Typed on a goddamn PS3 controller. It breaks my mind every time I imagine having to do that and include links and pictures. This is coming from a PS3 browser vet from back in the day when it was my primary porn machine.
Maybe he has a PS3 keyboard? That would make it allright.
To this day, I do normally type my replies using DS3 and / or BD remote, and do use video screenshots from PS3 browser (bookmarklet allows me to use remote to pause YT videos at "just the right moment", as can also jump back 2s), but, I have to upload (to Imgur) / edit pictures using my ThinkPad, as Imgur is a no-go in PS3 browser...
However, on occasion, including today, I just post from my ThinkPad, as I was also completing a Harris Poll survey (proving to be a nice earner for some Amazon vouchers

One of these days, I might also invest in a Logitech Unifying Receiver (~$10), as I bought a Logitech Revue (Google TV), which comes with a rather nice wireless keyboard, that "in theory", should work with my PS3. I hardly use my Revue these days, although I just about managed to get it working to show the last democratic debate at our volunteer office, in combination with an excellent "pot luck" event (first half hour plus didn't go well, as YT stream I found only worked for the National Anthem, but luckily, I found another official private YT stream - can't use video players other than YT, such as on CNN, as Chrome browser can't be updated to latest version...).
P.S. Yeah, I've also heard the Wii U browser is excellent, although, being able to navigate a web site just using a D-Pad (jumps to HTML element (link, input box etc), in direction pressed) is an awesome "couch potato" friendly feature, when it works.