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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Yes they get bonus delegates but consider that the initial allocation of state delegates favors BLUE states by not taking into account what amount of the state actually votes Republican.

Of course, the Republican bonus delegate allocation is rather binary unlike the Democrats' system (which leads to hilarious things like NC>Ohio in delegates off about a ~4% difference in 2012 election margin), but still.

I wonder if that's deliberate. They did a fair bit of tinkering after 2012 specifically to monkey wrench candidates like Santorum (which has hurt Cruz) and Ron Paul (which means that right now, at this point, Trump is the only person on the Republican side eligible for Nomination (he's got over 50% of delegates in 8 states now). Giving extra weight to deep blue CDs isn't a bad way to hurt Cruz type candidates and it's relatively subtle.
Yahoo News and Finance Anchor Bianna Golodryga asked Carson what he thought of some of Trump's more vicious attacks against him during his time in the 2016 race, citing when Trump insulted Carson's intelligence and questioning whether or not he was a child molester. The retired neurosurgeon chalked it up to politics.

"He said it was political, he was concerned about the fact that he couldn't shake me," Carson said. "I understand, you know, politics, and particularly the politics of personal distraction. You have to admit to some degree that it did work. A lot of people believed him."

Golodryga asked if this type of attack should become the norm and if, by Carson's logic, she should teach her son to do the same as Trump did.

"It shouldn't become status quo," Carson said. "But neither should always retaliating."



She needs a high energy attack dog as VP. Cory Booker would be perfect. Can Tommy P fill this role?


"He is the real deal: Smart, more energy than the Energizer Bunny, and both committed and pragmatic," said former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan, who dealt with Perez over Justice's consent order involving the Seattle Police Department.

"The guy knows how to drive results and bureaucracy," Durkan added. "He will be years gone from both the civil rights division and U.S. Labor Department before folks have figured out all he put in place."
"I know the guy and think he would be awesome," said David Rolf of SEIU 775, the Seattle labor leader who designed the SeaTac minimum wage campaign and co-chaired Murray's Seattle minimum wage task force.

Seattle entrepreneur Nick Hanauer, an outspoken minimum wage campaigner, added: "Perez is one of the people I admire most in politics. He is smart, hard working and knows how to get s*** done. Plus, he shares my belief that the economy grows from the middle out."
"He's really really smart, and really, really, really driven," said Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who has dealt with Perez on three fronts.

Perez was head of the civil rights division of the U.S. Justice Department overseeing Seattle police reform when Murray became mayor. Perez came here to celebrate Seattle's phased-in $15-an-hour minimum wage, touting it as a model for localities go around a recalcitrant Congress and act.

And, Murray added, Perez was "incredibly skilled" at negotiating settlement of a prolonged West Coast labor dispute that curtained operations at ports from Los Angeles-Long Beach to Seattle and Tacoma.


remember me
After watching some clips I think he would be an awful choice, he's a bureaucrat, not a politician. You don't want 2 nerds on the ticket. If she were going to go that route she'd be better off with Elizabeth Warren.


After watching some clips I think he would be an awful choice, he's a bureaucrat, not a politician. You don't want 2 nerds on the ticket. If she were going to go that route she'd be better off with Elizabeth Warren.

Sanders is a nerd. You can excite the Democratic base with a nerd.
I wonder if that's deliberate. They did a fair bit of tinkering after 2012 specifically to monkey wrench candidates like Santorum (which has hurt Cruz) and Ron Paul (which means that right now, at this point, Trump is the only person on the Republican side eligible for Nomination (he's got over 50% of delegates in 8 states now). Giving extra weight to deep blue CDs isn't a bad way to hurt Cruz type candidates and it's relatively subtle.

The "every CD gets the same number of delegates" part was definitely there in 2008/2012 and probably earlier.
Brian Schweitzer would be pretty good.
That dog dont hunt.

Perez is a good choice. He speaks to the middle class, income, wages and even playing field. It's like a baldy, Latino version of Sanders. He has a really good standing with the Hispanic caucus. And the dude speaks fluent Spanish, unlike that Castro goober.
If Trump hits the magic 1237, is there still any potential for hail mary fuckery from the GOP?

