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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I can't even with all of this kool aid drinking. At least Obama's hopium was founded and had evidence for it. Bernie's is just... delusion.


Is this actually going viral?

I pity anyone who believes this, and I worry that Bernie is starting to...

According to Game Change, in 2008 Hillary at first really wanted to wait and take it to the convention and see what happened. Her own staff had to talk her down, convince her that she would be doing permanent damage to her own legacy and achieve nothing in the process. The question now is whether Weaver and Devine have it in them to do the same.


And not to pile on that image, but don't several states have sore loser laws that would stop Bernie from even running as an independent?

Am I remembering correctly Gary Johnston couldn't get on the ballot in 2012 in Michigan for a similar reason?


My goodness.. it's only March and we're already seeing new statistical terms being invented.

I'm already looking forward to the explanations that Trumpeteers will have for the polls in October.
After he loses the election in November, Trump moves in to the white house, justified by the retroactive momentum unaccounted for in the election.

His first act as president is to nominate Omarosa to fill the vacancy on the supreme court. Mitch McConnell confirms the nomination immediately, and in a 5-4 decision, the principle of retroactive momentum is enshrined in law.

Of course, this retroactively invalidates Obama's presidency, because Acorn and also he's not a US citizen. The ACA is nullified, and Kagan and Sotomayor are removed from the bench.
And not to pile on that image, but don't several states have sore loser laws that would stop Bernie from even running as an independent?

Am I remembering correctly Gary Johnston couldn't get on the ballot in 2012 in Michigan for a similar reason?

Texas and South Dakota (or North) do at the Presidential level.


According to Game Change, in 2008 Hillary at first really wanted to wait and take it to the convention and see what happened. Her own staff had to talk her down, convince her that she would be doing permanent damage to her own legacy and achieve nothing in the process. The question now is whether Weaver and Devine have it in them to do the same.
Assuming they're not the ones actually encouraging Sanders to keep going.


Unconfirmed Member
Is this actually going viral?

I pity anyone who believes this, and I worry that Bernie is starting to...
If being an independent is so much better than the DNCs tyrannical grip then why the fuck did he run as a Dem? Oh yeah, no one would have given a fuck about his candidacy otherwise.


According to Game Change, in 2008 Hillary at first really wanted to wait and take it to the convention and see what happened. Her own staff had to talk her down, convince her that she would be doing permanent damage to her own legacy and achieve nothing in the process. The question now is whether Weaver and Devine have it in them to do the same.
They not that smart
Assuming they're not the ones actually encouraging Sanders to keep going.
That too


Bernie on 3/15:
“Look, here’s the truth. You’re right, I am the longest serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. And when we gave some thought to running for president, and the reason I gave thought, honestly, is not because I disrespect Secretary Clinton. I’ve known her for 25 years and I respect her.

“I just happen to believe that in this moment of history, given the crises that we face, it is too late for establishment politics and establishment economics. So we did have to make that decision. Do you run as an independent? Do you run within the Democratic Party? We concluded – and I think it was absolutely the right decision – that, A, in terms of media coverage, you have to run within the Democratic Party.

“Number two, that to run as an independent, you need, you could be a billionaire. If you’re a billionaire, you can do that. I’m not a billionaire. So the structure of American politics today is such that I thought the right ethic was to run within the Democratic Party.”

So I guess he's not threatening to run third party. However it's quite interesting, unlike June of last year, he didn't seem to mention that by going third party he may accidentally be helping the Republicans. His tune has changed a bit. He is now basically thumbing his nose at the DNC and admitting to using them for media coverage and threw in some excuse about not being a billionaire.
the likely outcome is the inverse with Trump representing R at 36 and Perry for example representing Constitution at 9.
I just hope that in such a scenario Hillary would still clear 50% so we wouldn't have to hear conservatives bitch endlessly about one of the candidates "stealing" the election for the other.
the likely outcome is the inverse with Trump representing R at 36 and Perry for example representing Constitution at 9.
It'd have be someone like Perry who doesn't have future political aspirations because a 3rd party run would leave you dead in the water come 2020. It's a scorched earth tactic that you can't put your name to if you want to make a serious run at the Republican nomination.


PA, MI, MN and WI "likely to be the most hotly contested battleground states"


When will they ever learn.

