Which is kinda ironic, given US history.
Hillary's dominating this primary, so you guys come off as sore winners when you trounce him some more!I can't stop diablosing over a Sanders nomination rn.
Probably also weren't YouTube clips of him saying "Wow, what a great place to visit. I better come back some more!He got hit with it in 1992 if I remember it right. The issue is getting anything to stick to Bill is damn near impossible and it's not something they can hit Hillary with. It didn't deal much damage because there's wasn't much information and it didn't play into a larger narrative. Bernie's done and said enough so that the GOP can build that narrative, if they haven't already.
I lived in South Florida. Communism and Socialism are pure evil there.
Probably also weren't YouTube clips of him saying "Wow, what a great place to visit. I better come back some more!"
Thats the case of Cuba. Not of Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Nicaragua.
The only reason you got things like Chavez and Maduro right now is because of how brutal and oppressive the militaristic regimes the US sponsored down there were.
Bernie is a damn fool for not just re-tool his views about it. I still dont think this will gain much traction, you Hillyfans are just overcompensating the anxiety Michigan caused you.
Thats the case of Cuba. Not of Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Nicaragua.
The only reason you got things like Chavez and Maduro right now is because of how brutal and oppressive the militaristic regimes the US sponsored down there were.
Bernie is a damn fool for not just re-tool his views about it. I still dont think this will gain much traction, you Hillyfans are just overcompensating the anxiety Michigan caused you.
The effect? Who knows. But it got attention.
Hispanics here (me being one of them) hate LA dictators with a passion regardless of how they got to power. The US having a hand doesn't play much of a role. Chavez is so universally hated, it's ridiculous
When Bernie says that Hillary has received $15m or whatever from Wall Street . .
What the fuck is he actually talking about? Goldman Sachs can't donate all that money, there are campaign finance laws . . .
Is he talking about people who work for Wall Street? Because if so, that's a shitty line of attack. Is it really any wonder that socially liberal NYC middle to upper class folks will donate to the Democratic frontrunner, who used to be their Senator? They could be supporting her for many reasons . . . it doesn't mean she will be a Wall Street slave as president.
Especially if they are just donating to a SuperPAC. No healthy candidate really relies solely upon SuperPAC money anyway.
tbf given the kind of people that moved from venezuela to miami during the chavez years, that's not exactly unexpected.
btw, it shouldn't be too hard to find brazilians in there that would readily praise our military dictatorship. We're... special... like that.
When Bernie says that Hillary has received $15m or whatever from Wall Street . .
What the fuck is he actually talking about? Goldman Sachs can't donate all that money, there are campaign finance laws . . .
Is he talking about people who work for Wall Street? Because if so, that's a shitty line of attack. Is it really any wonder that socially liberal NYC middle to upper class folks will donate to the Democratic frontrunner, who used to be their Senator? They could be supporting her for many reasons . . . it doesn't mean she will be a Wall Street slave as president.
Especially if they are just donating to a SuperPAC. No healthy candidate really relies solely upon SuperPAC money anyway.
I don't know why you or any Hillary supporter would be.I can't stop diablosing over a Sanders nomination rn.
Yeah; I'm just saying to think that comment will only play with Cubans means you don't understand just how anti socialist Spanish-speaking latam countries are
They are not. Latinamerica, specially south america, is a strong hold for leftist-socialstic politics. They are kind of crumbling right now lmao, but these past two decades it was all about socialism light down there.
I can assure you South Florida is the total opposite. You're not getting it.
They are not. Latinamerica, specially south america, is a strong hold for leftist-socialstic politics. They are kind of crumbling right now lmao, but these past two decades it was all about socialism light down there.
How quiet the OT got after so much pro Bernie posts at the beginning just goes to show how even his supporters know he really, really screwed up there.
Yeah, because Cubans history is with communism, not socialism. Different countries, different politics.
I don't know why you or any Hillary supporter would be.
They are not. Latinamerica, specially south america, is a strong hold for leftist-socialstic politics. They are kind of crumbling right now lmao, but these past two decades it was all about socialism light down there.
Probably should've just advertised Megyn Kelly and they would've gotten more attendees.
Fidel / Communism / Socialism = might as well be the same word in terms of perception
When Bernie says that Hillary has received $15m or whatever from Wall Street . .
What the fuck is he actually talking about? Goldman Sachs can't donate all that money, there are campaign finance laws . . .
Is he talking about people who work for Wall Street? Because if so, that's a shitty line of attack. Is it really any wonder that socially liberal NYC middle to upper class folks will donate to the Democratic frontrunner, who used to be their Senator? They could be supporting her for many reasons . . . it doesn't mean she will be a Wall Street slave as president.
Especially if they are just donating to a SuperPAC. No healthy candidate really relies solely upon SuperPAC money anyway.
People in here get ridiculous at times. Diablosing everywhere!BIG MICHIGAN UPSET! BERNEMENTUM! #FEELTHEBERN MOVE OVER HILLARY!
Decided to replace the word establishment with WWE.
what extension are you using for that and why have i not already been using it
Wow, that is an incredibly quick turnaround.
It's almost like Hillary's oppo team can do basic Youtube searches.
Remember that amendment Hillary brought up about Sanders supporting minutemen vigilante by voting for the bill?
Yeah, that was true. No provisions, either, it seems.
This, coupled with his Castro answer really are not going to do any favors for him at all, especially in Florida.
Agree with this. Thinking Hillary's massive social media team would just -forget- to run some thorough YouTube searches on Bernie is silly.They've probably had a version of that ready for months. They couldn't use it, but they figured someone would find it eventually.
They've probably had a version of that ready for months. They couldn't use it, but they figured someone would find it eventually.
Jesus.Remember that amendment Hillary brought up about Sanders supporting minutemen vigilante by voting for the bill?
Yeah, that was true. No provisions, either, it seems.
This, coupled with his Castro answer really are not going to do any favors for him at all, especially in Florida.
Bernie is a mess.
Just like working for his campaign, he's disappointing.
It's almost like Hillary's oppo team can do basic Youtube searches.