He browses the internet on a PS3. Disappointment is not going to be a new experience for him.

. In part (plus some bookmarklet JS coding from yours truly), thanks to Sony's use of a spare SPU for the PS3 Adobe Flash support, I'm currently catching up on PoliGAF posts, whilst listening to the audio of a YT video, in the background, with virtually zero audio dropouts, on loading new GAF pages (clicking links) etc, in the popup IFrame window (an example of true multi-processor, multi-tasking)

To display popup, PS3 Bookmarklet user actually has to turn JS off (with video playing), as handled by my JW Player JS callback (handily, in current WebKit based browser, Flash JS callbacks are still processed, with JS off, which also allows me to prevent someone trying to circumvent bookmarklet license).
No new uses of flax seeds, although my homemade whole wheat bread (yeast free) is still a favorite (have for toast, in the morning, and for a sandwich, at lunch), especially as I can rustle up a loaf in around 15 minutes (inc. 5 min, to crush seeds, plus, 35 minutes baking time).
After Walmart switched from butter to margarine (and HFCS...) in their "European Style" croissants (heresy; no response to my email complaint to customer service), I did break my aversion to baking with yeast, with my first attempt at authentic
butter croissants (used half the butter, 2% milk (instead of whole), and no melted butter, which all together possibly explained why dough was way too sticky - had to add more flour), and although they took quite a bit of effort, the end results were quite good (apart fiom almost trashing my pristine heavy duty baking tray - will use parchment paper in future). I froze half of pre-baked croissants, which was also a mistake (once baked, they were no where near as good as first (fresh) batch), as should have frozen after baking (once thoroughly cooled). For my next attempt, I'm going to try using whole wheat flour (a world first?

), instead of the left over King Arthur's unbleached white I was using up).
P.S. It's a sign! It's a sign! Guess where the affordable ($10)
J.K. Adams FRP-1 Maple French Rolling Pin I bought especially, came from (via Amazon)? Only frigin Vermont, U. S. of A.
