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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I expect the name calling to begin tomorrow. Or whenever someone shows it to him.

Trump has policy advisers? :LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You know he's just going to talk out of his ass right?

I love Israel, but Israel doesn't win anymore. When I'm President Israel will get tired of winning so much


I agree, but is there anything the US can do about him? I mean, term limit-wise and whatnot. Because if not, then you can only really threaten with negotiation and wait until he's gone. I don't see Hillary missing a chance for a good sitdown with some ME powers since Iran seems open to more of that.

Personally, I think that if we believe the two-state solution is the only tenable one (which we do because it is), we should stop blocking Palestine's bid to be recognized by the United Nations. Without our veto they get through.

That would make it very difficult for Israel to continue their settlement policies.
Elizabeth Forma is really on point with those tweets. The "loser" line of attack is the most potent and I can't believe Republicans haven't used it yet. I want Hillary to call him a loser to his face.

It's so obvious, Rovian tactics 101. Use your opponent's perceived strength against him. Because Trump is such an insecure hothead, the results will be spectacular.

It's disgusting because to me atleast because she's willing to throw Obama under the bus in order to be warm with AIPAC lobbyists. Just stand with Obama. No need to pander.

But what if she honestly disagrees with him on Israel? Plenty of people do, it's not that weird.


No Scrubs
Am I understanding it correctly? Obama was more pro-Israel before he became President? Why is that?

That's just how you get elected in this country. It's an easy thing to give lip service to and an even easier thing to be attacked on if you don't. It sucks, but it is what it is.

any word on what Trump is suppose to say at 2? Maybe third party?

It's just his AIPAC speech is all. I expect verbal diarrhea.
SUPPOSEDLY he actually consulted with policy advisers and has a carefully crafted speech for this

We shall see.

*Trump takes stage* "They gave me a speech to read. Here's what I think of that:"


"Instead, here's 60 minutes of rambling bombastic rhetoric to explain why Israel is full of losers."


No Scrubs
In a marked departure from his usual off-the-cuff speaking style, Trump is reported to be preparing a formal speech for AIPAC, and has consulted Jewish advisers about its content.

yeah, not happening. The GIF above sums it up

I have no idea how anyone can write that article and believe a word of it.


Amazon feels that if the work place is more natural/calming, that will make employees to stay at work longer.

People sure love hitting Hillary for things nearly every politician does. The last two presidents bucked Israel multiple times despite giving glowing AIPAC speeches and I'd expect that to continue as much of the rest of the world criticizes Israel's actions.
People sure love hitting Hillary for things nearly every politician does. The last two presidents bucked Israel multiple times despite giving glowing AIPAC speeches and I'd expect that to continue as much of the rest of the world criticizes Israel's actions.

Yeah, and no one ever criticized them for it.
The speech is what feeds into the myth that she's "to the right" on Trump when it comes to foreign policy. But that assumes you take her at her word and you don't take Trump at his. Which isn't fair.
I really hate to play the sexism card but goddamn people make it hard NOT to

Did you miss the sarcasm? The idea that past Presidents haven't been criticized from the left for their pro-Israel stances and that people are being unfair to Hillary is a fantasy. This has been going on for decades.


These jokers right here:


Always with the "sources close to the investigation."

FBI chief James Comey and his investigators are increasingly certain that presidential nominee Hillary Clinton violated laws in handling classified government information through her private email server, career agents say.

Some expect him to push for charges, but he faces a formidable obstacle: the political types in the Obama White House who view a Clinton presidency as a third Obama term.

Fire opening.


Elizabeth Forma is really on point with those tweets. The "loser" line of attack is the most potent and I can't believe Republicans haven't used it yet. I want Hillary to call him a loser to his face.

It's so obvious, Rovian tactics 101. Use your opponent's perceived strength against him. Because Trump is such an insecure hothead, the results will be spectacular.

Given the American public's fascination with wealth and completely equating it with success I don't know how successful this loser calling strategy will be. Trump will do the same thing as with Romney, ridiculing him for being worth "only" a couple of hundred million. If Clinton calls Trump a loser, he can retort that at least he doesn't have to "prostitute" (sorry for the word) himself by going to weddings or giving speeches for money. However, the strategy that I believe could be successful in painting him as a loser is somehow showing that he is worth much less than he states he is, then you really go after he strength because bragging about money that you don't have, kind of invalidates the money you actually have (even if it still is a billion+).
Seeing the Race for the White House, they talk about how painting your opponent as a "risk" candidate is the key to win. Do you think that's true anymore?
Arizona Opinion Savvy Poll

Trump - 46%
Ted Cruz - 33%.
John Kasich - 17%
undecided - 4%

Early Voters: Trump at 44% to Cruz’s 38%.

Tuesday should be pretty boring for the GOP with Trump and Cruz getting easy WTA victories in Arizona/Utah. The most exciting thing would be Cruz failing to break 50% in Utah.
Arizona Opinion Savvy Poll

Trump - 46%
Ted Cruz - 33%.
John Kasich - 17%
undecided - 4%

Early Voters: Trump at 44% to Cruz’s 38%.

Not enough undecideds in this poll to make a Cruz win feasible.

Only one data point, of course, but Trump taking AZ and all its delegates seems likely.

Since Maricopa County is full of the batshittiest of batshit crazy conservatives, this is no shock. Were Trump not in the race, it would be Ted Cruz country.
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