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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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The Trump attacks will largely depend I think on how complicit the media outside of Fox News is. If they make that vile shit leading stories every night things are going to get rough. Though everything single Dem needs to be hitting Trump every single day and hitting back at everything he says. The man hates to be challenged. He'll hit back to try to get people to stop. They have to hit back at this. Constantly going back at him again and again is likely going to frustrate the hell out of him as he's not going to be able to handle it. They need to do it in ads as well. This is going to be insanely expensive but it might be worth it. Another Trump can't be allowed to happen again.

If Trump hits the magic 1237, is there still any potential for hail mary fuckery from the GOP?

Last I heard before the convention they can set the rules. So they can set things up to void Trump's wins.

The party is shambles and they've lost a lot of control. I still think the GOP has to decide if it goes down on their own terms or at the mercy of Trump. If they have any self respect or just any courage they'll take control of the situation. Things are on fire already and they can't put the flames out. If they care about down the ballots races they'll distance themselves from Trump.

My question really is the following. Has there been a case of a political party just outright blacklisting and kicking a person out. Denying them the right to use their party designation, etc?
Tom Perez could be a great VP pick. He actually speaks spanish too, so that could be huge to get awareness to spanish tv stations. Castro doesn't.


Wow, the GOP has two great candidates between Trump and this guy:


There are real problems to fix and these are his day one priorities?


So no public appearances for Sanders today, Clinton's SuperPAC ending their primary ads, Clinton herself doing a ton of fundraisers in the coming weeks... primary season is definitely over on the Dem side.
On day one:

"Deport children."
"Prosecute Planned Parenthood even though they committed no crimes as proven by GOP governors."
*Underwear on head*
"Try to start a war with Iran."
"Try to start a war with Palestine."

Ted Cruz 2016: He's the more reasonable choice.
So no public appearances for Sanders today, Clinton's SuperPAC ending their primary ads, Clinton herself doing a ton of fundraisers in the coming weeks... primary season is definitely over on the Dem side.

What sealed it for me was BerniePB being effectively dead today. 8,500 calls were made today compared to an average of 20-30000 per day.


remember me
Nope. He was born and raised in the US and doesn't speak spanish.

I was born and raised in the US and I speak Spanish (1st generation Mexican-American).

If she's going to hispander with her VP pick it has to be someone that speaks fluent Spanish. She doesn't need to though, Trump is already the most hated man in the Mexican community. He not only insulted us, he insulted the freaking pope! She'll easily beat Obama's 2012 performance.


Perez is a good choice. He speaks to the middle class, income, wages and even playing field. It's like a baldy, Latino version of Sanders. He has a really good standing with the Hispanic caucus. And the dude speaks fluent Spanish, unlike that Castro goober.
That's exactly how I see him. Also unlike Castro, he has a strong record of accomplishment and clear personal principles.

Seeing what happened to Rubio does make me a little concerned about Castro, even though Castro is clearly more intelligent than Rubio. I think this is the cycle to go with substance over charisma, and that's the choice you have with Perez and Castro.

McCain tried to chase the Obama celebrity factor and ended up with Palin. Democrats should not fall into that trap. Don't chase Trump's spotlight, aim for maximum contrast.


Regardless what happens, think of how much of a clusterfuck the convention is going to be. In the modern era, conventions are supposed to be a time where the nominee gets to reintroduce themselves to the country, drive up their favorables, and get a bump in the polls coming out of the other end. Even if Trump gets an outright majority, does anyone think the media is going to cover the convention positively? It will all be about any wiff of GOP insurrection before, during, and after. Brilliant.


Who votes to change rules - delegates or committee members? I totally think they would given Curly's comments if it's the latter.

The committee members write the rules but they have to be ratified by the delegates so if isn't really an avenue for fuckery if most of the delegates are actual trump supporters. That relies on Trump having actually filled his delegate slates with loyal supporters which is dubious considering his lack of organization. A Cruz supporter picked by a state convention as a trump delegate might be bound to trump for the 1st ballot but not anything else


You're telling me they have an opportunity to stop Trump and nominate any candidate of their choosing and they say nah.

Yes. Absolutely. They'll convince themselves over the next few months that Trump isn't that bad (they've started to) that he's the presumptive nominee (they've started to) and that maybe the high turnout in primaries is what they need to stop Hillary (they've started to).

Ultimately, denying Trump the nomination could absolutely cripple the Republican Party while they probably could survive a Trump nomination as an institution.
Yes. Absolutely. They'll convince themselves over the next few months that Trump isn't that bad (they've started to) that he's the presumptive nominee (they've started to) and that maybe the high turnout in primaries is what they need to stop Hillary (they've started to).

Ultimately, denying Trump the nomination could absolutely cripple the Republican Party while they probably could survive a Trump nomination as an institution.

