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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Damn I think this Utah win is going to make the bernie bros obnoxious online again. Now they will think they are going to win the election because he won a state. It was kind of nice last week when he didn't win a state. It made them go quiet.


So landslide for Clinton in Arizona, landslide for Sanders in Utah and Idaho, and tonight was a wash. Pretty much that same on the Republican side with Trump in Arizona and Cruz in Utah.
Always fun seeing Sanders supporters celebrate the importance of "major" victories in states like Utah while simultaneously arguing Clinton wins in the south don't matter since those are red states...

They sure are good at finding multiple ways to tell black people they don't matter without outright saying it. It's like a spoiled brat who stops being your friend the moment you disagree with him on something.


Love how Cenk just pushes demographics aside as to why Utah, and Arizona could be so different in their vote. No shit. There's like four minorities in Utah. If Arizona wasn't a closed primary Bernie still loses.


Damn I think this Utah win is going to make the bernie bros obnoxious online again. Now they will think they are going to win the election because he won a state. It was kind of nice last week when he didn't win a state. It made them go quiet.

Tell me about it. It's actually more annoying win Bernie wins than the other way around.

Expecting to wake up tomorrow to my Facebook feed full of comments about how smart people from Utah and Idaho clearly are. Oh, and how they will go down as the place where this race turned around.

Maryland and New York can't come soon enough.


I do like how r/Politics is giving Sanders supporters shit. I'm guessing even they are tired of listening to people insist Bernie can win

(Spotted at a rally in Seattle..)


Love the argument from TYT that you need independents and young voters to win the general therefore Sanders should be the nominee. Easily countered with young voters don't actually you know vote. Also, you need the minority vote to have any prayer of winning in the general, and Bernie Sanders has shown he does not have the minority vote. Clinton is absolutely demolishing him with minority voters. Love the shitty arguments from TYT. They have been extremely entertaining for me the last couple of hours.


lol Chris Matthews on MSNBC just stopped mid-sentence and said "Wait, am I supposed to stop talking?" Brian Williams told him no and to proceed with what he was saying. Chris said, "Someone was telling me to stop talking."

I thought oh shit they can hear what I'm saying while watching.
States starting with U are the important ones. Supers should fall in line with the will of those people.

When is bumf*ck Udaho going to report something.
Would have liked to see Utah go with Kasich as the non-Trump over Cruz.

Seeing Ted's mug up on the victory board makes me retch.

I just wanted Cruz to be under 50% so he only gets 20 out of the 40 delegates. Maybe there is still hope if there are some strong Kasich or Trump areas.


I don't see that Rachel is in the tank for Bernie at all. Certainly the "we'll try to convince superdelegates to change" story didn't help him.
Tell me about it. It's actually more annoying win Bernie wins than the other way around.

Expecting to wake up tomorrow to my Facebook feed full of comments about how smart people from Utah and Idaho clearly are. Oh, and how they will go down as the place where this race turned around.

Maryland and New York can't come soon enough.

Melkr is already back, I see.
So Trump has actually increased his margin in Arizona since election day votes have come in. This is his most impressive victory other than Florida.


So is Jailbird Hillary finished and being fitted for her cuffs for her maximum security jail cell yet?

The prison bus was waiting to transport her outside her rally tonight.

I'm glad Bernie hasn't thrown in the towel yet. About two weeks before I cast my vote for Hillary.


Not sure if this has already popped up here. I follow the court pretty closely and missed that he had said this.


It was not long ago that qualified nominees coasted onto the court, Roberts said last month. In 1986, Scalia was confirmed by a vote of 98-0. In 1993, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed by a vote of 96-3.

These days, Roberts said, “the process is not functioning very well.”

The last three justices should have sailed through, too, he said. He was referring to Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., appointed by President George W. Bush, and justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, appointed by Obama. Forty-two senators voted against Alito, 31 against Sotomayor and 37 against Kagan.

“Look at my more recent colleagues, all extremely well qualified for the court,” Roberts said, “and the votes were, I think, strictly on party lines for the last three of them, or close to it, and that doesn’t make any sense. That suggests to me that the process is being used for something other than ensuring the qualifications of the nominees.”

If Sotomayor and Kagan were “extremely well qualified for the court,” it is a safe bet that Roberts has a similarly high regard for Garland, with whom he served on the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

“Anytime Judge Garland disagrees, you know you’re in a difficult area,” Roberts said at his 2005 confirmation hearing.

In last month’s remarks, delivered at New England Law, a private law school in Boston, the chief justice raised a second concern: Ugly confirmation fights damage the Supreme Court’s legitimacy and authority.

“When you have a sharply political, divisive hearing process, it increases the danger that whoever comes out of it will be viewed in those terms,” he said. “If the Democrats and Republicans have been fighting so fiercely about whether you’re going to be confirmed, it’s natural for some members of the public to think, well, you must be identified in a particular way as a result of that process.”

“We don’t work as Democrats or Republicans,” the chief justice said, “and I think it’s a very unfortunate impression the public might get from the confirmation process.”


Utah liberals are super liberal so Bernie crushing here wouldn't have been that surprising other than the close polling.

And we're a white state, of course.

I think the Clinton campaign just kind of wrote it and Idaho off. If they were close, great, if not, eh. It seem like her goal is to limit Bernie's win in Washington as much as possible.


I don't see the problem with letting people cling on to the bit of hope that they have. Most people don't understand how the process works and if seeing Bernie sweet super liberal Idaho as evidence of a momentum, then fine. It's their dollar and time. The race is fundamentally over and has been since Super Tuesday (and the signs have been there since Nevada).
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