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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Yea, it has that effect on people.

Also, when aren't we diablosing?
True lol! I've certainly diablos'd. Remember when we had Rubio had a chance? Hah hah.
Definitely favors sanders

Probably. Such a thing tends to. What state?

Not necessarily. Keep in mind that a lot of registered independents are also ex-republicans who were embarrassed about what their party became. It's definitely not bad for him though.

It was towards the end of his chat, but I misread it and it appears he was talking about iowa, weirdly. Here is the full exchange.

2:51 PM ET
Invalid Date
Why can't Cruz beat Drumpf one-on-one? CW says not in blue states, but are not blue state Republicans much more Cruz-friendly? No one is asking Cruz to win California in the general, just in the primaries.

Nate CohnUpshot Correspondent
2:52 PM ET
Invalid Date
@John548, I think Cruz would beat Drumpf one-on-one in California, but it's not guaranteed. On the other hand, I think he's in serious danger of losing the big East Coast states, like New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Nate CohnUpshot Correspondent
2:54 PM ET
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Here's some fun data just coming in from the Iowa Secretary of State: the Democrats and Republicans appeared to pick up almost identical numbers of registered voters over the last month and a half. That's mainly the result of newly registered voters on Iowa caucus night.

Nate CohnUpshot Correspondent
2:54 PM ET
Invalid Date
The Democrats picked up more newly registered voters, and more voters switched from "no party" to the Democrats. But more voters switched from the Democrats to the Republicans. In the end, it's basically a wash, with the number of Democrats increasing by 37,291 and the number of Republicans increasing by 37,217.


Wouldn't this favor sanders? I mean, "no party" people joining dems means independents joined for Sanders vote.

Everything that happens favors Sanders. Hillary's plan was to trap us all in a crystal of suspended time until November. Unfortunately Sonic got in the way.


I can't stress too much over Trump's prospects in Ohio. We're past the point of no return on him definitely ruining the party's chances in November. He wins Ohio and someone comes closer in the delegate count? He still enters he convention with a stronger claim to the nomination than anyone else. He loses Ohio and falls just short of that magic number for the first ballot? There's almost no way they can deny him.

The GOP is damned either way. Right now, its voters are just picking which flavor of turd sprinkles they'd like on their 2016 ice cream.
In all honesty I am not sure. A contested convention would be hilarious in it's own special way, but watching the GOP elite give the nomination to Trump with tears in their eyes, knowing there's nothing they can do to stop him, would also be amazing.
Either way, you can't lose.


But is it better for us? Would we rather have a Trump nomination or a contested convention where it is stolen out from under him?

A Trump nom removes the plausible deniability of a contested convention for the semi sane people left in the Republican Party. It was amusing to me that before Super Tuesday all those republicans came out and said basically "we aren't a party of racists guys, don't support trump" and then he overwhelmingly won. I think a Trump nom forces a day of reckoning in the party. It makes the crazies double down and the moderates jump ship.


In all honesty I am not sure. A contested convention would be hilarious in it's own special way, but watching the GOP elite give the nomination to Trump with tears in their eyes, knowing there's nothing they can do to stop him, would also be amazing.

I'm actually really looking forward to the RNC for this, just to see what will happen. Are Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell really going to walk out on that floor and talk about how excited they are to be supporting Donald Trump?

I have no idea how any of this is ever going to work for them. It's the best reality television show ever. Somebody should go just to do confessionals and edit them into the YouTube clips.
Kasich is so delusional. He says running a positive campaign is beginning to pay off for him. The guy finishes 3rd or 4th in most states.
How do people vote for school board heads and local judges? I can never find that much information online.

There were over a dozen judicial races on the ballot here. The good news was various bar associations gave assessments of how well qualified the candidates were and the Sun-Times had a nice pdf with a chart summarizing all the rankings. I used that to guide my judgment. I have no idea whether there's anything similar where you are.


I'm actually really looking forward to the RNC for this, just to see what will happen. Are Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell really going to walk out on that floor and talk about how excited they are to be supporting Donald Trump?

I have no idea how any of this is ever going to work for them. It's the best reality television show ever. Somebody should go just to do confessionals and edit them into the YouTube clips.

It would be awesome if they just said fuck it and let Trump pick all the presenters.

All his rich business friends praising him for hours.
CNN is pushing the whole "if Trump loses Ohio; there's gonna be a brokered convention" which we all know isn't true. Which also means my No shares are gonna plummet.


I'd be interested to see what happens with Cruz/Trump in California. Just anecdotally through all my clients from the central valley and through like Santa Barbara through down to LA are all hot for Trump if they're republicans.

It's pretty wild. Then again I deal with agriculture so most of my clients are just old money ag guys who are riled up about anything immigration or that cuts back on their product vs Mexican ag.



