I tried to make an appeal in OT to hard line progressives on the value of voting Clinton in the general. I know it's falling on deaf ears for the most part, but I feel like we have an obligation to keep extending that hand, no matter how many times it gets slapped away. If even one person reconsiders their position, it's worth it to keep trying to meet anger and frustration with understanding and compassion. It's way too easy to just get annoyed and go, "You don't just get what you want! Sit down and shut up." That's not the way though. The exclusionary nature of the Right is what lead to the Tea Party as much if not more than radical rhetoric. We've got to own that sort of thing. We have to make it clear that far-left views matter and that we're going to leave a seat at the table open for them.
I don't want to alienate those people. Like Hillary keeps saying, we need to fight for them even if they're not prepared to fight for us. So, to all our Bernie supporters out there: I like you guys. I like what your guy stands for. I'm gunna fight like hell to open a hole in the conservative armor for you guys to stick a shit ton of socialism right up in there. I hope some of y'all see that. What'd you say? Friends?