Yes all those 60 delegates Hillary will write down in her book as in the shit!too bad its the last sweep she'll see until April 26th?
Bernie's probably got 2 on Tuesday. 2 maybe 3 on next Saturday and then Wisconsin.
Yes all those 60 delegates Hillary will write down in her book as in the shit!too bad its the last sweep she'll see until April 26th?
Bernie's probably got 2 on Tuesday. 2 maybe 3 on next Saturday and then Wisconsin.
what will the new math be?
Crown ha!
In college, there were some people in my dorm that were debating whether to vote absentee back home (in another state) for Nader, or register locally and vote Gore. There were also people doing the exact opposite. My state was as swing as swing can be in 2000 and Gore won within the margin of number and ratio of students statewide that cost votes for him. As in you could add up wards from colleges and prove that made the difference. Would have been about a 1.5% swing across the state that'd have made it safe had all estimated 18-35s who voted Nader went for Gore. That's the day I understood that getting young voters interested mattered. A lot. And that many young voters are morons.We need to form a SuperPAC to run ads showing the 2000 debacle.
(Does anyone else remember the vote trading stuff back in 2000? Supposedly there were websites devoted to trading votes from 'safe' states to swing states to make sure the election wasn't completely disrupted. Mentioning because our idealistic berniebros don't appear that wise 16 years later)
Threatening to withhold support until "the will of the people" has been heard; it's not just for Republicans stonewalling judicial appointees anymore!
What happened to Ivysaur's thread?? its locked.
I am banning all discussion of sanders.What happened to Ivysaur's thread?? its locked.
What happened to Ivysaur's thread?
I am banning all discussion of sanders.
(Read the lock message, love?)
Or actually show up to vote
Sigh, I keep forgetting how much of a stranglehold the GoP still has at the state and local level.
Winning elections, for starters. Motherfuckers knocked Eric Cantor out and shit like that.Successful at what?
Obamacare got passed
Obama got his 2nd term
Gays can marry now
The GoP is never winning another GE for next several decades at least
What exactly have they accomplished?
Successful at what?
Obamacare got passed
Obama got his 2nd term
Gays can marry now
The GoP is never winning another GE for next several decades at least
What exactly have they accomplished?
Getting a liberal majority on the Supreme Court can limit this. Not necessarily on right to work or gun control, but the courts don't have to allow the GOP to get away with limiting voting rights and some of the extreme gerrymandering we're seeing.
Trump not doing any rallies today?
He's not really doing much of anything. No one is. Kinda boring.Trump not doing any rallies today?
You know whats happened everytime theres been a midterm since Obama has taken office?
Millennial turnout hitting absurd lows?
Who's On Track For The Nomination? | Hillary started at 128% of the delegate target in the race (out of IA) and has been LOSING ground steadily. 120% after the first four, 113% after Super Tuesday, and now 108%. A MAJORITY of states are yet to come! Dont believe the media! We can do this!
He's not really doing much of anything. No one is. Kinda boring.
Soon she'll only have 100% of the delegates needed HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA #feelthebernToday in utter delusion news, the top thread on r/s4p with over 6000 upvotes:
Amazing how many conservative pundits are given so much power.Huckabee and Newt lighting up Erick Erickson. Deservedly so.
Doubt he officially endorses her until she has enough delegates.So when is the Obama endorsement?
So when is the Obama endorsement?
Guys, Bernie being Mayor of Burlington totes makes him prepared to be Commander-in-Chief!
Is there a Tumblr with Hillary gifs on it? This place is slowly turning me gayer, and I'm going to love it.
So when is the Obama endorsement?
Is there a Tumblr with Hillary gifs on it? This place is slowly turning me gayer, and I'm going to love it.
Guys, Bernie being Mayor of Burlington totes makes him prepared to be Commander-in-Chief!
But wait. With all that experience, doesn't that make Senator Sanders an INSIDER?
So when is the Obama endorsement?
Is there a Tumblr with Hillary gifs on it? This place is slowly turning me gayer, and I'm going to love it.