Framerate :U
Two criminals discuss Christmas decorations in the White House.
Will Bill be in charge of this next year?
Hillary Clinton is not 30fps locked.
Framerate :U
Two criminals discuss Christmas decorations in the White House.
Will Bill be in charge of this next year?
Poor Jeb.WASHINGTON In the final days of his doomed presidential bid, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) loaned his campaign more than $400,000 to keep it afloat.
The revelation of Bushs self-financing comes from the Federal Election Commission report covering the final month of his campaign. Bush dropped out of the Republican presidential primary on Feb. 20 after failing to finish better than fourth place in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina.
In what universe does Hilary lose Ny to Bernie?
In what universe does Hilary lose Ny to Bernie?
In what universe does Hilary lose Ny to Bernie?
Gore is an idiot politician, even bigger than I had thought when I was younger.
He definitely deserves credit for making his mark when it comes to climate change; it was probably the smartest thing he could have done after losing the election.
The irony is that he distanced himself from Clinton because of the Lewinsky scandal and then all these years later got a divorce with his wife. I believe there was some cheating going on.
The Whigs splintered over slavery only really. The Republicans were basically the abolitionist wing of the Whig Party plus the Know Nothings and Liberty Party.So Benji, if they do manage to wrest the nomination from Trump or they run Jeb Bush as a third party against him...
Whigs 2.0?
It does seems like Hillary supporters does seem less enthusiastic, but I say that it really does seem like her voters aren't the ones that are visible on the internet as in some places the internet is dominated by young people and they seem to lean towards Sanders. But it is surprising to me that is some cases the young vote isn't as high to overcome Hillary in many states. I think Hillary has enthusiasm from supporters, but they aren't as passionate about it in the same way as Bernie's .
Bill Clinton did the Family Circle's First Lady cookie contest in 2008, and submitted a basic ass oatmeal cookie recipe. And I mean basic.
I, mean, I know the man is a vegan, but damn.
He couldn't even eat those since they have egg in them. What a sad recipe. I mean, I hate the stereotype anyway that spouses have to be some type of domestic goddess...but come on, Bill. Get someone with some shit to make a good vegan, gluten free cookie.
It does seems like Hillary supporters does seem less enthusiastic, but I say that it really does seem like her voters aren't the ones that are visible on the internet as in some places the internet is dominated by young people and they seem to lean towards Sanders. But it is surprising to me that is some cases the young vote isn't as high to overcome Hillary in many states. I think Hillary has enthusiasm from supporters, but they aren't as passionate about it in the same way as Bernie's .
Fuckin' foodies, always acting like they're better than thousands of years of good cooking. You wanna know why every oatmeal cookie recipe looks like that? Because it's the best fucking cookie, that's why. A batch of those and a tall glass of cold milk is pure bliss. Now I want to make a batch. I put chocolate chips in mine, oooo look at me I'm a special god damn snowflake with a secret recipe so I can look down my nose at the proven part that makes it work.
When your metric for passion is measured in tweets and reddit posts per minute, sure.
Because political historian isn't really a thing in academia anymore. Though I suppose I could just hook onto a think tank/institute or write books/articles for popular consumption like plenty of other people. I talked to Mackinac a few years ago and I like Midland.So benjipwns, what do you do for a living? And if it's not Political historian, why is that?
Baio had endorsed Walker before he dropped out...Scott "Charles in Charge" Baio endorsed Trump. How soon before Willie "Bibleman" Aames backs Cruz?
I think I'm going to predict right now that Ted Cruz is going to be the nominee in 2020. Bush and Rubio are damaged goods, Brownback and Jindal will never be able to live down what they did to their states, Walker may be leading Wisconsin down a similar path to the previous two, and nobody else has much of a national political profile right now because Trump absolutely decimated the "deep Republican bench". Ted Cruz has been the nexus of the anti-Obama movement for as long as he's been in the national political spotlight, he retains credibility with evangelicals and movement conservatives, he's by far the best-organized candidate in either race right now, he has a few very rich backers who really believe in him, and he'll be able to walk into 2020 as the guy who went toe-to-toe with Donald Trump, never backed down, embarrassed him on policy knowledge, and correctly predicted that he would be crushed by Hillary Clinton while still holding onto his anti-establishment clout by not having a single goddamn friend in Washington, D.C. Trump is going to be the beginning of the end for the GOP in its current incarnation, but I think they have one last gasp in them, one last grasping for electoral relevance as they decide that the real trick is nominating a "true" conservative after compromising Blue Staters like Romney and Trump failed to get the job done. Then Cruz will get crushed once again by the strong Obama coalition, and Republicans will finally be in a place where they'll be ready to start realigning, paving the way for a GOP Bill Clinton by 2032 or so.
