Macho Madness
It's a caucus. You can apparently vote online though.Is it a caucus? Closed or open primary?
Trump is hugely unpopular in the state. If Cruz doesn't break the 50% mark, I'll be surprised.
It's a caucus. You can apparently vote online though.Is it a caucus? Closed or open primary?
If it was a Republican they should be good at thatWhoever's idea this was needs to never do anything again.
Young liberals not participating in the democratic process, well I never
Maybe there was something good on TV, I don't blame them
If only Bernie had used more gifs and memes
Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign has spent $3.4 million on advertisements in this week's contests, including $1.3 in Arizona (which holds its primary today) and $1.4 million in Washington (which holds its caucuses on Saturday), according to ad-spending data from SMG Delta.
By contrast, Hillary Clinton's campaign has spent $600,000 in just one state - Arizona.
Alex Seitz-Wald ‏@aseitzwald 50m50 minutes ago
Sanders flooding airwaves this wk. 2x+ Clinton $ in AZ, up in ID, HI, UT, WA while she's $0. via
If it was a Republican they should be good at that
Hillary spend some money!!
WhyHillary spend some money!!
Hillary spend some money!!
Hillary spend some money!!
Washington gets thrown into the spotlight, as I think it will be Sanders Largest delegate win, statement win.
And the response will be "eh we expected him to win and he's still way behind see you in New York"Washington gets thrown into the spotlight, as I think it will be Sanders Largest delegate win, statement win.
Well.. that, American public/media will have its mind elsewhere..And the response will be "eh we expected him to win and he's still way behind"
Hillary spend some money!!
And the response will be "eh we expected him to win and he's still way behind see you in New York"
This time, sure. Clinton would have won in 2008 if this was the way things worked though, so that changes things a bit.
Washington gets thrown into the spotlight, as I think it will be Sanders Largest delegate win, statement win.
Washington allows for absentee voting in their caucus and Clinton's campaign has been sending ballots with the return address already on them to Democrats. But she should still lose, yeah.
Nothing like winning an extremely white/liberal state as a statement win
Yes. He is not out of this until he's technically fully mathematically eliminated (and even then he'll just say the superdelegates can switch) or until he runs out of money. Devine has the gravy train in overdrive.Let's get nuts and say hillary pulls and upset and gets 2/3. Would Bernie keep going?
I have faith that the Asian vote is secretly in Hillary's pocket and Washington state will be delivered.
I have no such faith. Freakin' white people!
Let's get nuts and say hillary pulls an upset and gets 2/3. Would Bernie keep going?
If he lost Washington that would be it. He'd have to fold.
Would he though? I dunno, but everyone would stop paying any attention to him.
Maybe you guys are just a bunch of old farts who don't understand gif blogs
At worst she losses around 5-15% in Washington at best it is a tie ,or with her edging a win, but since it would be a tie basically to everyone else it won't deter him much.
The best she can do is tie with the white vote and have a huge lead with minorities.
If he lost Washington that would be it. He'd have to fold.
Would he though? I dunno, but everyone would stop paying any attention to him.
If he lost Washington that would be it. He'd have to fold.
Would he though? I dunno, but everyone would stop paying any attention to him.
At worst she losses around 5-15% in Washington at best it is a tie ,or with her edging a win, but since it would be a tie basically to everyone else it won't deter him much.
The best she can do is tie with the white vote and have a huge lead with minorities.
Dan MericaVerified account
In a question on Trump, Clinton says we need "steady hearts, minds and hands" in the WH. Second time she has mention "hands" in 24 hours.
I take it Trump questioning Mitt Romney's faith didn't play very well lol. Dude is just a sniping troll. He'd be banned instantly on neogaf.I live in Utah and its going Cruz hardcore. Its all I hear from everyone. I know its anecdotal but its hard to ignore when EVERY single person I know and run into is voting for Ted Cruz.
I have faith that the Asian vote is secretly in Hillary's pocket and Washington state will be delivered.
I have no such faith. Freakin' white people!
Washington will be 57 - 43. Bookmark this.
It's a caucus. You can apparently vote online though.
Trump is hugely unpopular in the state. If Cruz doesn't break the 50% mark, I'll be surprised.
The popularity of the Seattle Sounders alone is enough of an indication how Washington is a young, white, liberal godless hipster state and Bernie will crush it.
Yes, and the dinky states up front gives virtual unknowns like Bill Clinton a chance to be president.Is that what it's supposed to be? Or is that just what it's turned into as states fight each other to get earlier primaries and inflated influence?
The popularity of the Seattle Sounders alone is enough of an indication how Washington is a young, white, liberal godless hipster state and Bernie will crush it.
Just got an email from the Sanders campaign trumpeting the Democrats Abroad results by saying Bernie netted more delegates than Hillary did from her wins in Massachusetts, Illinois and Missouri combined!
Now how about Florida, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana etc.?
Plus Hillary didn't net any delegates from Illinois so it feels like cheating to include it... Oh well at least he acknowledged the fact that she won some Northern states.