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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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why shouldn't we protect our border? 20% caught along the border have criminal records. 80% of migrant women are raped crossing the border.

this might be a double post
Yeah, and take all the fucking scumbags who voted for him too!

Naw. 99% of Bernie supporters are good people. Bernie's getting more and more bitchy as he keeps losing. Dude's a sore loser. It's not a good look. None of his supporters forced him to Tweet that shit, so I lay the blame squarely on him and his campaign.


Naw. 99% of Bernie supporters are good people.
No, they aren't. They should all have their voting rights taken away. Immediately. For at least one general election.

I'll start a change.org petition. (The most effective means of change.) No Bernie Sanders primary voters should be allowed to vote in the general election this November.
No, they aren't. They should all have their voting rights taken away. Immediately. For at least one general election.

I'll start a change.org petition. (The most effective means of change.) No Bernie Sanders primary voters should be allowed to vote in the general election this November.

You have to Tweet about it too. It's not a real petition if it's not on Twitter.
Hillary has aimed several similar petty attacks at Bernie so it's fair game.

It's kind of funny to see his back pedaling though. I don't think I've seen him praise Obama or mention anything he's done in regards to job growth until now.
If you're a Hillary fan, a 10 point win in AZ and a 20 point loss in Utah and Idaho is a good outcome. They'd gain the same amount of delegates, and we'd remove another 3% of the potential Delegates from the board.


If you're a Hillary fan, a 10 point win in AZ and a 20 point loss in Utah and Idaho is a good outcome. They'd gain the same amount of delegates, and we'd remove another 3% of the potential Delegates from the board.

I'm feeling good about today, think she might come out slightly ahead overall.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How is a sleazeball nut like Cruz running even with Hillary in a GE matchup? Incredibly scary.
I'm feeling good about today, think she might come out slightly ahead overall.
Supposedly, Bernie's ground game in Arizona was late and terribly unorganized. The registration deadline in NY is the 25th and Bernie, according to Reddit, has no field offices.


Supposedly, Bernie's ground game in Arizona was late and terribly unorganized. The registration deadline in NY is the 25th and Bernie, according to Reddit, has no field offices.

I feel like this is going to be his biggest problem. To have any hope he'd need huge youth turnout, but most of the major states left have registration deadlines well in advance of the primary date.
I feel like this is going to be his biggest problem. To have any hope he'd need huge youth turnout, but most of the major states left have registration deadlines well in advance of the primary date.
In AZ early voting, 19% is over 75. 4% is between 18-24.
Ohhh yassss, talk dirty to me Adam.

EDIT: Also, what time are results today?
If you're a registered independent or Republican in NY the deadline to change your party was in October.

Should be starting around 9pm EST, so we're 4 hours behind you right now, I think.


If you're a registered independent or Republican in NY the deadline to change your party was in October.

Should be starting around 9pm EST, so we're 4 hours behind you right now, I think.

I remember reading that, I guess a lot of Sanders' support might be previously unregistered. Still not good for him though.

Sweet, thank you :)
I absolutely hate bringing this up so soon after the attacks, but do you think this will positively affect Trump in the general?
General? No. It's too far out and too far away. Primary? Yes. If there a feeling that foreign policy and terrorism is suddenly more important, on both sides, that would probably help Hillary and Trump. Since, for some reason, GOP voters trend to think trunks the guy for keeping America safe.


General? No. It's too far out and too far away. Primary? Yes. If there a feeling that foreign policy and terrorism is suddenly more important, on both sides, that would probably help Hillary and Trump. Since, for some reason, GOP voters trend to think trunks the guy for keeping America safe.
Kasich would just want to hug the terrorists and cry.


Morning Joe: Can the media cover Trump minus the contempt?
The snide comments began to roll in before the Republican frontrunner even finished his speech.

“The Donald can read!” one critic snarled.

“He just cut and pasted his pandering remarks,” another sneered.

“Trump went an entire speech without making fart noises and for that he gets kudos,” observed yet another.

In fact, most of the commentariat were dismissive of Donald Trump’s speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee tonight. But just like journalists and pundits who were too contemptuous of Trump to see the strength of his insurgent campaign unfolding before their eyes, those mocking the candidate’s teleprompter-aided talk tonight missed the story again.

