Once Arizona comes through on Tuesday it will be over. Don't see how Bernie supporters could still think otherwise.
In the meantime, unemployed reddit people will continue to skip meals so they can contribute $5 more to Bernie's campaign.
Daniel B·;198768327 said:And that is precisely the scenario where the Superdelegates should play a role, with such a close contest (here's hoping), where they need to calmly, and diligently consider, who would have the very best chance of defeating the Republican GE opponent. If they choose to not even factor in Bernie's millions of energetic supporters, they could be kicking themselves, come November.
As I've essentially stated before, there's energy to spare on Bernie's side, to soundly beat Trump, but without anything like that energy level, can Hillary guarantee victory?
They ain't stopping until the 25th of July.Once Arizona comes through on Tuesday it will be over. Don't see how Bernie supporters could still think otherwise.
Once Arizona comes through on Tuesday it will be over. Don't see how Bernie supporters could still think otherwise.
Daniel B·;198768327 said:And that is precisely the scenario where the Superdelegates should play a role, with such a close contest (here's hoping), where they need to calmly, and diligently consider, who would have the very best chance of defeating the Republican GE opponent. If they choose to not even factor in Bernie's millions of energetic supporters, they could be kicking themselves, come November.
As I've essentially stated before, there's energy to spare on Bernie's side, to soundly beat Trump, but without anything like that energy level, can Hillary guarantee victory?
Once Arizona comes through on Tuesday it will be over. Don't see how Bernie supporters could still think otherwise.
Tune in next time for "Throwing good money after bad", or "The sunk cost fallacy!"
How dare you. He's only losing in the sense that he has fewer delegates, fewer votes, fewer states carried and fewer Super Delegates.
In every other metric, he's already measuring the drapes! Haven't you been on Reddit?
Gonna get me crucified in these comments.... Don't bet on what I'm saying on my last post people. I don't want to be responsible for anyone losing their money. Arizona is a gamble. My model shows Bernie winning but keep in mind I'm literally the only person that's saying that; 538 and Benchmark have Hilldawg winning. I was also the only person saying Bernie would win Illinois and Missouri, and that obviously didn't happen. I've been wrong before and who knows, I may be wrong again.
He is outspending her and losing. And she is keeping up in donations, and spending less in the primary.Daniel B·;198769129 said:If he can get some more good wins, his pockets will be virtually bottomless, compared to Hillary's.
Daniel B·;198769129 said:If he can get some more good wins, his pockets will be virtually bottomless, compared to Hillary's.
Tyler guy on predictit:
He is outspending her and losing. And she is keeping up in donations, and spending less in the primary.
stop paying attention to this guy. He making stuff up off the fly.
lol I'm just monitoring a market I have some money in, saw his comment and couldn't resist some more public shaming. I want him tar and feathered so as to be buried completely. Brainchild drove me crazy with his irrational defense and promotion of him.
The one thing that ensures Hillary will always have more electability than Bernie in a vs Trump scenario is basically that she's a woman.Daniel B·;198768327 said:And that is precisely the scenario where the Superdelegates should play a role, with such a close contest (here's hoping), where they need to calmly, and diligently consider, who would have the very best chance of defeating the Republican GE opponent. If they choose to not even factor in Bernie's millions of energetic supporters, they could be kicking themselves, come November.
As I've essentially stated before, there's energy to spare on Bernie's side, to soundly beat Trump, but without anything like that energy level, can Hillary guarantee victory?
stop paying attention to this guy. He making stuff up off the fly.
stop paying attention to this guy. He making stuff up off the fly.
As Jeb Bush can tell you, having the most money really is a great way to overcome losing more states and more votes.Daniel B·;198769129 said:If he can get some more good wins, his pockets will be virtually bottomless, compared to Hillary's.
I mean, there's incredible energy for him. All of your friends are probably in the same boat, including a few family members! So much energy that it's impossible for him to lose in general. Everyone you talk to is saying the exact same damn thing. It's finally taken this long for someone like him to happen to our corrupt politics. The other side has like nothing. They have zero will and are just going through motions. There's really no way Trump can lose to Hillary.. Oh I'm sorry, did you think I was talking about Bernie?Daniel B·;198768327 said:As I've essentially stated before, there's energy to spare on Bernie's side, to soundly beat Trump, but without anything like that energy level, can Hillary guarantee victory?
Sanders campaign raised $43M. Spent $41M. $17M cash on hand.
~60% <$200. This has been gradually declining. I think due to repeat donors.
He had to choose to exert his energy on delegates or retroactive momentum.Bernie has so much energy behind him that he's 300 delegates behind HRC without a prayer of catching up. Dat energy.
The one thing that ensures Hillary will always have more electability than Bernie in a vs Trump scenario is basically that she's a woman.
That one aspect of Hillary Clinton guarantees her victory.
Bernie has so much energy, he just needs to complete the damn spirit bomb and finish Hillary, already.
He had to choose to exert his energy on delegates or retroactive momentum.
He chose poorly.
Vancouver, Washington (CNN) In a candid campaign trail admission Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday said that he is "not doing well with older people."
