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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Are you still riding the Predict it Pony or have you cashed out?

I'm thinking of putting like $10 on something just for shits and giggles.

Queen still giving out a decent return for tomorrow in AZ. Also, Sanders likely to get Utah so you can go in on that.
I'm pretty convinced at this point that Trump is the nominee so I'm just going to wait to cash out. I put a bit on Hillary in Utah on a longshot but otherwise I'm clean.

Awesome. I should have gotten in a while ago, but I was hoarding money like crazy.

So, "The Circus"....it's...interesting. The problem is it lacks a cohesive narrative between episodes. If you're not following this stuff religiously, it takes huge leaps between episodes, in a way. It doesn't do anything to frame why the narrative has changed from week to week. It pretty much skipped over Hillary winning NV and went from Berniemomentum to OMG He must win SC! It's a bit weird. I'm still watching it, though.

Tomorrow the next episode of "Inside Obama's White House" should be up on the Beeb.
cant get enough of trump at WaPo

HIATT: How do you keep it without troops, how do you defend the oil?

TRUMP: You would… You would, well for that– for that, I would circle it. I would defend those areas.

HIATT: With U.S. troops?

TRUMP: Yeah, I would defend the areas with the oil. And I would have taken out a lot of oil. And, uh, I would have kept it. I mean, I would have kept it, because, look: Iran has the oil, and they’re going to have the oil, well, the stuff they don’t have, because Iran is taking over Iraq as sure as you’re sitting there. And I’ve been very good on this stuff. My prognostications, my predictions have become, have been very accurate, if you look.

HIATT: So what do you think China’s aims are in the South China Sea?

TRUMP: Well I know China very well, because I deal with China all the time. I’ve done very well. China’s unbelievably ambitious. China is, uh… I mean, when I deal with China, you know, I have the Bank of America building, I’ve done some great deals with China. I do deals with them all the time on, you know, selling apartments, and, you know, people say ‘oh that’s not the same thing.’ The level of… uh, the largest bank in the world, 400 million customers, is a tenant of mine in New York, in Manhattan. The biggest bank in China. The biggest bank in the world.



Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?
Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

It'd be a bad idea. She brings nothing in terms of electability, having two old women would be bad optics, she's too old to run for President in 2024, and she's more valuable in the Senate.


No Scrubs
Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

I'd rather her stay in the Senate, but if she wants to take the job so she could troll Trump full-time I wouldn't complain.
Devine is making bank on providing shit advice.

The best staffer Sanders has is probably whoever coordinates his fundraising apparatus.

Them, and whoever spearheads those excellent commercials. Hillary should absolutely hire that person.

Ugh, Zizek has to be the dumbest "intellectual" on the face of the planet. benji, you're a cruel man.


Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

I think she is better in the Senate.


Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

It's a complete waste of Warren. It wouldn't actually change anything in Hillary's White House. The Bernie clan is pissed at Warren for not endorsing him in Massachusetts so her electoral benefit is also questionable. The gender gap with Trump is going to be huge no matter what so there's no real advantage to an all female ticket and it could be a liability.

Tom Perez is a much better choice.
I think a big part of it is a failure to understand that "The United States" is not a monolithic block of people. We're often accused (rightly) of being ignorant to the rest of the world, yet it's so easy for the rest of the world to paint all of us as gun loving, xenophobic morans.

Not to mention everyone thinks we only speak one language, and poorly at that. That's an unfair stereotype. Many of us know how to ask "where is the shoe store" in several languages. You drop your average European down in Peoria and they'd never manage to find the Payless.
It depends on the issues obviously, but having lived abroad in Japan, France, Chile, and Norway so far, I'd say that overall, those four countries are all to the left of the US, to varying degrees (Chile < Japan < France < Norway IMO).

Regarding Japan specifically, two main points stick out in Sanders' favor vs Hillary: health care (in Japan as in Europe, it makes no sense for the US to still not have a proper healthcare system), and Iraq. Hawkishness is a downside everywhere I've lived (outside the US).

Granted, this has more to do with foreign nationals than the US expats who voted, but living in a foreign country and being exposed to a different point of view on the US has a pretty sizable impact on your politics.

I'm always thinking that people mean by the US is right is when it comes to the economic sense in comparison to the countries you listed. On social issues I fail to see it that way on some issues. The US seems center-left, but a little right when it comes to other issues. Well it depends on if you are referring to the populace or through law and the federal government.


Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

warren is way too good for hillary

castro is a loser, seriously weak

coattail kowtower, no skills


Lawrence O'Donnell is really pushing Elizabeth Warren for Clinton's VP pick. do people think that's a good idea or bad idea (not just her obvious intelligence but if it helps the electibility of the ticket, if she can do more in the senate or VP, etc.)?

I think it's a terrible idea.

Warren's life focus makes her more effective in the senate (and potentially as a future majority leader) than she'd ever be in the White House, especially as VP.

It's why I'm glad she didn't run (and why she probably decided not to). Warren is incredibly popular, but she'd be subject to the same "one issue candidate" critiques that have proven so devastating for Sanders. In congress she's able to focus more on what she does best (economic policy and consumer protection) then she would as president, where she'd be required to have her attention everywhere at once.
The most infuriating part is the misunderstanding of US politics by Euro posters in the OT threads. Yes, we do foreign policy bad. I get it. Get the rest of our country to get it. It's not that easy. It's high horse trash.

