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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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on today's episode of the huge and very bigly great general election pivot of trump...

it's got to be illegal to call a press conference only to turn it into a infomercial.

Trump wants to pull us out of NATO?

Good luck with that one buddy.

...more fuckery

tune in tomorrow as more "devil's advocates" continue to swear that he's just pretending, with the same old end of the episode twist that more fuckery awaits
Seriously, I'm convinced that Trump's "unstoppability" is a sign of the GOP's weakness (and the GOP's voting base's lunacy) more than anything else. He's incredibly weak, it's just that the GOP is utterly incapable of actually taking it to him.


No Scrubs
Seriously, I'm convinced that Trump's "unstoppability" is a sign of the GOP's weakness (and the GOP's voting base's lunacy) more than anything else. He's incredibly weak, it's just that the GOP is utterly incapable of actually taking it to him.


LOL Trump's foreign policy experts for the AIPAC speech are his son's friends from Israel


I can't believe people fell for that shit.
I seem to remember some Louisiana gaffers complaining that the general would often just wind up as two republicans.
That's because they have a jungle primary and have a run-off later, it's not instant.

Instant run-off is where you rank your choices and if no one clears 50, the top two gather votes from the lesser candidates. It would look something like this:

1 Ralph Nader
2 Al Gore
3 George Bush

After all the votes are tallied, it's found that Gore and Bush were the two top vote-getters, so they move into the next round. But since Nader didn't, your vote gets counted for your next viable preference, Gore.

Basically this is designed so that if you're not truly satisfied with either of the party choices, you won't have to worry about "throwing your vote away" and this might encourage more people to vote third party rather than holding their nose or whatever. Several states already have run-off elections (Georgia for example has regular primaries, but if neither candidate clears 50 they hold a runoff election later just between the top two). I'm not a huge fan of the jungle primary system just because a race between two Republicans or two Democrats sucks for people of the opposing side, but if it came with IRV I wouldn't be too upset.


LOL Trump's foreign policy experts for the AIPAC speech are his son's friends from Israel
trump: i mean, who would no more about israel than The Jews - and i love The Jews, they are so great and so much better at counting my money than The Blacks

a self-proclaimed devil's advocate in the distance: he-he's still just pretending, oh man look at this japery, he's got you guys so fooled - but the pivot is to-totally coming soon i swear


Seriously, I'm convinced that Trump's "unstoppability" is a sign of the GOP's weakness (and the GOP's voting base's lunacy) more than anything else. He's incredibly weak, it's just that the GOP is utterly incapable of actually taking it to him.

Because they can't actually attack him on his weakest positions which are race relations and authoritarianism because they all agree. It would require them to attack him from the left and in the sprint to the right chicken game they are playing with the gop base got turned up to 11 because of Trump. Essentially he called their bluff and took it to the extreme. The problem being that I think he is already un-electable.
Because they can't actually attack him on his weakest positions which are race relations and authoritarianism because they all agree. It would require them to attack him from the left and in the sprint to the right chicken game they are playing with the gop base got turned up to 11 because of Trump. Essentially he called their bluff and took it to the extreme. The problem being that as a consequence I think he is already undetectable.

It's not even that, they tried to jump on the KKK thing and failed to make that work for them.

Trump's biggest weaknesses are personal. He's enormously prickly and hugely inarticulate. They could've made him look like a total loser if they had the ability, but they don't.
Going to caucus tomorrow for Hillary.

I am preparing myself for the 4/5 high school seniors who I teach that will rage at me for weeks for not supporting Sanders.
Well thats good. Maybe its reddit or twitter.. I see lots of..why are we protecing Europe, when we have roads/schools etc to take care of first!
That's stupid thinking. I saw it a lot from people right after the Paris attacks saying "we can't bring more refugees until we take care of our homeless".

We can do both. The people who say we can't are feeding into your natural xenophobia.
Yeah because the Native American attack on Warren was so effective in 2012.

"Does she look Native American to you?" What did you expect her to show up wearing feathers and animal pelts? Jesus.
That's stupid thinking. I saw it a lot from people right after the Paris attacks saying "we can't bring more refugees until we take care of our homeless".

We can do both. The people who say we can't are feeding into your natural xenophobia.

agreed. I mean I think I can speak for most that we wish Europe would take a bit more of the burden, instead of the US essentially subsidizing NATO. But it is absolutely essential for the United States.
Elizabeth Warren is part Native American? Had no idea.
Like an eighth or something. Scott Brown tried to make a thing out of it because she used it to claim minority status on a college application a long time ago.

It's so disgusting. Rove would call her "Pocahontas" all the time. Because everyone is as much of a racist pile of pig shit as you, right?



Well, damn.



It's not even that, they tried to jump on the KKK thing and failed to make that work for them.

Trump's biggest weaknesses are personal. He's enormously prickly and hugely inarticulate. They could've made him look like a total loser if they had the ability, but they don't.

Ah yeah forgot about when they cried foul for a hot minute. Such a mess. "Deep bench" got wiped out.
From the parody Validmir Putin twitter:

Vladimir Putin @DarthPutinKGB

Shudders sexually.....
NATOSource @NATOSource

#Trump: “We certainly can’t afford to do this anymore... #NATO is costing us a fortune" washingtonpost.com/news/post-poli… pic.twitter.com/79IK5GNuR2


Seriously, I'm convinced that Trump's "unstoppability" is a sign of the GOP's weakness (and the GOP's voting base's lunacy) more than anything else. He's incredibly weak, it's just that the GOP is utterly incapable of actually taking it to him.

What does the GOP counter with? Trump's antics and policy aren't really that much different from the rest of the GOP outside of his encouraging violence at rallies. They could use that I guess. "We don't have violence at our rallies! That's our edge!"


Regarding the Warren Native American thing - there is no proof that she has Native American blood, that was the problem.

But Trump has extended it to her entire career being a fraud, because if she had never gotten a job at Harvard she would have just faded into anonymity.
Trump can't handle being attacked by women.

Trump can't handle being attacked by men either. Remember him talking about his penis because Rubio said he had small hands? Or bringing out a table of uncooked meat because Romney called Trump Steaks a failure? He can't let anything go. Donald Trump's ego is the most fragile substance known to science.


No Scrubs
Regarding the Warren Native American thing - there is no proof that she has Native American blood, that was the problem.

But Trump has extended it to her entire career being a fraud, because if she had never gotten a job at Harvard she would have just faded into anonymity.

That's totally going to be a winning argument from him, the man who got his start because he dad gave him a million dollar loan.
Ryan Lizza: Trump just broke with decades of bipartisan support for aid to Israel by suggesting Israel should pay its own way.

Its the twice a day when Trump is right in a way that will enrage the Republican establishment.
New Utah poll has sanders ahead 52-44

Keep racking up them single digit wins and losing the occasional "that state shouldn't even count" contests. Eventually that "Bernie's path to nomination" chart is going to be "win 100% of the vote in California and the superdelegates will HAVE to support him!"


If he did the GOP might actually be able to deal damage with that.


How many actual Jews are there in the GOP? They're like 70% Dem. The only Republicans who care are concern trolling Evangelicals who don't seem to mind that Trump isn't actually religious and doesn't hate Planned Parenthood or the gays.


No Scrubs

How many actual Jews are there in the GOP? They're like 70% Dem. The only Republicans who care are concern trolling Evangelicals who don't seem to mind that Trump isn't actually religious and doesn't hate Planned Parenthood or the gays.

Don't forget the crazy subset of evangelicals that want to support Israel because they want to end times to happen. Then again a Trump presidency might be their best bet for that so you may be right.
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