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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Obama's approvals are definitely good news. The more popular he is the more effective he'll be as a surrogate on the campaign trail.

It also really puts into perspective the narrative that the electorate is angry and hence the Democrats have to nominate Sanders to have a chance. The Republican base is angry, yes. But you can't draw inferences about the electorate as a whole from that. The idea that, as a matter of campaign strategy, we need to run away from a popular president is baffling.




The GOP Meltdown is classiest, most luxurious, most glorious of all meltdowns.
Holy shit. WTF guys. Party breakup actually looking plausible now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie is losing because he didn't try to court the Obama coalition

And because Hillary did, she is the much stronger general election candidate.

That was linked to me and it made a lot of sense. And it was written before any votes had been cast.

Some good quotes in there:

This anti-socialist propaganda is effective precisely because it's tailored towards ppl whose bigotry prevents them from sharing and caring.
It's like folk just can't accept how effective welfare queen and 47% imagery has been at dissuading the White electorate against socialism.
For the umpteenth time, systemic racism is the number one reason why we don't have socialism in America. It ain't the banks or the 1%ers.

It really cuts to the heart of the Dem primary. And in some ways it's encouraging for the long-term prospects. Sanders supporters views are not "wrong" but the way they view the world is different in that they don't understand History as well as they should (IE, Social Security not being for Black People). They think if they could just explain how it would work, people will fall in line, the problem is racism trumps logic (and yes, that was intentional). In some ways it's privilege, but the fact they are willing to share their privilege is encouraging, they just don't understand the opposition.

So Sanders supporters, I think I understand more of where you are coming from. I hope you are able to see what the country has gone through, and the number of people from that time that are still around.


This is going to be a complete disaster. Just reading comments from conservative websites today that carried that "Boehner supports Paul Ryan for President" article...those people were furious about this even being a consideration. "I'll stay home and vote for nobody" was the common theme.

I hope they do stay home

The point about Killer Mike was amazing

I mean... it's so damn true. Obama would have been eviscerated for having a rapper campaign with him. I really wonder what Obama does post presidency where he can be as they said about Beyonce... "unapologetically black".
I bolded the important bit. This is an interesting legal wrinkle -- that would mean all delegates bound to current candidates would have to keep their current vote, but all delegates bound to suspended candidates would be able to change their vote. If all the candidates except Trump and one other have dropped out by then, they could use that opportunity to force Trump to lose.

It doesn't sound very plausible for enough delegates to agree to that to give someone else a majority on the first ballot. Your first point contradicts such a thing as being plausible. It actually sounds like such a thing would favor Trump if he was short and could persuade enough unbound delegates to push him over on the first ballot.


A) Ok that Trump Instagram video on Hilary is fucked up but still hilarious

B) When did "11th dimensional chess" become a meme? Why did we skip the 4th-10th dimensions?

C) Man, the Sanders campaign is getting desperate. I understand why but its not a good look :/

A) Your first look into general election trump - "hehe she's a woman and she's barking like a dog, you know what that means ;)))" - so much for the fabled Trump pivot.

B) M-theory is super rad, that's why!

C) Yeah, I'm glad his campaign's helping to drag the Overton window back to the left, but it's starting to look like sadly his campaign doesn't have long-term planning and prioritization of the forward march of progress as a top priority. I hope Sanders does the right thing and fully endorses the Democratic nominee.
cliff's notes

In order to get some special judicial prerrogatives, the idea of making Lula a minister was being floated around. Obv everybody knew that that was just a shitty way to make him avoid the prosecutors that were on his case, but there was no hard proof, since dudes could always claim that they'd give him the job for the good of the country and crap like that. Was the kind of wink wink nudge nudge shit that one could get away with, if one were completely idiotic and absolutely desperate. If you fucked, might as well double down.

Today it was announced that Lula would indeed become a minister. Heck, that he'd get the most important ministerial position in the country.

Shortly after that, a wiretap was made public via the courts, and it was a chat between the president and lula, and it makes it pretty clear that dodging justice was indeed why Lula would become minister.

They are well and truly fucked.

Hope palace security is on point today, because those fools are genuinely at risk of being lynched.

Exciting times. Shame that the alternatives left standing are legit A Guy That Thinks The Military Dictatorship Was Totes Awesome (torture and murder explicitly included) and another guy that belongs to the party with the most politicians prosecuted for corruption in the country.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
No matter what they choose the GOP as we know it has been killed this cycle.

Their path of least shit long term is to give trump the nomination. Let him lose really big, and say I told you so. Take the opportunity to reform the party messaging and move a bit to the left.
If you take it away from him, in 4 years it will probably be worse, since whoever the GOP runs in his place will also lose.


No matter what they choose the GOP as we know it has been killed this cycle.

The question is whether they will go quietly or try to put up one more - ultimately pointless, but certainly a spectacle - fight.

It seems like they a posturing for a final fight at the convention.
Holy shit this is not the onion? Is it happening?

Let us dispel this notion that Republican Party knows exactly what it's doing.

