These people can't just accept a majority of Democrats prefer Clinton. She has to be cheating somehow.
"They need to stop being corrupt and being statesmen." -my brother, the probable trump supporterIt makes sense if you think all other politicians are corrupt.
Super PACThese people can't just accept a majority of Democrats did prefer Clinton. She has to be cheating somehow.
As far as I know the indictment and criminal prosecution is completely off the table in Hillary's case.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...-cant-count-on-bernie-sanders-suppo/?page=allThis has got to be a troll. I don't buy it.
Super PAC
It makes sense if you think all other politicians are corrupt.
Today in shit which is infuriating but maybe 2% of the electorate will bother with.
Not a huge movement, of course.
If Clinton takes Utah and goes big in Arizona there's going to be a severe danger of marine extinctions due to the excess salt from r/s4p.
These people can't just accept a majority of Democrats prefer Clinton. She has to be cheating somehow.
Primary 2.0 will start any day now!
I'm reminded of that Churchill quote: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
EDIT: Actually, I retract that. A majority of people are somewhat sane, the idiots are just very loud.
I mean, if you just want to be mad at Bernie supporters then by all means, but let's not pretend like any meaningful amount of people even support this idea. I can list out a few hundred groups of people with similarly asinine beliefs and we can pretend like they're influential enough to matter, but I think it's better to recognize how inconsequential they are and not sprout gray hairs over them.
Also, I don't remember seeing this posted:
Donald "Maybe it says he's a Muslim" Trump's grammar 'typical of children aged 11 and under'
Guess he really is maturing
Donald "That baby was driving me crazy" Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader [Politico, 2015]
In their defense, if you're 18-30 and most of your friends are too and you don't follow politics with the level of scrutiny poligaf does, I'd imagine it really does seem like all these Hillary voters are coming out of nowhere. That doesn't excuse stupidity, but I can see why they feel disillusioned given the seeming ubiquity of Bernie support in their day-to-day life. It's pretty rare that a candidate can get ~85% of an entire generational group and then can't clench the nomination.
I'm not mad at all Bernie supporters. I'm mad at people who post stuff like that. A write in candidate is not going to do shit, even if huge swatches of people voted for him. It's nothing more than being a sore loser.
You (and I mean the universal you who believes the stuff in that stupid meme) don't get to say the will of the people only matters as long as they vote the way you want them to. Democracy means your person can lose. If that happens, you have to get over it.
So I listened to Bill Simmons Podcast today with former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreu and he had the most amazing Ted Cruz story.
Apparently, when Cruz was in college, he and his roommates in the dorm would play Poker. One night, Cruz was so far behind that he was down like $2000 or something.
Because Cruz had no intention of paying off his debt, he went to the RA and tattled on the group for illegally gambling and got the whole group punished but he didn't have to pay off (since it was against the rules).
I laughed out loud. It's the most quintessential Cruz story ever.
Another day, another "Kasich is a misogynist" story
While spending several days with reporter Molly Ball for a profile in The Atlantic, Kasich told Ball that:
..he did not read The Atlanticand his wife didnt, either. He said that my job, writing about politics and politicians, was really a dumb thing to do. Later, he singled me out in a meeting of cabinet officials to upbraid me for what he considered a stupid question in one of our interviews.
In their defense, if you're 18-30 and most of your friends are too and you don't follow politics with the level of scrutiny poligaf does, I'd imagine it really does seem like all these Hillary voters are coming out of nowhere. That doesn't excuse stupidity, but I can see why they feel disillusioned given the seeming ubiquity of Bernie support in their day-to-day life. It's pretty rare that a candidate can get ~85% of an entire generational group and then can't clench the nomination.
Change a few words and it reads like the Tea Party.
Electing a billionaire is a really hilarious solution for corruption.And this is different from Drumpf supporters, how?
Forget Ron Paul, the parallel between Drumpf and Bernie fans is getting horrifying.
You know what? Come the hell on. I was salty as hell in 2008, but I didn't freaking plan on throwing the entire country under the damn bus because me fee-fees got hurt and I didn't get the candidate I wanted. I was 20/21 then, same age as most of these kids. Get over yourself. You had a shot. Your candidate has probably lost. Get over it.
Ya, I sound like a cold hearted bitch, and I totally am, but please.
Change a few words and it reads like the Tea Party.
They are free to write in Bernie, and we are free to call them idiots.Just the other day you were defending people wanting to vote for Bernie to do so in the primaries despite the fact that he'll most likely lose.
Now you don't want people to do a write in for Bernie if they feel so inclined.
It's their vote. They probably aren't even Democrats so why would you care? First their just a fringe group who won't amount to anything... then next they are destroying the Democratic party with their rights to write in whoever they want!
Electing a billionaire is a really hilarious solution for corruption.
What were they thinking with that, anyway? Is it supposed to be LOVE backwards? Libertarian ideology comes off as really uncaring and harsh so they had to rebrand.closer to the r[evol]ution imo
They are free to write in Bernie, and we are free to call them idiots.
It's like you run a bank but your accountants keep finding discrepancies in your holdings. Turns out all of your guards have ties to the mob and they're skimming cash out at night. HR decides to hire Al Capone.But hey, he's outside "The Establishment."
What were they thinking with that, anyway? Is it supposed to be LOVE backwards? Libertarian ideology comes off as really uncaring and harsh so they had to rebrand.
Comparing Bernie fans to the Tea Party is a little unfair because the Tea Party was actually successful!Change a few words and it reads like the Tea Party.
Is it? I don't have data, but I remember a very similar thing happening with Howard Dean in 2004. Where's benji and his encyclopedia grasp of political history?
I feel like it is not at all uncommon to have a Democratic candidate that captures the majority of the youth vote, but loses the primary because there just aren't that many youth voters. It's usually pretty demoralizing for the youth, too.
Isn't Samantha bee ridiculously good?
Are there any more democratic debates for the queen to win?
So I listened to Bill Simmons Podcast today with former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreu and he had the most amazing Ted Cruz story.
Apparently, when Cruz was in college, he and his roommates in the dorm would play Poker. One night, Cruz was so far behind that he was down like $2000 or something.
Because Cruz had no intention of paying off his debt, he went to the RA and tattled on the group for illegally gambling and got the whole group punished but he didn't have to pay off (since it was against the rules).
I laughed out loud. It's the most quintessential Cruz story ever.
Didn't you hear? Debates are just a tool of the mainstream media so instead Weaver and Devine are just going to scream the phrase "WALL STREET TRANSCRIPTS" at Clinton for two hours until the entire electorate rises up and crowns Bernie emperor.
So I listened to Bill Simmons Podcast today with former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreu and he had the most amazing Ted Cruz story.
Apparently, when Cruz was in college, he and his roommates in the dorm would play Poker. One night, Cruz was so far behind that he was down like $2000 or something.
Because Cruz had no intention of paying off his debt, he went to the RA and tattled on the group for illegally gambling and got the whole group punished but he didn't have to pay off (since it was against the rules).
I laughed out loud. It's the most quintessential Cruz story ever.
Comparing Bernie fans to the Tea Party is a little unfair because the Tea Party was actually successful!
Just the other day you were defending people wanting to vote for Bernie to do so in the primaries despite the fact that he'll most likely lose.
Now you don't want people to do a write in for Bernie if they feel so inclined.
It's their vote. They probably aren't even Democrats so why would you care? First their just a fringe group who won't amount to anything... then next they are destroying the Democratic party with their rights to write in whoever they want!