So, Rubio is on the ballot in Florida, right? So even if he drops out, I think there's still going to be a non-zero number of voters who vote for him. Just like some people still voted for Jeb and Carson after they left. It would be hilarious if Rubio dropped out to give Cruz a win over Trump, only to have Trump win because too many people voted for Rubio anyway.
In fact, with absentee ballots, Rubio would actually likely have a shit ton of votes.
Rubio Is Not Dropping Out Before FL.
If I were the GOP establishment, forcing Rubio to drop out before Florida would be the only item on my agenda.
But it's only five days away. It would have to happen really really fast.
I played video games last night and felt fantastic about it.Tonight will be the first debate I attempt to not watch. The pull will be strong, but I'll try to fight it.
If I were the GOP establishment, forcing Rubio to drop out before Florida would be the only item on my agenda.
But it's only five days away. It would have to happen really really fast.
Florida is challenging for Bernie. It's old, and there are large groups of non white vote. My mom's best friend who lives in Florida was talking about how the local news stories were talking about his Castro comment. This is central Florida. If it's getting negative play there, I can imagine it's getting play elsewhere. With early voting, I think Bernie's best play is to try and manage margins there.
Even if he managed 55% of all delegates, Hillary would have 150-180 delegate lead. If his campaign hasn't screwd up so much in the South, he could have had a fairly good shot at this.
Republican voters are very bad at understanding which candidates are electable.
If I were the GOP establishment, forcing Rubio to drop out before Florida would be the only item on my agenda.
But it's only five days away. It would have to happen really really fast.
How in blazes can Romney be less popular than Cruz?
Republican voters are very bad at understanding which candidates are electable.
How in blazes can Romney be less popular than Cruz?
Republican voters are very bad at understanding which candidates are electable.
How in blazes can Romney be less popular than Cruz?
Republican voters are very bad at understanding which candidates are electable.
As a Cuban, I think the whole Cuban healthcare praise is bullshit. Everything else he said is fairly fine. Cubans were slaughtered by Castro.
Yeah, but they also were slaughtered by fulgencio. No change there.
Oh good, my mom's meltdown will be epic.
Big Don in big trouble in Ohio after head bucknut endorses Kasich
If Trump had never entered the race, would Rubio or Bush had been the frontrunner for this primary and things would play out more like they normally do with Cruz occupying the secondary role Sanders has right now? It's crazy how much trump shook things up.
If it wasn't for Trump, Cruz would be leading.
There is still a desire for an outsider. Jeb was never going to happen regardless. Cruz brings much of the same energy Trump does, but hes just getting overshadowed.
The only other person who might have benefited would have been Christie, I think
So this would have to be a bigger upset than the Michigan one with bernie was for someone other than trump to win.POLL UPDATE
2016 Florida Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 43%, Rubio 20% (FOX News 3/5-3/8)
Population 813 Likely Voters - Republican
Margin of Error ±3.5 percentage points
Polling Method Live Phone
1) 2016 Florida Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 813 likely voters - republican
Ted Cruz (R) 16%
Don't Know 6%
John Kasich (R) 10%
None of the above 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 20%
Donald Trump (R) 43%
Other 5%
Then his political career is officially over.Rubio Is Not Dropping Out Before FL.
2016 Florida Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 43%, Rubio 20% (FOX News 3/5-3/8)
Population 813 Likely Voters - Republican
Margin of Error ±3.5 percentage points
Polling Method Live Phone
1) 2016 Florida Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 813 likely voters - republican
Ted Cruz (R) 16%
Don't Know 6%
John Kasich (R) 10%
None of the above 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 20%
Donald Trump (R) 43%
Other 5%
Jesus H. Bush. A 23% lead? That's crazy. Rubio is toast.
He could still be on path for the nom lock even if that happens right?Predictiob: Trump wins Florida, loses Ohio
Since Florida is a such a delegate-rich winner-take-all state, he'd seal himself as the candidate with the most delegates heading into the convention. He'd be near-impossible to catch, although he still could be prevented from getting a majority of delegates.He could still be on path for the nom lock even id that happens right?
Yeah. I understand why they do it because when it comes down to it, they do count. But they're not set in stone and it either confuses the politically ignorant or angers them.I really wish places would stop including the super delegates in the match ups.
Bookmark this: of delegate counts, does anyone have the Clinton vs. Bernie delegate counts without Superdelegates? I'm tired of searching on big news websites :0(.