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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Yesterday I was on the light rail and there was a car with 6-7 black people in it and one middle aged white guy who just out of nowhere said, "Are y'all feeling the Bern?" Everyone looked up and then he said, "He was fighting for civil rights while she was gettin' rich."

Then everyone moved to another car.

Was it weaver or Devine?




So Mitch McConnell on Meet The Press just confirmed that the Senate will NOT consider any nominee so long as Obama is the President.

When asked even if Hillary wins and put a more liberal judge..."Well it's hard to find a more Liberal judge [laughs]
So Mitch McConnell on Meet The Press just confirmed that the Senate will NOT consider any nominee so long as Obama is the President.

When asked even if Hillary wins and put a more liberal judge..."Well it's hard to find a more Liberal judge [laughs]

Is there any way for the internet to turn their attention to Mcconnell's senate seat and pour money into his opponents campaign?


So Mitch McConnell on Meet The Press just confirmed that the Senate will NOT consider any nominee so long as Obama is the President.

When asked even if Hillary wins and put a more liberal judge..."Well it's hard to find a more Liberal judge [laughs]
Fuck you Mitch McConnell.

Also there are way more liberal judges. He's such a troll.


I think especially now it's dumb to think the Republicans will eventually hold a vote. No matter what some voices in the party say, McConnell is not budging.
8+ years ago it was pretty easy to figure out who the next republican nominee would be given that the party tended to pick the "next man up." However the party's implosion after Obama's presidency has resulted in a very volatile situation that's hard to predict.

Back in 2013 the general consensus of myself and many others was that 2016 would be Scott Walker's year. He's respected by the base and the establishment is on friendly terms with him; I figured all he needed to do was surround himself with some neocons and give speeches in order to wrap things up. Never thought Jeb was a threat. Cruz was always going to do well but I figured a consensus pick could silence him. Obviously no one thought Trump would run.

So 2020 is anyone's guess. In the past Cruz would be the "next man up," assuming that Trump is the nominee this year. But who knows where the party will be in four years. My general guess is that we'll see another lurch to the right in 2018 to win more House seats, followed by another extreme candidate winning the nomination in 2020. But Cruz could be out of style by then, like Bachman and Rand Paul were this season.

Haley seems like a Rubio style fantasy to me. I think the extremism of the base would end her campaign in the south, where her Confederate flag decision is still not popular (with the white people who vote in republican primaries). Tom Cotton isn't a threat to anyone either.


Democrats need to win this year before we speculate about 2020 with so much confidence. We're not finished yet. Not even close.
Is there any way for the internet to turn their attention to Mcconnell's senate seat and pour money into his opponents campaign?

I'm willing to bet McConnell won't seek reelection in 2018, and will instead retire. If his gamble with Scalia's seat fails, then I really think that's it for him.


Trump's success may spur other non-politicians or at least more non-sitting politicians into the game.

Mama Grizzly will be only 56. She backed that Independent/Democratic ticket for Governor against her successor in Alaska. Endorsed Trump obviously. Her endorsement of Haley helped her win the GOP nomination in her race.

Dick Morris continues to assure me that Condi v. Hillary is coming.

And we're all ignoring the real elephant in the room: Jim Gilmore.

Just think about how much that Gilmentium will have built after four years.
Deseret News Poll


General Election Match-ups

Clinton 38
Trump 36

Sanders 48
Trump 37




The guy is a warmonger, but damn if Lindsey Graham isn't going to go down in history as one of the louder voices in the party screaming "NOOOOOOOoooooo......!!!!!" in fear of the GOP's demographic fate.

And this ridiculous Luntz panel's reasoning skills resemble those of many OT posters. Lots of emotion and fee-fees..

LOL. If you're having to spend money/time to defend friggin' Utah..
Scott Walker had already won three statewide elections before he said any of that. He's won zero elections since saying it.

Where's the "hardcore racism" in the Rand Paul link?

