Honestly, the Republican establishment has tried to get the wheels moving on moderating on immigration and appealing to latinos. But the Tea Party and loud voices from within keep beating it out of them. The racist rhetoric just overrides it and anyone who tries to make it work is called weak or is notruescotsman'ed
Thats why Fox was pushing Jeb! so hard in the beginning. They thought he was the only one who could bridge the gap or pick up latino votes.
The Republican party and some contradictions that is destroying their party. The problem with many of these Republicans is that many
knew they need a segment of minority support to have any real chance of getting the White House so many are actually for immigration reform plus it is easy to support that because a lot of business people did. At the same time a lot of officials and rank and file Republicans didn't give a damn or was actively against it. The elites probably thought they could control them with diet racism, anti-government, code words, and using that to further gains it worked but it completely fucked them.
There was no way the camps would coexist, but the leaders cared more about short term gains. It is biting them in the ass, but the people too were foolish into thinking that they could have changed things to how they wonted the problem is if the GOP doesn't have the supermajority and a dem President is in office nothing was going to happen period. Now they are angry.
Now that someone is responding to that angry, his actions are going damage the party. Completely destroying the image they want to portray.