They can change the rules before the convention (assuming that no one else gets over 50% of Delegates in 8 States, they'll have to or Trump will run the first round unopposed) but changing the rules for the Threshold is a much bigger deal than changing the rather arcane requirements to stand in the first round of voting. So sure they could but at that point they've abandoned any pretense of democratic selection and are giving the middle finger to their loyalest voters, so it's probably a very bad idea .


they could always try and...

you know...

kill him

They do have Ben Carson as a fall guy waiting in the wings - just have to make sure Trump isn't wearing a belt that day.

They can change the rules before the convention (assuming that no one else gets over 50% of Delegates in 8 States, they'll have to or Trump will run the first round unopposed) but changing the rules for the Threshold is a much bigger deal than changing the rather arcane requirements to stand in the first round of voting. So sure they could but at that point they've abandoned any pretense of democratic selection and are giving the middle finger to their loyalest voters, so it's probably a very bad idea .

Ah, so theoretically they could, but it would be a pretty terrible idea an absolute last resort - question is, are they desperate enough?

Hopefully the rest of the rules committee is equally cocky...


If Drumpf hits the magic 1237, is there still any potential for hail mary fuckery from the GOP?
May I have your attention please.

May I have your attention please.

Thank you.

*projector screen lowers*

Before we begin voting I have a short film to show you.


If Trump hits the magic 1237, is there still any potential for hail mary fuckery from the GOP?

They literally write the rules the day before the RNC. So they could potentially change all the delegates to unbound on the first ticket and prop up whoever they want.
They literally write the rules the day before the RNC. So they could potentially change all the delegates to unbound on the first ticket and prop up whoever they want.
It doesn't matter though. It's just asking for trouble. The delegates are sent by the people that picked Trump over other losers. If those delegates leave Trump and switch to one of those said losers, it's not going to be pretty.


Pennsylvanian here -- the Poconos, coal regions, Appalachia and most of the western part of the state are going to go for Trump. The Lehigh Valley region is home to a lot of movement conservatives who will probably break for Cruz. I could see Kasich doing reasonably well in the more urban and suburban areas.

Pennsylvania has been sending out voter registrations automatically since the Tom Wolf Medicaid expansion as per the ACA law.


It doesn't matter though. It's just asking for trouble. The delegates are sent by the people that picked Trump over other losers. If those delegates leave Trump and switch to one of those said losers, it's not going to be pretty.

Well, he requested hail mary fuckery, I would say that fits the description.


They literally write the rules the day before the RNC. So they could potentially change all the delegates to unbound on the first ticket and prop up whoever they want.
Pretty sure the delegates themselves need to vote on any rule changes at the convention?


Well, he requested hail mary fuckery, I would say that fits the description.
As the party splits at the seams, I'm really not sure how far the GOP elite would be willing to go - especially if they believe they have no future if they don't do something, no matter how unlikely it is.

They probably won't be willing to go that far, but this election cycle has been pure madness... and a part of me expects some of the desperate fuckery only those who are cornered can provide.

I hope the rest of the rules committee is as deluded as the member who still asserts that the problem is that the voters think they get to decide.


Lmao Jesus this thread in the last 24 hours. "Bernie could win these 3 states FUCK" to "Bernie's a dork"

All his supporters went to Twitter to promote #stillsanders

How many more months of this are we going to have?

apparently Dennis miller is trying to stir up fuckery with Bernie's base by telling them all they have to do is get all the super delegates to switch, then Bernie will be winning!


I logically think it won't happen, but then I hear Boehner endorsing Paul Ryan for president, a member of the rules committee haughtily and confidently claiming the party will decide in the end, and another "secret" meeting to stop Trump after months of ignoring him... and then I don't know if logic applies any more.
Wow, the GOP has two great candidates between Trump and this guy:



She needs a high energy attack dog as VP. Cory Booker would be perfect. Can Tommy P fill this role?

Completely agree. She is already a policy wonk. She needs someone who will call out Republicans for what they are and will keep doing it aggressively the whole campaign.

edit: OMG above dat point 5. Has anyone even asked for this? Or is he essentially inventing "issues" now?
lmao I was just looking for the deadline for Indiana. Voting registration closes April 4th. No same day.

It is an open primary, however crossover voting is technically ILLEGAL.

Affiliation with a party is not required to vote in primaries. However, voters can only choose the primary ballot of the party who recieved a majority of their votes in the previous general election, and voter records are kept as public information.

If a voter did not vote in the last general election, they must "intend to vote for the majority of the nominees on their desired party's ballot."

Voters can be challenged by another eligible voter on suspicion of perjury.

This system is an attempt to get voters to vote along party lines, but is not easily enforceable.

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