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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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The terrible hard left journalists for the Rolling Stones are really worried about this Hulk Hogan judgment, but then one of them said that he wished ISIS captured and executed Josh Barro, so honestly, I'm okay with these guys losing their jobs.


and I'm not a fan of the judgement but its hard to win with gawkers argument. the damages is outrageous though


No Scrubs

and I'm not a fan of the judgement but its hard to win with gawkers argument. the damages is outrageous though

Honestly I'm completely fine with the judgement. Gawker's been stepping over the line way too much over the years and if it wasn't Hogan it would have been someone else. With the way they practiced journalism this was inevitable.

User 406

Herman Cain just argued on Fox News that maybe the KKK endorsed Donald Trump because they like his jobs program



and I'm not a fan of the judgement but its hard to win with gawkers argument. the damages is outrageous though

One of Jeb Lund's friends:


Anyway, people should quit posting celebrity sextapes and blog edgelords should stop talking about how sex tapes involving five year olds should be posted to the internet. It's excessive, but honestly, if you joke about uploading child porn as a part of the "public good," you're probably gonna get fucked up.


Honestly I'm completely fine with the judgement. Gawker's been stepping over the line way too much over the years and if it wasn't Hogan it would have been someone else. With the way they practiced journalism this was inevitable.

Abetting that blackmail attempt was truly beyond defensible.


Er, what? Even if Booker's election was on the same day it would have been considered a special election. That was held in 2013 because the previous guy had died - the seat wasn't actually up until 2014, where Booker won a full 6-year term.

If Booker became VP, Christie would likely appoint a GOP to his seat but there would be a special election 3-4 months later (so April-May) to fill the rest of Booker's term.

If it's looking like Democrats are going to dominate up and down the ballot I'll be all for Booker as VP, I know some people don't like him but the dude's charismatic as fuck and complements Hillary well. Saw him speak in 09 back when he was still mayor of Newark and just thought "my God, the next Obama."

I also really want him and Kamala to run together in the future.

Republicans wanted Christie to wait a year and appoint a long term replacement (questionable if this was legal). Democrats wanted Christie to hold the election in November when an election was already scheduled. Christie wanted to appease Democrats by not waiting a year (to run up his margins) but didn't want people turning out for Booker in November (decreasing his margins) so scheduled a quick special election. None of these factors will be in play if Booker becomes VP (which I support). Christie is not going to hold a snap election because he only did so for the aforementioned reasons

It's not even clear at this point if Christie himself will be in office in NJ in November



If something like this were to happen, then I'd want to see all the candidates get the same caliber questions. I want them hit hard, and none of this bullshit with Hillary getting asked to break down the meaning of life while Bernie gets asked to rant about just how corrupt the banks are, and meanwhile the Republicans get asked what their favorite lullaby is and how hard they'll blow up ISIS.

Otherwise it's just an episode of State of the Union.
RMoney endorses Cruz? Makes no sense. Wow, just wow. They're projectile vomiting all over the place.

The wording of his "endorsement" is hilarious. It's very bluntly an appeal to get Cruz enough delegates to stop Trump from getting 1,237 so they can "nominate a republican" at a contested convention. He slyly refrained from saying Cruz should even be that republican.
Can we all just take a moment and appreciate that there's a very good chance that we'll have a Presidential debate with Hillary Clinton on one side and Donald Trump on the other.

I mean....that's going to be beautiful.


Honestly I'm completely fine with the judgement. Gawker's been stepping over the line way too much over the years and if it wasn't Hogan it would have been someone else. With the way they practiced journalism this was inevitable.

I mean, what Gawker did would be straight-up revenge porn if an individual did it, I don't see how that falls under protection just because they're a news org.

I'm still amazed that no one lost their job over the UVA scandal.

Their response to the reports that critiqued their conduct was "yeah we'll continue to hire the writer back if we want." They literally did nothing to even pretend they wouldn't continue business as usual. Will be interesting to see how the two suits against them proceed.


Just got back from the Trump event in SLC. That... was quite something. Seemingly a perfect snapshot of America in 2016.

Loved seeing so many protesters out there. We were in line for the event initially, but ended up on the side of the protesters once they arrived. Really weird venue choice... Only held about 700 and there were probably 7,000 people there wanting to enter.

Seeing people screaming and cursing at one another for no other reason than their political alignment was a pretty upsetting. Then again, it goes to show how much this election has divided the country and has allowed anger and fear to drive that divide.

The most common response from Trump supporters to the protesters? "Get a job." Of course.
Just got back from the Trump event in SLC. That... was quite something. Seemingly a perfect snapshot of America in 2016.

