overall process. That said, it's hard to resolve the bigger forms of disenfranchisement because it's usually the government who is the one doing it.
In order for one to be a free rider, one must not contribute anything. Merely by running inside the party, bernie is contributing to hillary's chances of winning.

In the same token, democrats pretty much didn't spend a dime on him. All they've done is allow him to participate in the debates. However you wanna look at it, that's most likely a net win for democrats. Plus something something getting the youth involved something

But, as is often said

He should have never explicitly stated that sentence, obv.

I don't get why Bernie is so against just accepting the label of a democrat.
Probably somewhat related to both democrats and republicans fielding candidates against him back in the day.
Nate CohnUpshot Correspondent
2:22 PM ET
Invalid Date
@Stephen, I took a look at the early vote data in Ohio and there is pretty strong evidence of Democrats crossing over. The conventional wisdom is that this hurts Clinton, but there's not too much data to back that up.

Fucking Democrats


I think that if Sanders falls behind by too much more in the delegate count tonight that it will be very difficult to chart a plausible path to a majority of pledged delegates. It would require him to fare very well in places where he has so far struggled: affluent, diverse and populous areas. That said, I don't think she's the presumptive nominee. I think a candidate needs to come close to mathematically precluding their opponent from earning a majority of delegates before they earn that distinction. She has not.

Nate Cohn
I thought this was old news. There was an article about how Clinton won South Carolina and the mothers of all the shooting victims that have been in the news were acting as surrogates for her.

Adam, be careful dude.

No, this is a new endorsement. She hadn't been out for Hillary publicly until this, so far as I know.
I thought this was old news. There was an article about how Clinton won South Carolina and the mothers of all the shooting victims that have been in the news were acting as surrogates for her.

Iirc that was Eric Garner's mother. Brown's mom had met with her previously, it seems, but no endorsement.


No Scrubs
Iirc that was Eric Garner's mother. Brown's mom had met with her previously, it seems, but no endorsement.

There was a handful of these mothers that were going around the state stumping for her, Garner's mom was just one of them. I just assumed Brown's was among them.


Alex Seitz-Wald ‏@aseitzwald 3m3 minutes ago
Wow: Among Cuyahoga Co. potential early voters, 15.6% (!) of Dems requested GOP ballots, likely to vote Kasich.



I mean for what he supports and his politics. There are probably lots of hardcore democrats who have skipped election after election due to the parties being too alike.

The parties are too alike because they skip elections. Everyone and their mother knows the whole reason that the Republicans exist as a major force is because Democrats can't be arsed to get out and vote. Makes you think that it might have the result that Democrats have to run more center-right to appeal to those who *do* vote.


Dems doubly voting against their interest lol.

Yes, elect the guy who might have a chance against Hill, and yes, extend the primary.


For her supporters, it seems entirely possible to both condemn Emanuel and to see Clinton as their best hope to stem an epidemic which claimed the lives of 19 people in the first 10 days of this year alone.
Scott Brunscheen, a 31-year-old white musician in Chicago, told The Daily Beast that he’d vote for Clinton despite her past relationship with the mayor.
“Oh man, that’s rough,” Brunscheen said when asked about Sanders’ recent line of attack. “I understand what they’re saying about the connection but she’s been not involved in Chicago politics at all. So I don’t understand how you can make the connection to his decisions as someone who is actually in office. At no point, did the Clintons come in and have anything to do with Rahm’s actual decision-making.”
The other thing Clinton has going for her, especially on this turf, is that voters here see her as the likeliest continuation of the legacy of hometown hero President Barack Obama.
And in dangerous times, with a populist demagogue dominating the Republican party and national political discourse, more of the same seems like the safe bet for many voters.
Olufemi Owiku, an accountant in Chicago, looked up admiringly at Clinton as she took the podium on Monday morning, surrounded by members of a plumbers’ union decked in denim.
‘I’m supporting her primarily because she says she’s going to follow what President Obama has done so far,” Owiku told The Daily Beast.

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