As the Vermont senator implored a rally audience about the importance of young people's involvement in his campaign -- part of his standard stump speech -- he paused a moment and added, "If I can make a political statement here, it's interesting as we go along this campaign, we are not doing well, we are working on it, I cannot tell you why, we are not doing well with older people."
Tell us about how climate change is a hoax again.Daniel B·;198771027 said:Isn't turnout far more important, especially when Trump's managed to achieve record breaking primary turnouts?
That's the big question; will enough voters turn out for a candidate they may have little enthusiasm for, even if they know a Trump presidency would likely be bad?
Daniel B·;198771027 said:Isn't turnout far more important, especially when Trump's managed to achieve record breaking primary turnouts?
That's the big question; will enough voters turn out for a candidate they may have little enthusiasm for, even if they know a Trump presidency would likely be bad?
Not to try and pile on but
He had to choose to exert his energy on delegates or retroactive momentum.
He chose poorly.
Daniel B·;198771027 said:Isn't turnout far more important, especially when Trump's managed to achieve record breaking primary turnouts?
That's the big question; will enough voters turn out for a candidate they may have little enthusiasm for, even if they know a Trump presidency would likely be bad?
Why, he's in Vancouver? Why?
By definition as the frontrunner, with her 320 odd delegate lead, she has more votes than Sanders. Last time I recall she had more votes than Trump. So I still don't get where the enthusiasm turnout myth is coming from.
Y'all won't be laughing when at a Bernie rally the lights dim and the fireworks go off and Howard Dean, Al Franken, and the rest of the Superdelegates appear on stage with Bernie.
We never hear that Hillary Clinton has “momentum”—what she has is a “sizable delegate lead.” No one this cycle has described Clinton supporters as “fired up”—it’s simply not possible that people are fired up for Hillary. No, what we gather about Clinton from the press is that she can’t connect. She has very high unfavorable ratings. People think she is dishonest and untrustworthy. She is not a gifted politician. She is a phony. Hated by so many. The list goes on.
Considering that narrative, one would expect Clinton to be faring far worse in the primaries. Instead, she currently holds a popular vote and delegate lead over Sanders that far surpasses Obama’s lead over her at this point in the race in 2008.
This is no accident. An examination of Clinton voters and their motivations might reveal that the narrative that most media outlets have been feeding us this election cycle is dubious at best. Because if the biggest vote-getter of either party is Hillary—by a large margin—then that suggests the electorate is not necessarily as angry as pundits claim. It further suggests that perhaps some people are tired of hearing about how angry they are, and are quietly asserting their opinions at the ballot box. If Democrats are so angry, Clinton would not be in the position she is today. Is it really so farfetched to claim that quite a few Democrats aren’t voting for Sanders precisely because he seems angry? Which isn’t to suggest that people aren’t angry—certainly many Republican primary voters seem to be. Rather, it is to suggest that voters who aren’t angry are still showing up at the polls, despite being ignored in news stories.
So perhaps Clinton voters don’t show up at rallies so much. Perhaps they are a bit less passionate on Facebook, share fewer articles, give less money to their candidate (she does have a super PAC, after all). But what they are doing is perhaps the only thing that actually matters in an election. They are showing up to vote. In numbers that no other candidate can boast.
It’s certainly curious to presume, as many do, that Clinton’s supporters are somehow less enthusiastic than Sanders’s are. How is enthusiasm measured, if not by actual vote count? And they are doing so despite the media narrative surrounding their candidate, despite hearing very little about themselves in the media, despite her “damn” emails, despite Benghazi, despite her low Gallup favorables, and despite how everyone else is “Feeling the Bern.” If anything, Clinton might need to thank the press for consistently underestimating her. Perhaps this is why her supporters are coming out for her in such strength: to assert their existence in the face of a narrative that both overlooks them and disparages their candidate.
Daniel B·;198766007 said:Wait, what? Given that Bernie's already close to shrinking Hillary's poll advantage to single digits (see below), in California, especially when you factor in Hillary's Hispandering incident, if Bernie can build up some momentum between now and June, I think it's safe to say he'd win California, on a cool wave, man.[img]
P.S. Found an interesting blog that appears to provide some compelling evidence of serious exit poll irregularities, in MA (I must say, from the start of the night, Bernie was doing good in MA, and then, all of a sudden, it flipped to Hillary...): [url=]MA Primary: Unadjusted Exit poll Indicates Bernie won[/url].[/QUOTE]
You're complaining that an 11% lead in polling is labeled as "Lean Clinton" because you think it will change? I don't follow
I think you should [URL=""]read this piece on exit polls[/URL], it seems like you misunderstand how they work and problems they can have.
Tell us about how climate change is a hoax again.
Daniel B·;198772041 said:I'm saving my paper on how a trace gas, that makes up just 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere, has this miraculous ability (at such low concentrations), to trap heat, and dream of constructing an experiment to confound the World.
the race to the white house specials cnn does are fucking great. Im glad they didnt gloss over kennedy's dirty tricks towards humphrey, even they they did make it look like the noble hero justly battling back against persecution. Also, Nixon was such a grand orator. I would vote for him over hillary in a heartbeat