I could see the Republicans basically devolving into 2 parties, one for Economic and one for Social conservatism, with the religious types sprinkling both.
I could see the Republicans basically devolving into 2 parties, one for Economic and one for Social conservatism, with the religious types sprinkling both.
If they split their vote like that, neither would be competitive.
I dont know if the devolution will happen this november, but there's gonna be dangerous cracks in the dam for sure. All these GOP meetings and talk from conservative thought leaders leads me to believe a Romney 3rd party nomination is likely, in an effort to preserve congressional and downballot races. But this looks like a one time deal.I could see the Republicans basically devolving into 2 parties, one for Economic and one for Social conservatism, with the religious types sprinkling both.
I dont know if the devolution will happen this november, but there's gonna be dangerous cracks in the dam for sure. All these GOP meetings and talk from conservative thought leaders leads me to believe a Romney 3rd party nomination is likely, in an effort to preserve congressional and downballot races. But this looks like a one time deal.
If they honestly want to preserve the party, they should ride the Trump ticket and eat the losses for 2 years. Forget about being a President.
Hmm. What does Sanders campaigning for Clinton even look like...
Secretary Clinton is a fighter for you, the business model of Wall St is fraud. She'll make a great President, no more disastrous trade deals. We can't have a Republican President, millionaires billionaires.
Ideally yeah
In all likelihood, the social branch dies off in less than a decade.
I still don't think the economic party would be competitive. The social stuff is currently being used to convince the white working class to vote against their own interests. If the republicans abandon it, they won't anymore. Which is kind of what's happening with Trump right now.
Hmm. What does Sanders campaigning for Clinton even look like...
Secretary Clinton is a fighter for you, the business model of Wall St is fraud. She'll make a great President, no more disastrous trade deals. We can't have a Republican President, millionaires billionaires.
Has he ever really campaigned for some else like he's expected to here? I know he says he campaigned hard for Obama, but the latter's senior staff don't remember that being the case.
In all likelihood, the social branch dies off in less than a decade.
Hate to kill your optimism, but there's no way. The social part of conservatism has to be the strongest part by far. Look at Trump and Cruz voters for example
Hate to kill your optimism, but there's no way. The social part of conservatism has to be the strongest part by far. Look at Trump and Cruz voters for example
Yeah, but on the other hand, if they abandon the social stuff, I think you'd see a realignment. They stand to get minority support, the gender gap narrows, etc.
Yeah, but demographic shifts are rapidly making them obsolete.
Yeah, but demographic shifts are rapidly making them obsolete.
Yep NY's totally in play this November
Just because I enjoy fanticizing about stuff that won't happen, let's say the Dems win 30+ seats and retake the house. What does Hillary focus on or pass in the first two years?
I feel like if we were able to pull that off, we need to avoid passing something that would end up being massively unpopular and will drive the opposition crazy and suffer another mid term slaughter like in 2010. Focus on legislation that will be popular.
Sensible minimum wage increase
Small business tax cuts/credits
Social Security/VA expansions
education/college/student debt reform
I think we need to stay away from Healthcare and immigration. Don't impose any sweeping or major legislation with either. Maybe minor stuff like the perscription drug price controls or something.. But pushing anything major in either area will probably lead to another mid term 2010 like devastation. They are too controversial and wind up the people that vote in midterms way too much. Id say go for it if the house can be retaken or is still there in a second term, but not the first. I don't want a repeat of this presidency in regards to congress
It's one thing to lose it in 2018, and another thing to lose 64+ seats.If we win the house in 2016 we'd lose it again no matter what in 2018, so I say swing for the fences.
I'd think immigration and criminal justice reform would be the best targets. Because consider the electoral ramifications of both.
Trump extols the virtues of Planned Parenthood, doesn't say a word about the gays, and tells stories about two Corinthians. Not the best example. Evangelicalism has become mingled with a weird American Nationalism; Trump is now explicitly preaching the gospel of American Empire and Evangelicals are lapping it up.
And within them there will always be far more temporarily embarrassed millionaires than there are self identified proletariat.There will always be far more lower and middle class voters than wealthy ones. Tax breaks for the rich and deregulation are not winning strategies on their own.
Bernie Sanders is the new Ron Paul. He will find a way in the eyes of his supporters.
Stop comparing him to Ron Paul. Jesus.
Yeah he's more like the liberal Tea Party.
Try again?
Truth hurts.
Truth hurts.
It's headed in that direction. They have not shut down the government to protest shit yet. They also have no one in office other than one senator.
It's headed in that direction.
Only if it's true. Junior.
Whoa whoa here.
Are you telling me Bernie Sanders supporters only have one person named Bernie Sanders in the US government? Get out of here. I figured they would have tons of Bernie Sanderses at this point.
Not really. I see comments like this and wonder if people have never seen a Presidential primary before.
The movement could certainly dissappear after the primary. It shares quite a few similar traits I can't get into on my phone.
If we take the House in 2016 then our number one goal must be to expand Democratic control for redistricting in 2018. Then gerrymander the shit out of the Republicans. If we can pull that off we'll have stacked the Supreme Court, have control of the White House, and also the Congress for a good decade or two.
Only if it's true. Junior.
No, the goal should be getting rid of partisan gerrymandering. The entire process is inherently corrupt and needs to be fixed, not used to any parties' advantage.
Only if it's true. Junior.
This isn't fair, either. The Tea Party had an impact on government!Yeah he's more like the liberal Tea Party.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 28m28 minutes ago
In its media usage, "Millennial" just seems to be a synonym for "elite educated white 20somethings from relatively affluent backgrounds."
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 29m29 minutes ago
But then I'm not sure black Southerners (or black people, or Southerners) are what folks have in mind when they say "Millennial."
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 30m30 minutes ago
I finally read that story about Millennials and as a Millennial myself, I find it...a bit unrecognizable.