Forbes doesn't understand that 26 > 15 apparently.

Ashamed to admit I spent a solid 2 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong w/ the Kasich and Cruz graphs (15 and 26 favorable respectively) before realizing you meant the Hillary graph

How does that even happen though? I mean I can't imagine they are drawing these charts manually


No Scrubs
It would be awesome if they just said fuck it and let Trump pick all the presenters.

All his rich business friends praising him for hours.

Omarosa gonna have a prime-time speaking slot and his buddy Carl gonna introduce him.

What the hell would a Trump nomination acceptance speech even look like. I can't even imagine honestly.

I have an image of such a thing in my head, it's nothing more than a wisp of an idea but it feels glorious.


Ashamed to admit I spent a solid 2 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong w/ the Kasich and Cruz graphs (15 and 26 favorable respectively) before realizing you meant the Hillary graph

How does that even happen though? I mean I can't imagine they are drawing these charts manually

loooooooooooool I thought the same thing and now that I get it it reminds me of...


So what are everyone's guesses for Ohio? I see Kasich and Bernie, but I'm not confident enough to put money on this one.

Crossover stuff has me spooked. I say it goes for Bernie.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is a Democrat specialty.


No Scrubs
So what are everyone's guesses for Ohio? I see Kasich and Bernie, but I'm not confident enough to put money on this one.

Agreed. I feel like Bernie's got a better shot in Ohio than Illinois. Kasich I don't see losing since he's got the father, son, and holy ghost of Ohio college football behind him.

It'd narrow the field earlier than he'd want. He needs a big field for another string of primaries before it can safely narrow.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ashamed to admit I spent a solid 2 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong w/ the Kasich and Cruz graphs (15 and 26 favorable respectively) before realizing you meant the Hillary graph

How does that even happen though? I mean I can't imagine they are drawing these charts manually
It's in order of net favorability?

User 406

Primary results from my son's school:

	Hillary Clinton	103
	Bernie Sanders	63

	John Kasich	4
	Ted Cruz	4
	Donald Trump	3
	Marco Rubio	3

This could spell trouble for Clinton!

How do people vote for school board heads and local judges? I can never find that much information online.

There were over a dozen judicial races on the ballot here. The good news was various bar associations gave assessments of how well qualified the candidates were and the Sun-Times had a nice pdf with a chart summarizing all the rankings. I used that to guide my judgment. I have no idea whether there's anything similar where you are.

For Ohio, at least, there's a site called http://www.judge4yourself.com that has a pretty good rundown on all judicial ballots. But yeah, usually electing small time positions like this are an utter shitshow unless you're really clued into local politics. Hopefully we'll see more of these kinds of resources pop up in the future.


Primary results from my son's school:

	Hillary Clinton	103
	Bernie Sanders	63

	John Kasich	4
	Ted Cruz	4
	Donald Trump	3
	Marco Rubio	3

This could spell trouble for Clinton!

For Ohio, at least, there's a site called http://www.judge4yourself.com that has a pretty good rundown on all judicial ballots. But yeah, usually electing small time positions like this are an utter shitshow unless you're really clued into local politics. Hopefully we'll see more of these kinds of resources pop up in the future.

a lot of girl power in there I think.
A really disturbingly high number of friends on FB are bragging that they voted for Bernie today and saying that this election is the most important ever.

1) I remember when you admitted to not voting in 2013 and 2014 and 2015. Hey, remember that shitty mayor we got a couple of years ago when turnout was at a record low in our city?
2) This election isn't more important than the ones you keep skipping, and the presidential elections and primaries are arguably less important than many other votes you cast.

TIL how many people I know are assholes and idiots.

Don't worry, you can go back to being a shitty non-participant real soon.
Three influential leaders in the conservative movement have summoned other top conservatives for a closed-door meeting this Thursday in Washington D.C. to talk about how to stop Donald Trump and, should he become the Republican nominee, how to run a third-party “true conservative” challenger in the fall.

Dear God, these people still hate Trump for thinking that Planned Parenthood's non-abortion stuff is pretty nice instead of the fact that Trump is a misogynistic, racist, fascist.


Rubio says he's staying in the race even if he loses Florida...

Yeah, I saw that, but doesn't he kind of have to say that so people will vote for him today?

Oh, and I'm guessing Hillary didn't reach 1 million donors last night because I stopped getting emails about it...


Top conservatives gather to plot third-party run against Trump
The meeting is scheduled for two days after tonight's primaries in what many Republican operatives believe will determine whether Trump is on an unstoppable march to the nomination.


I still think this is a supremely dumb move. Trump is going to lose regardless. Just let him lose. They might be thinking of down ticket races, but I think this is far worse for them because Trump will go scorched earth telling his fanboys to not vote for any Republican opposing him.
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