Beats me. The idea that racism should be fought by private initiative and market forces, because government action is coercive and therefore violates the non-aggression principle, is pretty much a staple of libertarian philosophy, no? He correctly identifies the problem of systemic racism, but his philosophy prevents him from saying the government should just stamp it out by fiat. That's naive, but it's not racist.


That is spectacular. Even better if that somehow swung the election. But if Utah is going for Hillary that just highlights how much of a blowout this is gonna be in the general.


Was this poll before Trump's comments on Romney? Anyway, Clinton should start lowkey courting Mormons, and if it starts bearing fruit, start to advertise there. Otherwise she shouldn't bother.

Mia Love should be sweating though.
There's an article on BuzzFeed about why they don't like Trump so much. But it tends to boil down to his extreme views on illegal immigration and hatred of Muslims.


Beats me. The idea that racism should be fought by private initiative and market forces, because government action is coercive and therefore violates the non-aggression principle, is pretty much a staple of libertarian philosophy, no? He correctly identifies the problem of systemic racism, but his philosophy prevents him from saying the government should just stamp it out by fiat. That's naive, but it's not racist.
He's also, according to himself, only opposed to that one title of the Civil Rights Act. And would have voted for it anyhow, unlike Goldwater.

I know some PoliGAFers think it's the most important part of it, but I, and I assume Rand, think the whole rest of it where it attempts to tackle institutional racism within the state/government/police!/etc. to be far more important and necessary.

One of the whole points of the damn thing (especially Title III, VI and IX) was to build on the 1957 act to give the DoJ powers to look into and prosecute corrupt local police departments and governments but we lost the plot somewhere along the way.
I think that Utah poll may be thread worthy. That's funny to me.

If another poll comes out with something similar, Utah is a swing state in November.

If you're making a thread here's another poll from January showing a competitive Utah:


And a reason why:

And a reminder what Utah looked like in 2012: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Utah,_2012


But Trump loves the Mormons. He has a lot of Mormon friends. Great Mormon friends. They're great people. Mormons love him. He has the best Mormons.


The most important candidate characteristics for Utahns is "operates with integrity and honesty" and "has strong religious faith" (obviously). Their most important issue is "restore America to values it seems to have lost", followed closely by "the economy and jobs".

In Clinton vs. Trump, 16% said they would not vote and 8% are undecided. In a 2 person race, that's 46% Clinton, 44% Trump, 10% undecided.


Nader voters get a bad rap for Gore's defeat in 2000 being all their fault.

The Natural Law Party, Workers World Party, Socialist Party and Socialist Workers Party all individually got more than the 537 "official" vote difference in Florida. (As did the Reform Party, Libertarian Party and Constitution Party.)

If you'd prefer to blame the butterfly, that's appropriate. It accounts for what, 75%+ of their votes? But all these parties combined received fewer than half as many votes as Nader. Nader voters deserve their bad rap.

The best part about 2000 is that had the Gore team got the recount they wanted (just four counties IIRC) he would have lost by even more.

The Bush teams' counterproposal (recount the whole state) they rejected would have given Florida to Gore.

If the Supreme Court's 7-2 holding on equal protection was the only ruling (which many justices including the late Scalia later admitted it should have been), they would have "stolen" the election for Gore.

Yeah, always blows my mind. The formal process by which Bush won was the stupidest shit one can imagine. Florida voted for Gore. Despite the butterfly, despite Nader, despite all of Gore's shortcomings, he still straight up won! The Florida court mandated a process which would have proven it. And 5 assholes who wanted W to win just flat out decided to stop Florida law and the will of the voters from mattering.

God look at that map. Literally all Hillary has to to is win the Gore states + literally any swing state and bang.

I think this has been mentioned in the thread already, but EV have been reallocated so the "blue wall" + 1 swing state isn't really enough anymore. Which, really, is fine.