Loved seeing so many protesters out there. We were in line for the event initially, but ended up on the side of the protesters once they arrived. Really weird venue choice... Only held about 700 and there were probably 7,000 people there wanting to enter.

Seeing people screaming and cursing at one another for no other reason than their political alignment was a pretty upsetting. Then again, it goes to show how much this election has divided the country and has allowed anger and fear to drive that divide.

The most common response from Trump supporters to the protesters? "Get a job." Of course.

"Get a job" is such a weird taunt from people, claiming to be not racist most of the time, supporting a candidate whose only slogan not deep fried in racism being that he will bring more jobs to the United States.

If there were enough jobs such that any protester could get a job, why would we need Trump to bring back jobs from South Korea?
Seeing people screaming and cursing at one another for no other reason than their political alignment was a pretty upsetting. Then again, it goes to show how much this election has divided the country and has allowed anger and fear to drive that divide.

The election did no such thing. It simply allowed us to see with greater ease what was already there.
Economic thought moved right because communism was exposed as a complete failure.

This was a good thing. The question is now no longer "Is capitalism the right way to go" but instead "what form of capitalism is best?"

The Democrats were right to shift rightward here, because they're following empiricism and knowledge.

We didn't move from the golden age of capitalism and that era's economic thought because communism was exposed as complete failure. I mean what?
Looks like the voices inside Cher are saying a lot more than 'I really don't think youre strong enough'

I can't Believe that I Found Someone who had the guts to try and be witty about Cher's lyrics. You know, I don't know if you're a Gypsy, Tramp or a Thief, but I'm not Strong Enough to argue with you. The voices inside her head just tell her that this is a Woman's World. And, I know We all Sleep Alone, but the voices do come in handy. I'm sure if you could Turn Back Time, you wouldn't want to make such an easy joke at queen's expense.


Oh God, that H.A. Goodman article title list ivysaur linked in the thread. I knew it was bad, but it just kept going.

Please tell me he's not getting paid actual money for those.


Oh God, that H.A. Goodman article title list ivysaur linked in the thread. I knew it was bad, but it just kept going.

Please tell me he's not getting paid actual money for those.

Some of them are amaaaazing.

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10 Reasons Caitlyn Jenner Is Absolutely Right About Hillary Clinton
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Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President
Obama's Justice Department Just Gave Bryan Pagliano Immunity and Bernie Sanders the Presidency
Bernie Sanders Won Colorado and Beats Donald Trump by 5 More Points Than Clinton
The FBI's Investigation of Clinton's Emails Makes Bernie Sanders the True Democratic Front-Runner
White Privilege Helps Hillary Clinton Survive Controversy. Bernie Sanders Was Arrested in 1963
Bernie Sanders Has Earned His Success. Hillary Clinton Embodies White Privilege
Bernie Sanders Will Ban Private Prisons. Hillary Clinton Accepted $133,246 From Prison Lobbyists
Bernie Sanders Will Become President. The FBI and 67 Percent of Americans Distrust Hillary Clinton
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Beware of the Angry White People Supporting Hillary and Spreading the 'Bernie Bro' Myth
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Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination and Presidency in a Landslide
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Bernie Sanders Won't Accept Money From Billionaires. Donald Trump Donated $100,000 to Hillary Clinton.
Trump is still pissed at Rosie O'Donnell. He doesn't let things go. He actually names that as his biggest weakness when asked in debates.

When FOX News is accusing you of being an asshole to women, instead of victim-blaming and saying it's just part of political correctness and over-sensitivity, you know you done fucked up.
There's also things like:
America needs a Vietnam veteran like Jim Webb for president
How O'Malley, Warren and Webb can save Democrats from Clinton
I’m a Liberal Democrat. I’m Voting for Rand Paul in 2016

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so disturbing.


When FOX News is accusing you of being an asshole to women, instead of victim-blaming and saying it's just part of political correctness and over-sensitivity, you know you done fucked up.

I hope he keeps it up. Cause if he's the republican nominee him completely alienating Fox News and a significant chunk of their female viewership is good for the Dems. It would be surreal to see them not only attacking Trump but not attacking Hillary and occasionally defending her.


I hope he keeps it up. Cause if he's the republican nominee him completely alienating Fox News and a significant chunk of their female viewership is good for the Dems. It would be surreal to see them not only attacking Trump but not attacking Hillary and occasionally defending her.

You're acting like Ailes and Murdoch won't come crawling back to Trump on their hands and knees as soon as he's the nominee.
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