No, really, they don't. They are confused. The so call "intellectuals" in the party have turned out to be a charade and they're wandering aimlessly.
Can you imagine if John Kasich had to call in the National Guard on his own parties convention? ^_^

"Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were arrested for inciting riots at the GOP National Convention"

"There for there is no other candidate viable for the nomination other than I, John Kasich, thank you for your support"
Some good quotes in there:

It really cuts to the heart of the Dem primary. And in some ways it's encouraging for the long-term prospects. Sanders supporters views are not "wrong" but the way they view the world is different in that they don't understand History as well as they should (IE, Social Security not being for Black People). They think if they could just explain how it would work, people will fall in line, the problem is racism trumps logic (and yes, that was intentional). In some ways it's privilege, but the fact they are willing to share their privilege is encouraging, they just don't understand the opposition.

So Sanders supporters, I think I understand more of where you are coming from. I hope you are able to see what the country has gone through, and the number of people from that time that are still around.

I extremely doubt that the biggest reason socialism isn't in America is because of old White dudes is keeping it out. It seems like the Democrats as a whole isn't very much interested in it and only interested in expanding in places they can.

Capitalism is cultural part of America and both parties very much still believe in it( and I doubt the government can handle the pressure of a huge economic welfare state.). Many young people have a better view of socialism, but again I doubt that'll transfer to votes in elections all that much. If anything I think the US will continue on from this current system( as there will be more trade deals and I think that corporations will have less influence in politics, but nobody is going to take immense amount of power away from them elsewhere. The corporations economic influence is one of the reasons that the US is powerful as it is.) but it will evolve somewhat, like with more worker's rights and affordable healthcare, but not necessary a bigger welfare state.
Hi everyone. Firstly, I want to thank everyone in this thread for helping me get way more informed about politics, I know way more about basically everything than I did about 3 months ago.

Secondly, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone know of any places where I could do some research on Souter? From what I've read on his Wikipedia page and comments in random places I've found him super interesting but I'm not really sure where I'd do any more in depth research into him.
I think I prefer Samantha Bee's humor way more over Oliver's. I think Oliver balances his show towards more jokes over the issues but it doesn't work as well for me.
They're both better than Trevor Noah. I wish Jon was still around to cover all of this fuckery.
Got a new book

I bought that the other day too because I saw an interview of hers. Haven't started reading it yet, but it should be good.


will gain confidence one day
I extremely doubt that the biggest reason socialism isn't in America is because of old White dudes is keeping it out. It seems like the Democrats as a whole isn't very much interested in it and only interested in expanding in places they can.

Capitalism is cultural part of America and both parties very much still believe in it( and I doubt the government can handle the pressure of a huge economic welfare state.). Many young people have a better view of socialism, but again I doubt that'll transfer to votes in elections all that much. If anything I think the US will continue on from this current system( as there will be more trade deals and I think that corporations will have less influence in politics, but nobody is going to take immense amount of power away from them elsewhere. The corporations economic influence is one of the reasons that the US is powerful as it is.) but it will evolve somewhat, like with more worker's rights and affordable healthcare, but not necessary a bigger welfare state.
OTOH, the Progressive's Dilemma is a real thing that's been measured.


So bernieBros are saying they aren't going to vote for HIllary. I hate petty nonsense like that.


Three guesses on who wrote the article. First two don't count.

This was a long time ago, but I have to let someone know that this article is straight garbage from the first sentence.

honestly, it's a great strategy. give the Intercept credit -- they caught on pretty quick to a rabid audience that would click anything and everything related to Bernie, particularly positive. Goodman's laughing all the way to the bank (irony alert).

He's a journalist, so I'm pretty sure that's not where he's going.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I really think that if someone other than Trump or Cruz gets the nomination, they have to worry about an assassination attempt from one of Trump's supporters. It's going to be legitimately dangerous.

Here's the thing: I don't even understand who in the world they could pick.

Jeb, Carson, Huckabee, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz should all be out--the voters rejected them already. Nobody is uniting behind somebody who recently lost.

Everyone else either lost last round (Romney) or spent absolutely zero money and time earning the nomination. I honestly can't think of one person that people would say, "Hey, you know what? We'll all unite behind this candidate."

It makes absolutely no sense to pull the rug out from under the voters. None.



"Here's the problem you read these stories in the paper that I mentioned about the young women who are—do you have a sister?" Kasich asked.

"No," the child replied.

"OK, but let me say that the young women who are, imagine taking somebody you love who's a woman and taking her somewhere and having some evil man just beat her to a living pulp. I mean that's just wrong."


Kenneth P. Vogel ‏@kenvogel 22s23 seconds ago
Trump "will not be shopping oppo to @nytimes or @politico...He will just vomit it out," says Plouffe. "He's going to dominate coverage." 2/2
View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes

Kenneth P. Vogel ‏@kenvogel 2m2 minutes ago
"The challenge Trump will present to Clinton is that he will say anything about Clinton or her husband at any time," says @davidplouffe. 1/2

Kenneth P. Vogel ‏@kenvogel 9m9 minutes ago
"The way that Hillary Clinton losses...is if she just misses her mark with young voters, African Americans and Latinos," says @davidplouffe.

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