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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Noticed three 80 year old Senators were up this year Grassley (83), Shelby (82), and McCain (80). Made me look at the list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_United_States_Senators_by_age

Leahy and Hatch have been in the Senate longer than Tom Cotton has been alive.
Hatch criticized [incumbent Senator Frank] Moss' 18-year tenure in the Senate, saying "What do you call a Senator who's served in office for 18 years? You call him home."

John Conyers has been in the House longer than Cruz and Rubio have been alive. Charlie Rangel entered the House twelve days after Cruz was born.

old people man




What'd they do? Average out the results?
Nothing because the primary was only on the ballot because the GOP's was. GOP did half their delegates via caucus, half by the primary. Democrats did it all through the caucus electing precinct delegates who later elected district delegates who later...
Ohio Gov. John Kasich has a message for everyone who's worrying that Donald Trump is close to securing the 1,237 delegates he needs to win Republican nomination outright: it's not going to happen, for him nor any other candidate.

"Nobody's going to have the delegates they need going to the convention," he said. "Everyone will fall short."
"You know what's interesting? Some of those very same people wanted me to get out of the race and they wanted to get behind Rubio," he said. "What happened? Rubio's out, I'm in. Now they want me to get out? Listen, these are the same establishment people that have been fighting me my entire political career."
Good, stay stubborn Kasich.
It does seems like Hillary supporters does seem less enthusiastic, but I say that it really does seem like her voters aren't the ones that are visible on the internet as in some places the internet is dominated by young people and they seem to lean towards Sanders. But it is surprising to me that is some cases the young vote isn't as high to overcome Hillary in many states. I think Hillary has enthusiasm from supporters, but they aren't as passionate about it in the same way as Bernie's .

I've definitely seen a poll that showed Hillary's total enthusiasm higher than Bernie's, but it's just not online support. Certainly doesn't mean that her base is apathetic.

So Mitch McConnell on Meet The Press just confirmed that the Senate will NOT consider any nominee so long as Obama is the President.

When asked even if Hillary wins and put a more liberal judge..."Well it's hard to find a more Liberal judge [laughs]

That can definitely be a gaffe in a year. Hillary can drop a commie on the bench, and every single Tea Party supporter for months will just point to Garland and go, "This guy could've been approved, but Mitch wouldn't do it."
The House could very well be in play with Trump at the top of the ticket. That Utah poll is just a sign of the coming bloodbath for the GOP in November.

House Republicans Staring Into the Abyss: 10 Ratings Changes Favor Democrats
Not only will it help Democrats pick up seats, but it'll shore up any vulnerable incumbents we have (not that there's too many though after the 2014 elections...)

Also not surprised at Trump not doing well in Utah. I think his brand of extremist "yell at everyone and act like an asshole" politics is a poor fit for many of the Mormon Republicans there, even if many of them wind up voting for him anyway.

For all the talk of Trump winning over white voters and liberals having to hold their nose for Hillary, I think Trump is going to have a much harder time getting suburbanites to hold their nose for him. I think of people like my parents - middle-class working professionals who are fairly progressive but could easily be swayed by the right kind of Republican. My mom said in 08 she would have been fine with Obama or McCain, and in 2012 was actually talking about voting Romney after we started pulling in more money to the point where the Bush tax cuts being reversed would have hit us (of course the fiscal cliff deal upping it to 450k kept us well below the threshold). She voted for Obama twice. And Donald freaking Trump is supposed to sweep these people off their feet?
Concern of mine: If Trump doesn't get the nomination, whoever is the GOP nominee would look so "not so bad" compared to Trump that GOP regulars would have no qualms voting for them and Democrats/Independents would get complacent - even if said nominee still wanted to enact awful policies.

Should that be a concern or am I worried for nothing?

Ted Cruz is just as loony as Donald Trump. All his craziness would get exposed in the general. Kasich is GWB 2.0
Ted Cruz is just as loony as Donald Trump. All his craziness would get exposed in the general. Kasich is GWB 2.0
I think Cruz's biggest advantage over Trump is that he'll have an easier time winning over the everyday Republican voters, whereas any advantage Trump would have in turning out less frequent voters would be mitigated by turning off more moderate Republicans.
I'm skeptical of these great numbers and want more polling (as well as polling in surrounding states!), but damn.. these are take-back-the-House numbers + build-enough-Senate-cushion-to-survive-2018 territory.

Since I know you're an Ole Miss alum living in LA, what did your face look like when the school picked its current chancellor? I'm positive my jaw literally dropped when I made the last name connection.

Thanksgiving has to be more awkward for that family than most.


Since I know you're an Ole Miss alum living in LA, what did your face look like when the school picked its current chancellor? I'm positive my jaw literally dropped when I made the last name connection.

Thanksgiving has to be more awkward for that family than most.