The thing is, they don't get their politicians aren't just these better people. It's all about the Overton Window. Look at how the UK Conservative's are acting economically now that they have a better opposition and no coalition partner. Hell, look at how quickly right wing parties rose up in Europe when a lot of brown people showed up for the 1st time. I have zero doubt that most of the center-right parties would act just as savagely when it came to budgetary items as the current day GOP if they could get away with it.
Okay so ya'll can hate me all you want for this...

I like Elizabeth Warren. I phone banked for her in 2012. I think she's a fine Senator. I do not think she's a good politician, though. I don't quite get why she gets a pass on being a Republican until the mid 90s, and some on the left give Hillary shit for being a Goldwater girl in high school. I don't get her as the Veep selection, because she literally brings nothing to the ticket. I'd support the hell out of her if she was on the ticket, but I've never seen her as this liberal savior some on the left paint her as.

That's just me, though.

Now, as majority leader? Sure. I'm down for that. That'd be great.


Okay so ya'll can hate me all you want for this...

I like Elizabeth Warren. I phone banked for her in 2012. I think she's a fine Senator. I do not think she's a good politician, though. I don't quite get why she gets a pass on being a Republican until the mid 90s, and some on the left give Hillary shit for being a Goldwater girl in high school. I don't get her as the Veep selection, because she literally brings nothing to the ticket. I'd support the hell out of her if she was on the ticket, but I've never seen her as this liberal savior some on the left paint her as.

That's just me, though.

Now, as majority leader? Sure. I'm down for that. That'd be great.

I don't disagree. I think Warren is right where she needs to be, and I think she knows that.

The only shame is that she's not the one pushing progressive values to the country right now. The one thing I really admire about Warren, besides her policy positions, is her ability to to take extremely complex concepts and explain them in a way that is both intelligent and complete, but also easily digestible. It's her years of teaching coming through, and if Bernie had even half that skill, he'd be a much more effective politician and devastating to run against.


Hillary Clinton Visits Phoenix Ahead Of Tuesday Vote

Clinton was introduced by Gila River Tribe Governor Stephen Roe Lewis as well as notable Latino leaders, including civil rights leader Dolores Huerta and U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez.

In Perez's previous post at the U.S. Justice Department Civil Rights Division, he was in charge of the team that challenged Arizona immigration enforcement law SB 1070 up to the U.S. Supreme Court and sued Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for discriminating against Latinos.

&#8220;I&#8217;m proud of the fact that we sued Sheriff Arpaio and won,&#8221; Perez said as the audience cheered. He went on to tell the crowd in both Spanish and English that Clinton was a &#8220;dreamer, a fighter and a doer.&#8221;

A federal judge in another lawsuit ruled Arpaio&#8217;s Maricopa County Sheriff&#8217;s Office had discriminated against Latino drivers. The Justice Department settled its own suit and has joined the other case to oversee reforms at the sheriff&#8217;s office.

Arpaio nemesis campaigning for Clinton, could be sleeper VP pick

U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez is in Phoenix today campaigning for Hillary Clinton before tomorrow&#8217;s Arizona presidential primaries.

Perez is best known in Arizona during his tenure as Assistant U.S. Attorney General and pursuing civil rights and racial profiling charges against the Maricopa County Sheriff&#8217;s Office and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Perez is also being mentioned as a possible Democratic vice presidential choice for Clinton.

Arpaio is backing Donald Trump in the Republican presidential race.


There was a Trump protester at AIPAC. Didn't hear him on the broadcast; maybe he should've yelled louder.

A prominent local rabbi, Shmuel Herzfeld, had been inside, he said, before he was thrown out by AIPAC security. He told reporters that he was just six rows from Trump when he stood, up raised his prayer shawl in the air and declared, "This man is wicked."

Herzfeld said he had not yet spoken about Trump to his congregation at Ohav Shalom in Washington. Before his action, he said, only one or two people knew of his plans, including he said, "my lawyer." That number will probably grow now that he has recounted his actions on Facebook.


Trump threatening to run ads against the Chicago Cubs in retaliation against the Ricketts.

“You said a few weeks ago after a family in Chicago gave some money to a PAC opposing you, you said, 'They better watch out. They have a lot to hide.' What should they watch out for?" editorial page editor Fred Hiatt asked.

“Look, they are spending vicious … I don’t even know these people. Those Ricketts," Trump said. "I actually said they ought to focus on the Chicago Cubs and, you know, stop playing around. They spent millions of dollars fighting me in Florida. And out of 68 counties, I won 66. I won by 20 points, almost 20 points. Against, everybody thought he was a popular sitting senator. I had $38 million dollars spent on me in Florida over a short period of time. $38 million. And, you know, the Ricketts, I don’t even know these people."

“So, what does it mean, ‘They better watch out'?" Hiatt pressed.

“Well, it means that I’ll start spending on them. I’ll start taking ads telling them all what a rotten job they’re doing with the Chicago Cubs. I mean, they are spending on me. I mean, so am I allowed to say that? I’ll start doing ads about their baseball team. That it’s not properly run or that they haven’t done a good job in the brokerage business lately,” Trump said.


My husband actually said he was warming up to Clinton after hearing her shots against Trump in her AIPAC speech and what she was saying in the CNN thing, but then he got mad at her for not saying she would have Obama withdraw his Supreme Court nomination and pick her own like Sanders did. But it's an improvement, I think.
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