I mean seriously, what kind of a knob loses his home state in a general. Still get fuckin livid thinking about that election.
I dunno why people ever would have thought or expected TN to be an easy win for Gore. First, it's fucking Tennessee, second, he hadn't lived there for 8 years.

I don't blame him entirely. There's plenty of blame to go around. Gore ran a shitty campaign all the way around. He pushed Clinton too far away. He had a shitty running mate. He couldn't carry his home state. And, ya, Nader didn't help.

True story. I turned 18 right before the 2000 election. I was a college student and could have at the time registered in Florida. I didn't bother and refused to vote because I just hated Lieberman. I'd have voted for Gore had he chosen basically anyone else as a running mate. I don't blame Gore for choosing Lieberman, I blame myself for being a vain, short-sighted child.

Probably goes a long way towards explaining my contempt for Bernie voters and basically anyone who can't bother to take a win in politics.

Gore dun fucked up, and Kerry did too. There should never be another Republican president for a long ass time, especially as long as they keep ignoring things like the 2012 autopsy.
I think people really tend to underestimate W as a politician. I mean, sure, I wish Kerry had won, and I'm sure he could have done more, but 2004 was a genuinely an uphill climb.
If Utah is actually in play when we get to October, Arizona is blue this cycle and Clinton is on her way to 400+ EVs.

The Washington caucuses are coming up. I changed my mind and will caucus for Sec. Clinton. I was so pissed in 2008 when Clinton was mathematically eliminated, but acted as if she was not and disallowed President Obama an earlier pivot to the general.

I was going to vote for Sanders as a message candidate, but he is irritating me by playing these games in a year where the SCOTUS hangs in the balance. I want this to be over.

I have never voted for the candidate that eventually won my state primary or caucus, and I have been voting since I turned 18 in 2000. This switch will keep up that streak.


If Utah is actually in play when we get to October, Arizona is blue this cycle and Clinton is on her way to 400+ EVs.

I'm skeptical of these great numbers and want more polling (as well as polling in surrounding states!), but damn.. these are take-back-the-House numbers + build-enough-Senate-cushion-to-survive-2018 territory.
If Utah is actually in play when we get to October, Arizona is blue this cycle and Clinton is on her way to 400+ EVs.

The Washington caucuses are coming up. I changed my mind and will caucus for Sec. Clinton. I was so pissed in 2008 when Clinton was mathematically eliminated, but acted as if she was not and disallowed President Obama an earlier pivot to the general.

I was going to vote for Sanders as a message candidate, but he is irritating me by playing these games in a year where the SCOTUS hangs in the balance. I want this to be over.

I have never voted for the candidate that eventually won my state primary or caucus, and I have been voting since I turned 18 in 2000. This switch will keep up that streak.
Thank you for subverting the revolution and supporting all of us evil oligarchs! I've never voted for a candidate who won my state primary until this year. Maybe Queen will come through in Washington...... Lolz


Trump losing UT in the GE is exactly why Republican elites will never let him get the nomination. Well, they'll die trying at least.

I fully expect a unified response to Trump in the form of things ranging from fines, being formally banned from the GOP, possibly jail time. His conduct at rallies is a fucking trial waiting to happen.
I'm skeptical of these great numbers and want more polling (as well as polling in surrounding states!), but damn.. these are take-back-the-House numbers + build-enough-Senate-cushion-to-survive-2018 territory.

Yep, only one poll and in March there, but if Mormons have that much antipathy for Trump, that makes UT and AZ places where Trump will have to play defense - and I would think that he would lose AZ between the large LDS population, the large Mexican population, and the assistance from limited blue areas like Tucson.

Plus, Trump playing defense in AZ and UT means that MT, MO, GA, etc., are also probably in play, Ann Kirkpatrick (along with many other Democratic Senate candidates) are replacing Republicans in the Senate, etc. In other words, I will cancel class and get drunk in celebration.