They just need to start backing him now. Call for Kasich and Cruz to drop out. Call off the media attacks by outlets owned by establishment owners. Just put their full force behind him. It's obviously what their voters want. Just give it to them. If not you alienate 50% of your base and potentially cause them not to vote this year or ever again.

The GOP has shown that it's a cowardly, weak, broken party over 2015 and 2016. Starting a riot in Cleveland that could end up with your people actually dying is less dangerous than backing Ted Cruz and the GOPe won't even do that.
They just need to start backing him now. Call for Kasich and Cruz to drop out. Call off the media attacks by outlets owned by establishment owners. Just put their full force behind him. It's obviously what their voters want. Just give it to them. If not you alienate 50% of your base and potentially cause them not to vote this year or ever again

Can't do it. They would be ceding the argument about economics to populists, so that you would have a form of economic populism as the accepted platform for both major parties. Many of them want to avoid being marginalized on this point.

I believe that much of the leadership would prefer to tank the election and the next few elections to preserve their economic ideas.

Someone posted basically this exact same thing on my wall, poor dear. She is one of only two Sanders supporter left on my wall that still believes. The other one pointed out how if you add Clinton's superdelegates to Sanders instead that he'd be ahead. Like... why?

If they didn't ignore the pledged delegate split in 2008 and switch to Obama, why the hell are they going to switch to Sanders when he's even further behind than Clinton was?

I mean I know they won't... but how can you seriously think it's a possibility?
Speaking Spanish is really a dumb basis for the Veepstakes.

If Hillary dies in office could Tom Perez be President? My thought is no. Ergo bad choice.

It will be someone like Tim Kaine.
Sanders is a nerd. You can excite the Democratic base with a nerd.
I don't see Sanders being at all wonkish. Like I can't see him being interested in poring through briefing books.


Yeah Sanders has never come across as details oriented or policy oriented politician. He is all rhetoric and big ideas, nevermind actual legislation or implementation. He and Hillary are not on the same level of wonkishness.
apparently Dennis miller is trying to stir up fuckery with Bernie's base by telling them all they have to do is get all the super delegates to switch, then Bernie will be winning!

My little brother is a Bernie supporter, I pop onto Facebook, and him liking that post is the first thing that popped up in my feed.

I opened up chat and started telling him exactly who Dennis Miller is, what he thinks of Bernie, Obama, and Dems in general. With links to the crap that fucker spouts.

I got a fucking thumbs up emoji in response.

My little brother is so far down the Sanders hole that he's willing to support the ravings of a guy that hates our very ideology.
I also tried to explain to him that superdelegates would be Bernies if he had the delegates and the popular vote. As it stands they've decided, because Hillary had a huge advantage at the outset. Just like she did in 2008.


apparently Dennis miller is trying to stir up fuckery with Bernie's base by telling them all they have to do is get all the super delegates to switch, then Bernie will be winning!

Bernie's base listens to Dennis Miller? Anyone listens to Dennis Miller? I forgot all about him after 9/11 made him stop being funny for some reason.


My little brother is a Bernie supporter, I pop onto Facebook, and him liking that post is the first thing that popped up in my feed.

I opened up chat and started telling him exactly who Dennis Miller is, what he thinks of Bernie, Obama, and Dems in general. With links to the crap that fucker spouts.

I got a fucking thumbs up emoji in response.

My little brother is so far down the Sanders hole that he's willing to support the ravings of a guy that hates our very ideology.

Establishment brother!
I'm on board with Kaine as VP if he's the pick. He seems more than alright and I don't have that sense of doom you get with someone like Sarah Palin in that spot.
Bernie's base listens to Dennis Miller? Anyone listens to Dennis Miller? I forgot all about him after 9/11 made him stop being funny for some reason.
My brother didn't even seem to know who Miller was. But he was supporting Bernie with a bunch of half-truths, so he's got a point.

Seriously broke my brain.


If Hillary dies in office could Tom Perez be President? My thought is no. Ergo bad choice.

I disagree completely. By all accounts he's highly intelligent and an extremely capable administrator. He resolved that west coast dockworker strike that was considered intractable, everyone who's dealt with him has praised his competence and work ethic, plus his legal and educational background is impressive. He was on the shortlist for Attorney General after Eric Holder stepped down. He's credited with shaping Obama's entire second term domestic agenda. The only area of weakness he has is foreign policy, but with the right advisers I think it would be alright.

Perez would be a very substantial pick in my view, much more about substance than personality. I would say he's about as ready to be President as any of the other plausible picks you could name.
I want it that way by the backstreet boys is such a great song. And that smash mouth joint that was in the first shrek. Pop music was so much better circa 1999
Kasich is a senator and former governor of Virginia now? :p

I don't think people have nearly as much motivation to assassinate Hillary as they do Trump. Hillary basically is the representation of the median Democrat voter and legislator (for better or worse) whereas Trump is a neofascist trying to take over a party and render its leadership dead (career wise).
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