His brother is.......he's leaving in nine months which is fantastic


Since I know you're an Ole Miss alum living in LA, what did your face look like when the school picked its current chancellor? I'm positive my jaw literally dropped when I made the last name connection.

Thanksgiving has to be more awkward for that family than most.
My Mom was heartbroken when I picked Ole Miss over LSU (UM's scholarship was much more generous!), so we had a really good laugh after the news came out. (It was on the phone when we talked, so she couldn't see me shaking my head..)


Another fabulous consequence of Bobby Jindal.

In Louisiana, the Poor Lack Legal Defense [NY Times]
ABBEVILLE, La. — It was arraignment morning at the Vermilion Parish courthouse, the monthly catalog of bad decisions, hot tempers, hard hearts and hard luck. Natasha George, who until recently was one of 10 lawyers defending the poor of the parish, stood before the full gallery of defendants.

“I’m the public defender in Vermilion Parish, right now the only public defender,” she said. “Due to a lack of funding for our district and our office, today we will be taking applications for our service but you will be put on a wait list.”
The constitutional obligation to provide criminal defense for the poor has been endangered by funding problems across the country, but nowhere else is a system in statewide free fall like Louisiana’s, where public defenders represent more than eight out of 10 criminal defendants. Offices throughout the state have been forced to lay off lawyers, leaving those who remain with caseloads well into the hundreds. In seven of the state’s 42 judicial districts, poor defendants are already being put on wait lists; here in the 15th, the list is over 2,300 names long and growing.

A system that less than a decade ago was set on a course of long-needed improvement is succumbing to years of draining resources, just as the state is facing a fiscal crisis that could make things much worse. Judges throughout the state have ordered private lawyers to represent people for free, prompting objections from members of the private bar. Some lawyers being conscripted are tax and real estate lawyers without any background in courtrooms or criminal law: “No prior experience is necessary,” wrote a district judge in Lafayette in a recent plea for volunteers.

Here in the state with the country’s highest incarceration rate, hundreds of those without counsel are sitting in prison, including more than 60 people in New Orleans whose cases have either been put on a wait list or refused altogether by the local public defender’s office.
Trump has tweeted about Megyn Kelly 118 times since announcing his presidential run.

Even conservative white women aren't safe from the right wing hate machine if they speak out even a little.
Lmao Jamelle Bouie is doing a good job tearing down the pundit class on Twitter.

"The same people who told you Trump's primary election poll numbers were to be ignored are about to tell you the same thing about his general election numbers."


Honestly if it came down to it I'd rather have a right leaning judge with regards to the 2nd amendment if it meant trap laws, roe v wade, and heath care regs sided a more progressive viewpoint
Clinton campaign's burn rate is pretty conservative.

Also not sure how they know how fundraising has been in March for Sanders. But I'm curious about cash on hand.


I personally think Trump legit wants to bang Kelly.

Probably, he doesn't know how to use his words to talk about his feelings so he just sticks to bullying

Those are weirdly worded tweets. The campaign spent $1 million more than what was raised in February but they still have $31 million in the bank, right?

Yeah it sounds like they're talking about a February money deficit and then saying she still has $31M in cash? Weird wording makes it confusing indeed.
It's pretty clear...

You have starting cash.
Cash in.
Cash out.
Ending cash. For Clinton this will be ~$29M.

I'm going to guess something like $45M in spending from Sanders given reports on ad buys. Leaving like $14M on hand.

He's not wrong; a Republican majority Senate doesn't want to confirm a nominee that will move the court dramatically to the left. What he ignores is the extreme likelihood that in 10 months, we'll be looking at a Democratic President with a Democratic Senate confirming someone more liberal and younger. It's the right-wing equivalent of Sanders' supporters saying they'll vote Trump in the general; fuck logic, I'm taking a crazy stand for my principles!
I remember the night of Super Tuesday. I saw the more moderate Trump. Calm, collected Trump. I got worried this is what we'd see more of.

It went the opposite direction.

And if his general election strategy is just insult Hillary Clinton over and over...
I remember the night of Super Tuesday. I saw the more moderate Trump. Calm, collected Trump. I got worried this is what we'd see more of.

It went the opposite direction.

And if his general election strategy is just insult Hillary Clinton over and over...

Trump is just going to call Hillary a shrill hag who couldn't satisfy her husband over and over again and it's going to go poorly.

Hmm, can't tell if this is for real fascism or just "ironic" fascism:


John Dunbar

correct about everything
random politics question since my google-fu is too weak to find the answer: when you're running for president, do you have to have a running mate? if some billionaire decided to run, and by some miracle they actually won, do they need that have a vice presidential nominee on the ticket, or could they just say they're picking one after they're elected?

basically, is having a running mate in the rules, or is it just how it's done?
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