Thank you for subverting the revolution and supporting all of us evil oligarchs! I've never voted for a candidate who won my state primary until this year. Maybe Queen will come through in Washington...... Lolz

I frequent a coffee shop in Redmond with many enthusiastic Sanders between about twenty and forty years of age. They are cool, though. I will have to see what their thoughts are on Sanders's chances next time I go in.

Me, though, I have decided to submit my will to the power. I sublimate my desired to the Queen's, Yaaaaas and verily, and I pray that my Queen does good Werks with her power.

(Is that how it works? Sorry, I am new here. Also, edit because I am doing all this from a phone.)


I'm skeptical of these great numbers and want more polling (as well as polling in surrounding states!), but damn.. these are take-back-the-House numbers + build-enough-Senate-cushion-to-survive-2018 territory.

If we take back the House...

Holy fucking shit.

And Hillary won't take NONE of the GOP's shit and try to compromise. She's going to take that ball and run with it all the way to the moon.


Deep into his 30th decade
If Utah is actually in play when we get to October, Arizona is blue this cycle and Clinton is on her way to 400+ EVs.

The Washington caucuses are coming up. I changed my mind and will caucus for Sec. Clinton. I was so pissed in 2008 when Clinton was mathematically eliminated, but acted as if she was not and disallowed President Obama an earlier pivot to the general.

I was going to vote for Sanders as a message candidate, but he is irritating me by playing these games in a year where the SCOTUS hangs in the balance. I want this to be over.

I have never voted for the candidate that eventually won my state primary or caucus, and I have been voting since I turned 18 in 2000. This switch will keep up that streak.

I will be caucusing in WA for Clinton as well! There will be at least two of us!


If we take back the House...

Holy fucking shit.

And Hillary won't take NONE of the GOP's shit and try to compromise. She's going to take that ball and run with it all the way to the moon.

Lol, even with Trump, there is not a chance in hell that the Dems take back the House.
We don't even need to win a single one of these states that Trump has trouble holding onto. Every dime and minute Trump has to spend outside the real swing States is a win.

Oh fuck, Goldwater's wife just said she's spring Hillary in the Arizona primary. Fuck.


Me, though, I have decided to submit my will to the power. I sublimate my desired to the Queen's, Yaaaaas and verily, and I pray that my Queen does good Werks with her power.

(Is that how it works? Sorry, I am new here. Also, edit because I am doing all this from a phone.)

Sounds comparable to this thread.

If we take back the House...

Holy fucking shit.

And Hillary won't take NONE of the GOP's shit and try to compromise. She's going to take that ball and run with it all the way to the moon.

There is still a filibuster.
Trump losing UT in the GE is exactly why Republican elites will never let him get the nomination. Well, they'll die trying at least.

I fully expect a unified response to Trump in the form of things ranging from fines, being formally banned from the GOP, possibly jail time. His conduct at rallies is a fucking trial waiting to happen.

The GOP is going to put Trump in jail? Uh...


But Trump loves the Mormons. He has a lot of Mormon friends. Great Mormon friends. They're great people. Mormons love him. He has the best Mormons.

Let me tell you I love Mormons, they're great people, very kind, we love Mormons right? Yeah we do. I might not share their exact beliefs but really they're great people and that's just great. The thing about Romney is I'm not sure he really believes in anything, all he seems to be doing is try and climb ladders, and when he falls he tries to climb another, and they keep calling him to offer him more ladders but he's always falling, even when it would have been easy to get to the top. I mean really in the last election even a lot of Democrats were against Obama, even in congress, and yet Romney still lost to him. It should have been easy. And now they're asking him to run again, but they know he won't win, he never does, they just want to dilute the vote *hand gesture*, dilute your votes *hand gesture*, they want to dilute it aaaallll of it *hand gesture", so that I won't win. Why is that? You know it, I know it, we all know it, the media back there knows it, ask them; they don't want me to win because they don't want YOU to win! They want someone who's going to be accountable to them, and I'm not because I don't want their money and I'm running not to make them great, I'm running to make America great again!
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