What the ever-vexing Manhattan billionaire delivered in Washington was the first structured speech of his presidential campaign. He also answered critics who have continuously mocked the man for being short on policy and long on bluster, even if they were too clever to listen for his reply.
Trump’s erratic style has traumatized a GOP establishment that is trying to keep him at arm’s length. While cynics predictably dismissed speeches from Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) to their Jewish audience as “pandering,” there are millions of Republican voters like myself who saw it as a welcome respite from almost eight years of measured contempt toward the state of Israel from the Obama administration.

Despite criticizing Trump for his lack of discipline, his proposed Muslim ban, his refusal to criticize David Duke and a number of other inexplicable episodes during his baffling run for the White House, I will not substitute self-righteous preening for political analysis. I heard breathless reports of planned walkouts leading up to the AIPAC speech. What I saw instead during the speech were repeated camera shots of standing ovations.

Did he deliver this campaign’s version of the Gettysburg Address? Not on your life. The content was predictable and his delivery was less riveting than his rambling campaign rants. But once again, Trump exceeded expectations Monday night and added order to his oratory. Continuing that approach may begin to appease restless Republicans and also make a general election fight against Hillary Clinton closer than current polls suggest.

Journalists and news analysts who keep tripping over themselves to prove their moral superiority to Donald Trump and the voters pushing him toward the Republican nomination should also work a little harder to cover that story. Leave it to an angry Republican establishment to run the “Stop Trump” movement and try not to botch coverage of the 2016 general election as badly as you missed the multitude of signs pointing to Trump’s initial rise. As I said on “Morning Joe” last August, “this denial of reality of the mainstream media just plays into Donald Trump’s hands.”

It did then. It does today. And it will continue to help the man they hate so long as contempt for the confounding candidate keeps getting in the way of the story.
What responsibility would the media have to ever pretend the awful stuff coming out of Trump mouth never happened? If anything, there's always the wish that the media would hold politicians more accountable for the spewage they say.


I absolutely hate bringing this up so soon after the attacks, but do you think this will positively affect Trump in the general?

Is the Muslin ban gonna get 10 feet higher? He's already gone as far right on this one as he can.

By the time the general starts the awful events in Brussels will be long forgotten.


I absolutely hate bringing this up so soon after the attacks, but do you think this will positively affect Trump in the general?

General is too far, but it'll probably give him a boost in the primary. His Muslim ban rhetoric and being really hard on ISIS will help him a lot here.


I actually think that terror/security issues would help Hillary if she's facing Trump. As someone mentioned earlier, he's a "risk" candidate, while she almost serves as a continuation of Obama's relatively stable policies. Her experience, his bullshitty manner of not providing many specifics ("I have an advisor in my head!"), his cavalier attitude towards the use of force, his questionable human rights stances, her reputation for being hawkish.. these are all things that might play well in Peoria.

So far, polling has supported the notion that she's one of the more trusted of the candidates running.. but I'd still like to see more.


I don't think this specific attack will make much difference in the general, it's too far away. However, it is a reminder than an attack shortly before the general, especially if it took place in the US, could give him a major boost.
I don't think this specific attack will make much difference in the general, it's too far away. However, it is a reminder than an attack shortly before the general, especially if it took place in the US, could give him a major boost.

I disagree, I think majority of the people will want sane leadership and it helps Hillary if she is against Trump. The people whose number one concern is Muslims or Sharia are not voting for Hillary anyway.


I wanna step back and say it does kind of make me feel gross to evaluate terrorist incidents (and mass shootings) in so perfunctory a way, but what really strikes me as troubling is that these things are becoming so routine they're losing their ability to cause shock or impact things like they once did. Not just in the US either.
Foreign policy will kill trump in the general. I'd say Bernie has a lot more knowledge on the subject than Trump, and he looked really bad whenever any subject regarding it was brought up. And that was even with him taking sides on points I think many people wouldn't disagree with; it was just the lack of knowledge and specifics that made him look out of his depth

Trump will be considerably worse and the people who even want him because they dislike Washington will have a hard time getting over it because how dangerous or how unsafe the country would be under him
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