They do this EVERY time. I live in Michigan and I'm continually baffled by everyone beating the "it's one of the top battleground states!!!" drum every election even though we haven't gone Republican in 28 years and the margin is usually like 10 points.
A 3rd party candidacy isn't about winning anything, nor is it about denying Trump the Presidency. i think it's only about trying to salvage what they can down ticket. It would give Republicans who loathe Trump an excuse to go out and vote anyway. Congresscritters could distance themselves from Trump.

Of course, the interesting thing is to see what would happen of any of these people would still consider themselves Republicans, or do they switch parties (at least on paper?) It would be odd to see a member of a party tell their constituents to vote for another party entirely when someone from their party is still running.


PA will never be a battleground state, Jesus fuck. Philly and the Philly suburbs alone will ensure that Trump won't sniff a victory here.

Even John fucking Kerry carried PA and Bush pushed haaaaard for PA back in 2004.


updated thread assignment
April Madness- dramatis
* All April Contest

May Meltdown- Open
All May Contest

June Showdown- Adam387
All June contest

*Veepstakes is going to be in PoliGAF

2016 Republican National Convention-b-dubs
2016 Democratic National Convention- NeoXChaos

1st Presidential Debate-b-dubs
Vice Presidential Debate-Ebay Huckster
2nd Presidential Debate-kingkitty
3rd Presidential Debate-Holmes

General Election 2016-Aaron Strife

Democratic Debates
Apil- kingkatty
I'm going to need some super gay consultation for my debate thread.

If only there were any gay posters in PoliGAF. The thread is so circumspect and on-topic that even if there were I wouldn't be able to tell.

I'm sure one of us could help you. :p

What's your theme/ Mine was going to be super gay sooooo.....
I'm glad Tom Cotton is talking about banning Muslim refugees from the United States under the guise of "stopping Christian genocide."

Cotton, be the man the Constitution Party needs. Get 3% and cry to your fucking mother, dipshit.
If Coburn or Perry is the third party candidate they may as well not even bother. Their presence on the ballot for the Constitution Party isn't going to affect down ticket races. But why would anyone with a political future run? So you're probably going to be stuck with nobodies that won't affect the race.


Crowder: Gotta hand it to the ‪#‎StillSanders‬ crowd, who stick by their candidate despite him being such a loser...
I saw a new hashtag today #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words which had a lot of Bernie memes in it. I appreciate their passion. It also makes me realize why some of them don't understand or don't talk to anyone that votes for Hillary or otherwise. These people are not on Twitter, they're not interested in hashtags or memes. Not just millennials vote, and that concept can sometimes elude people who never hear any other voices besides those who think just like them.


In Bernie's defense, he is doing a good job at getting some people to get interested in politics. However, the people who are getting interested are those petty voters who go "my vote doesn't matter" "Fuck the establishment" "If it's not candidate x I'm not voting"

We need more people like Obama running for office who rallies everyone to be excited about voting. Not just BroVoters who change their political as often as I change my underwear, which is daily.



Relevant, though old, article that popped up on my Twitter feed (going into some reasons some liberals "hate" Hilary)

I saw a new hashtag today #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words which had a lot of Bernie memes in it. I appreciate their passion. It also makes me realize why some of them don't understand or don't talk to anyone that votes for Hillary or otherwise. These people are not on Twitter, they're not interested in hashtags or memes. Not just millennials vote, and that concept can sometimes elude people who never hear any other voices besides those who think just like them.

Who is the Hilary Voter?
They do this EVERY time. I live in Michigan and I'm continually baffled by everyone beating the "it's one of the top battleground states!!!" drum every election even though we haven't gone Republican in 28 years and the margin is usually like 10 points.
The problem is in a neutral (tied 50-50) election, the outstate in those states are indeed likely to be very close, but Philadelphia, Detroit, Madison/Milwaukee and Minneapolis/St. Paul will always deliver them to the Democrat by a 5 point margin or so. The MN DFL learned this in 2012 when the marriage amendment failed, and Dayton and Franken modeled their reelection campaigns completely on the No on Marriage campaign and won easily. Democrats in these blue-in-presidential/red-in-midterms states just need to amp up turnout with city voters and they'll win, but don't ask me specifically how they'll do that.

An extreme example is Illinois. Pat Quinn won three counties in 2010. He won the governor's race that year by about a point because one of those counties was Cook, which contains Chicago and about 40% of the state population. If not for Chicago, Illinois would be as red as Indiana.
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