Kasich called a cop an idiot for pulling him over and lied about it to the press.
Kasich called a cop an idiot for pulling him over and lied about it to the press.
If you want a picture of how opinions have changed on Hillary around here, take a look at this thread:
Ivy in particular. Wow.
Etc.Fuck Hillary
If you want a picture of how opinions have changed on Hillary around here, take a look at this thread:
Ivy in particular. Wow.
If you want a picture of how opinions have changed on Hillary around here, take a look at this thread:
Ivy in particular. Wow.
This "change" thing is getting annoying. I'm for sameness.
If you want a picture of how opinions have changed on Hillary around here, take a look at this thread:
Ivy in particular. Wow.
Though numerically I missed the win/loss in these states by 0.2% and 1.6%, I fully recognize that the difference is night and day. This is why I started over, from scratch, and have spent the last two days building a more robust and comprehensive model that can account for factors that I had previously thought were indirectly contained within the variables I was using.
Get ready guys, Tyler has started his model from scratch this time!
This has to be an elaborate troll now
Have to say, I like Obama, but the vilification of Hillarity is kinda scary. UUUUNITYYYY fight the republican evvviil
Get ready guys, Tyler has started his model from scratch this time!
This has to be an elaborate troll now
War never changesNah. The posters around here would rather have a Scalia court until they're old men, rather than vote for that vile woman.
/broken record
And yeah, not only is it interesting how people's opinions have shifted, but also how our language and culture has changed. People were openly throwing around insults against Hillary back then that would result in mass bannings now.
At least HylianTom has been consistent - he was posting then that no matter who wins the democratic nomination, it's important they win to make sure the Supreme Court wasn't overrun by crazy right wingers.
And yeah, not only is it interesting how people's opinions have shifted, but also how our language and culture has changed. People were openly throwing around insults against Hillary back then that would result in mass bannings now.
So I'm supposed to just trust the next GOP president and hope that he/she appoints justices that I find palatable? Knowing that there's a damn good chance that they could very well put people up who will vote against me on issues near and dear to me for the next three decades of my life? Really? Really?
I didn't trust Bush II on this (and have thus far been soundly vindicated), and I see no reason to trust any of the current GOP bunch running. Two (maybe three) thirty-year terms on the bench - NOT a gamble I'm willing to take. Do you understand the weight of such a gamble? Do you get it?
Yeah, it's a bit nuts to look back and see people getting away with so many blatant sexist remarks.
like this?
As a 19 year old, I think relying on young people is a shitty strategy. They never go out and vote when it really matters.
As opposed to old people, who do nothing but stew around in their poo for months and then they go and vote.
This is basically what I have read. With the media narrative, you'd think Hilary's record screams old establishment and Barack votes his heart. They...uh, have very similar voting records.
Yeah, this is what I am referring to. I'd like some change too. But I doubt any politician can single handedly bring real change...or necessarily even spur it.
A. I was 19
B. I was right! HAHA BERNIE should have read my post 8 years ago
Replace Barack with Bernie and...
That's when you realize this election is basically the same. On the Democratic side of things anyway.
Get ready guys, Tyler has started his model from scratch this time!
This has to be an elaborate troll now
I was rooting for Ron Paul in 2008. The oil spike scared the crap out of me. Ron Paul was a good starter candidate because he helped me get informed pretty rapidly. I read the Constitution a few times and learned a lot about economics and foreign intervention.
The democratic women of NH need a gigantic dick slap.
He also had a bit of Trump in him. Won literally every online straw poll for like eight years. Media refused to take him seriously...until it was too late. Except they were right that time.I always secretly rooted for Ron Paul. Not because I ever wanted to vote for him but because he'd always fuck with the other Republicans and tell them how stupid their ideas were at the debates.
The original Reddit candidate.
Yeah. I think it also shows why she's much more dominant than he was this time.Yeah, I mean, the difference this time is that Clinton has Obama's coalition - young people and Bernie has (Obama's Coalition) + young people. Bernie is not a unifying candidate or even a broadly appealing candidate.
Damn, Obama was so good. I hope he really stumps hard for Hilldawg this summer. I want to see 20,000 people+ rallies like he had in Portland in 08.
I'm so happy to read these old posts and see I've grown up. And to see that my understanding of how politics work has so dramatically evolved. Kvetching over 3% (3k votes) in New Hampshire...they got like the same amount of delegates! What were you thinking, KEV?
People recoil when we say there was a huge element of sexism in the 2008 campaign today. People don't like to admit we grow and change, and we suck a lot in the place we grew from. Which is why I like Hillary!
Chris Matthews has nice words for him because he's the best.
It sucked.What was funny about McCain's prepared speech?
Fred Thompson - "Please clap"
This campaign was so F*CKING FUN! This one sucks by comparison.
War never changes
HylianTom spitting the still completely relevant truth.
North Korea about to get rekt by @realDonaldTrump in the next half hour.