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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Sigh. Straight from the candidate's mouth that he's okay with superdelegates overriding the will of the voters. Hypocrite.

I'm trying to find the first post where I said I thought Bernie's run for president was more about his ego than anything else. Had to be about a few months ago.

This pretty much confirms it.


Can you lift a goalpost?
Not with this bad knee
But wait. With all that experience, doesn't that make Senator Sanders an INSIDER?


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Daniel B·;198567661 said:
Hmm, let's consider the options; you can have a "Great wall of Trump" (to keep out the Mexicans, who actually do a ton of necessary work in the U.S. etc), or instead we can put millions of Americans back to work, in good paying jobs, on desperately needed repairs to our nation's infrastructure. I could go on, but I've already dropped the mike ;).
It's an easy choice if you're a Democrat, I was specifically talking about people in the middle who aren't necessarily going to see it that way. In any case, neither of us is changing the other's mind.
He basically said that it's likely the candidate with the most pledged delegates will win the nomination BUT that's not the only way to win and he thinks it's possible to get superdelegate support by pushing the electability argument and momentum into the convention.

Of course, as Chris Hayes pointed out, this is what someone would say at this stage of the game. You can't say you're not trying to win.


I'm trying to find the first post where I said I thought Bernie's run for president was more about his ego than anything else. Had to be about a few months ago.

This pretty much confirms it.

This was obvious back when he said Obama should be primaried and called him weak/disappointing in a roundabout way.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sigh. Straight from the candidate's mouth that he's okay with superdelegates overriding the will of the voters. Hypocrite.

Yeah, no thanks, Bern.


He basically said that it's likely the candidate with the most pledged delegates will win the nomination BUT that's not the only way to win and he thinks it's possible to get superdelegate support by pushing the electability argument and momentum into the convention.

Of course, as Chris Hayes pointed out, this is what someone would say at this stage of the game. You can't say you're not trying to win.

Either way his argument is unrealistic. He won't get a majority of pledged delegates and he won't flip supers without doing the former. His electability arguments are vapid at best given how head-to-head polling works at this stage of an election.

Basically, the correct answer here is to hold to his principles. He didn't, because he knows he can't win the most votes. He's done.
Bernie Sanders doesn't give a shit about anything other than himself.

That's the sad part. He really could do a lot of good for the DNC getting your people involved at the local level. His target base + the Obama coalition would be nearly impervious to the GOP. There could be a generation of talent that comes up as leaders for the DNC. Though everything about Sanders seems like he is only to use his new found fame to benefit himself.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Anyone with any sense always knew that Bernie was a politician like any other politician. He proves that to be true every day.
Presidential campaigns have this bad habit of damaging people I respect. I used to really like Bernie, and I used to have a tremendous amount of respect for McCain before 2008.


well a good chunk of his supporters don't feel that way about the party. They arent interested in building the bench of the party from bottom to top. There is no attachment to the party. They are independents or "both are same" or "green party" etc.
I just rewatched There Will be Blood, thinking of making an RTTP thread in the OT.

I seriously think this movie best captures what makes America, America. Anyone else agree?
He basically said that it's likely the candidate with the most pledged delegates will win the nomination BUT that's not the only way to win and he thinks it's possible to get superdelegate support by pushing the electability argument and momentum into the convention.

Of course, as Chris Hayes pointed out, this is what someone would say at this stage of the game. You can't say you're not trying to win.

This is the same guy who is arguing that he's bringing a revolution though


He basically said that it's likely the candidate with the most pledged delegates will win the nomination BUT that's not the only way to win and he thinks it's possible to get superdelegate support by pushing the electability argument and momentum into the convention.

Of course, as Chris Hayes pointed out, this is what someone would say at this stage of the game. You can't say you're not trying to win.

The problem though is that kind of message really hurts his brand. I mean I get the reason why they feel the need to make it, to make himself still seem viable, but if he wants to continue his revolution he can't say things that will damage his reputation and weaken support.
well a good chunk of his supporters don't feel that way about the party. They arent interested in building the bench of the party from bottom to top. There is no attachment to the party. They are independents or "both are same" or "green party" etc.

This is where I point out attachment to a political party requires effort from that party. And that's not something the Democrats are interested in. Which is probably wise on the grand plane of political calculus but rather undercuts the argument that those people should be attached to the party. Hell this thread generally features at least 1 post calling young people stupid whenever they break for Sanders and another that's (not so) subtly implying that not supporting Clinton or Obama is necessarily driven by racism / sexism whenever young white males break for Sanders and this thread isn't deeply mired in nearly 40 years of institutional terror of Reagan.
I just rewatched There Will be Blood, thinking of making an RTTP thread in the OT.

I seriously think this movie best captures what makes America, America. Anyone else agree?

It's hard to quantify how much I love that movie. Part of the reason I moved to LA to pursue an acting career is because of how much I loved that movie and specifically DDL's performance in it.
It's an easy choice if you're a Democrat, I was specifically talking about people in the middle who aren't necessarily going to see it that way. In any case, neither of us is changing the other's mind.

My point is that, with Hillary, the establishment could be compounding their major [post=185582963]blunder[/post] with Barack "TPP" Obama, which gifted Bernie his opening, and pitting her against Trump, might just lose them the Presidency.
Daniel B·;198569339 said:
My point is that, with Hillary, the establishment could be compounding their major [post=185582963]blunder[/post] with Barack "TPP" Obama, which gifted Bernie his opening, and pitting her against Trump, might just lose them the Presidency.

hint: It's not
its really amazing

I'll spare you the tedium of an OT thread though. There are three types of responses:

1) People who found the movie boring and pretentious.

2) People who found the movie boring and pretentious with a great performance from DDL.

3) People who think it's among the best films ever.


Daniel B·;198569339 said:
My point is that, with Hillary, the establishment could be compounding their major [post=185582963]blunder[/post] with Barack "TPP" Obama, which gifted Bernie his opening, and pitting her against Trump, might just lose them the Presidency.

Yeah keep talking shit about Obama and see where that gets you.



I don't know who is more pathetic here, Bernie thinking superdelegates that are part of the "establishment" he's done nothing but badmouth for a year are going to switch to him when he hasn't won the majority of pledged delegates, or Maddow actually entertaining this stupid notion. I swear, I've had to write off nearly every left leaning pundit this cycle for being absolutely moronic.


Presidential campaigns have this bad habit of damaging people I respect. I used to really like Bernie, and I used to have a tremendous amount of respect for McCain before 2008.

If someone wants to be president badly enough to go around the country pretending to like people they don't like and asking for money from people they don't know, they are probably a slightly delusional egomaniac in some sense. Bernie fits the bill no matter how righteous he wants to be. I used to respect McCain too (as far as respecting republicans go) but after he picked Palin it was clear he was off just another desperate politician.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Daniel B·;198569339 said:
My point is that, with Hillary, the establishment could be compounding their major [post=185582963]blunder[/post] with Barack "TPP" Obama, which gifted Bernie his opening, and pitting her against Trump, might just lose them the Presidency.
If you think Obama is a blunder then you and I have no common ground with which to have a discussion.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm now fully on the "Fuck Bernie Sanders Completely" train

Yep, i'm there too now. We still need most of his supporters to ensure Trump will not be president. But he has shown his true colors now.


To be honest I'm not even sure why Bernie is touching the superdelegate strategy thing with a ten foot pole.

You want to be a message candidate brush off process questions with "I'm here to talk about the issues blah blah blah" don't engage in the shades of "this is how fucked I am".
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