The one on Bush-Dukakis aired tonight. Man, Dukakis was such a shitty candidate and ran a terrible campaign.
Aw I always have a fondness for Dukakis cause I worked in an office right next to his office at UCLA and he was always in there quiet and reading.
The current phase of the Dukakis health-rumor story began Wednesday morning, when a reporter who works for a LaRouche-controlled publication, the Executive Intelligence Review, asked Reagan at a press conference what he thought of Dukakis' refusal up to that point to give the public access to his medical records.
The President responded: "Look, I'm not going to pick on an invalid." 6:30 PM, the blaring music was lowered and a speaker was announced and took the stage. She was a woman who tragically lost her son in a heinous murder. She told her moving story about how her son left for school in the morning but did not show up for his after-school job. She was frantic and called the police, who discovered that her son had been brutally murdered and mutilated.
Finally she revealed that the killer of her son was an “illegal immigrant” and the crowd exploded. The anger at the fact the murderer was an “illegal immigrant” was almost stronger than the fact the woman’s son had been murdered. She expressly blamed Marco Rubio for the death of her son. It was rough, and the crowd was angry. Any protesters revealing themselves right then would have been at great risk.
I mean goddamn what an asshole
Are we all forgetting that Daniel B is trolling and playing a character?
Remember that time he pretended to be a pants on head stupid climate change denier?
Daniel B·;198772041 said:I'm saving my paper on how a trace gas, that makes up just 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere, has this miraculous ability (at such low concentrations), to trap heat, and dream of constructing an experiment to confound the World.
Daniel B·;198772041 said:I'm saving my paper on how a trace gas, that makes up just 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere, has this miraculous ability (at such low concentrations), to trap heat, and dream of constructing an experiment to confound the World.
The entire idea that Bernie has more enthusiastic supporters is all about the size of his rallies and how vocal his supporters are online. It is a pure and simple fact that more people have voted for Hillary than Bernie by a wide margin. Whether that's a measure of enthusiasm or support, votes are what matters. Bernie has more people at his rallies, Hillary has more people at the ballet box.
lol I'm just monitoring a market I have some money in, saw his comment and couldn't resist some more public shaming. I want him tar and feathered so as to be buried completely. Brainchild drove me crazy with his irrational defense and promotion of him.
Not to try and pile on but
By definition as the frontrunner, with her 320 odd delegate lead, she has more votes than Sanders. Last time I recall she had more votes than Drumpf. So I still don't get where the enthusiasm turnout myth is coming from.
Uh, is this happening at all the rallies? Why is this not being reported on, it's the first I've heard of this.
Daniel B·;198773405 said:Hold your horses, there; only half the votes are in, and by this time, next week, we will have a much better idea of whether Hillary's advantage will extend much beyond the southern states.
Daniel B·;198773405 said:Hold your horses, there; only half the votes are in, and by this time, next week, we will have a much better idea of whether Hillary's advantage will extend much beyond the southern states.
The New New South is everything outside New England and Michigan.
But Hillary won Massachusetts, which is in New England.
That's just what the mainstream media wants you to think.But Hillary won Massachusetts, which is in New England.
Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts are southern states?
The forever battleground state of Florida?
But Hillary won Massachusetts, which is in New England.
Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts are southern states?
The forever battleground state of Florida?
Old New England is the part of the New New South.As someone from New England New England basically revolves around Massachusetts, Mass is New England
Hillary won New England by transitive property
New England
Mass. doesn't count, Bill Clinton personally disenfranchised 20k bernie voters to steal Hillary the election.
Uh, is this happening at all the rallies? Why is this not being reported on, it's the first I've heard of this.
How many signatures does the petition need to get her arrested for that
I dunno about every Trump rally but I know its happened before and at more than one
Tyler also stupidly thinks closed primaries help Bernie.
Electoral fraud or something.
So Tyler re-did his model and now has it as Bernie taking Arizona by 10.
The new main source of info for the model? Facebook.
Tyler also stupidly thinks closed primaries help Bernie.
Actually this stupid or a troll?
So Tyler re-did his model and now has it as Bernie taking Arizona by 10.
The new main source of info for the model? Facebook.
Tyler also stupidly thinks closed primaries help Bernie.
Actually this stupid or a troll?
Daniel B·;198775551 said:It looks like the only consolation we're going to get, for Bill taking over that polling station for two hours, is the satisfaction in knowing that the Clintons and / or theIr campaign felt they needed to do something, to swing the vote in MA, never mind the fact they are misusing theIr privileged positions (the electorate pays for theIr Secret Service detail etc, not to mention the inconvenience caused to the voters, plus those who skipped voting entirely..,), doing so, in full knowledge that their stunts would break campaign law.
And Hillary complains about supposed "negative campaigning", when Bernie just points out the facts (on Wall St. donations to her and the campaign), when her campaign is blatantly disregarding campaign law.
So Tyler re-did his model and now has it as Bernie taking Arizona by 10.
The new main source of info for the model? Facebook.
Tyler also stupidly thinks closed primaries help Bernie.
Actually this stupid or a troll?
I sometimes wish GAF had a tagging function like Reddit with the extension. For those moments when you don't want to ignore someone but instead be constantly reminded of their stupidity as you read their posts.
He is the Unskewed Polls guy of the left.
Except at least the Unskewed Polls guy was taking good data that was actually predicting things and mutilated it. This guy is doing....I dunno.
He's just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks. And certain people are eating it up because it's what they want to hear.![]()
He is the Unskewed Polls guy of the left.
Except at least the Unskewed Polls guy was taking good data that was actually predicting things and mutilated it. This guy is doing....I dunno.
Tyler guy on predictit:
Gonna get me crucified in these comments.... Don't bet on what I'm saying on my last post people. I don't want to be responsible for anyone losing their money. Arizona is a gamble. My model shows Bernie winning but keep in mind I'm literally the only person that's saying that; 538 and Benchmark have Hilldawg winning. I was also the only person saying Bernie would win Illinois and Missouri, and that obviously didn't happen. I've been wrong before and who knows, I may be wrong again.
I mean, this seems totally reasonable? I don't really understand why people are dumping on Tyler for saying "I was wrong before, and others disagree with me, so I recommend not being too confident in my analysis." That all seems totally accurate and honestly good for him for being straight about it instead of doubling down. I'm not sure what people were expecting him to do instead. I feel like people are just taking the opportunity to be super negative about a rando without consequences. This seems like punching down.
yeah you are obviously a troll.
Your posts are just a steady stream of r/Politics talking points.