I think I'm going to predict right now that Ted Cruz is going to be the nominee in 2020. Bush and Rubio are damaged goods, Brownback and Jindal will never be able to live down what they did to their states, Walker may be leading Wisconsin down a similar path to the previous two, and nobody else has much of a national political profile right now because Trump absolutely decimated the "deep Republican bench". Ted Cruz has been the nexus of the anti-Obama movement for as long as he's been in the national political spotlight, he retains credibility with evangelicals and movement conservatives, he's by far the best-organized candidate in either race right now, he has a few very rich backers who really believe in him, and he'll be able to walk into 2020 as the guy who went toe-to-toe with Donald Trump, never backed down, embarrassed him on policy knowledge, and correctly predicted that he would be crushed by Hillary Clinton while still holding onto his anti-establishment clout by not having a single goddamn friend in Washington, D.C. Trump is going to be the beginning of the end for the GOP in its current incarnation, but I think they have one last gasp in them, one last grasping for electoral relevance as they decide that the real trick is nominating a "true" conservative after compromising Blue Staters like Romney and Trump failed to get the job done. Then Cruz will get crushed once again by the strong Obama coalition, and Republicans will finally be in a place where they'll be ready to start realigning, paving the way for a GOP Bill Clinton by 2032 or so.
Walker and Rand will probably run again. Nikki Haley and Tim Scott out of SC.
Tim Scott wouldn't fare much better than Lindsey, I feel. But Haley could easily fill the role of an "establishment" pick now that Rubio's been K.O.'d.
I doubt she'd win against Hillary, since it's more of the GOP's "it's not the policies, it's the package" mindset. Though she does have an odd way of making people like her. Even I kind of like her and I have no idea why, because I really shouldn't.
Walker and Rand will probably run again. Nikki Haley and Tim Scott out of SC. Tom Cotton, John Thune.
Rubio's people are already planning a 2020 bid. Christie's too supposedly.
Justin Amash has said he'll run for President at some point, I assume whenever Rand finally doesn't.
Walker I think will be fucked ... Haley and Scott I don't see having much traction. Rubio and Christie are fucking cooked after this year. Rand maybe
Walker and Rand have no shot against
It doesn't really matter much whether a candidate can objectively be competitive in deciding if they run or not. Look at this field. And the one before it. And the one before it. And the one before that. And Alan Keyes' entire political career.Tim Scott wouldn't fare much better than Lindsey, I feel.
watlol, Walker and Rand only ever won elections because of their hardcore racism
There will be a Republican Party. It has too many advantages cooked into the books.It's way too early to predict 2020 considering we don't even know if there will be a Republican party or what it will look like.
Cruz had a base, and was high in the polls dating back to 2014. Better than Rubio even. Cruz raised more money than the non-Jeb field of candidates before the voting started.Cruz is only in the position he is because of Trump. Without Trump he's just a better funded Santorum, and he's going to have a ton of obstacles in 2020.
When your metric for passion is measured in tweets and reddit posts per minute, sure.
Posting porn is against the rules.PollyVote has updated their model:
Anti-Trump forces in the GOP:
Why the hell is Mitt voting/endorsing Cruz? Wouldn't it make more sense to vote for Kasich if they're hoping for some kind of pull back to being a moderate?
Holy shit, GOP makes no sense.
Because he doesn't want to throw his vote away on a loser who won't even be on the convention's first ballot?Why the hell is Mitt voting/endorsing Cruz? Wouldn't it make more sense to vote for Kasich if they're hoping for some kind of pull back to being a moderate?
Mitt just wants to deny Trump the 1237 so that Mitt can put his own name in at a brokered convention.
Is this something that Cruz isn't aware of though? I mean, Cruz is straight up thanking him for that endorsement...
Of course he is aware, but why publicly acknowledge it? They're both playing the game, they just have different endings in mind. For now, their interests are fully aligned.Is this something that Cruz isn't aware of though? I mean, Cruz is straight up thanking him for that endorsement...
Why would Cruz give a shit about the real reasons why Mitt is endorsing him as long as he benefits?Is this something that Cruz isn't aware of though? I mean, Cruz is straight up thanking him for that endorsement...
Why he endorsed him:Scott "Charles in Charge" Baio endorsed Trump. How soon before Willie "Bibleman" Aames backs Cruz? Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro that Trump "speaks like I speak," Baio said that he is "fed up" with Republicans and now considers himself a conservative independent, but values Trump's forthrightness.
"It's very simple, because when he speaks I understand him," Baio told Pirro. "He speaks like I speak, he communicates with people very well. I want him, as any one person can do, to go into Washington and blow it up."
Fabio did too after becoming a citizen last Wednesday. Likes his immigration stance.Scott "Charles in Charge" Baio endorsed Trump. How soon before Willie "Bibleman" Aames backs Cruz?
Can't run away from it even in the comic book moviesI dreamed I was arguing with someone that Sanders should court the AA women vote. I think I need a vacation
Your job is to not worry about 47% of these voters.PollyVote has updated their model:
Anti-Trump forces in the GOP: