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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I'm now completely convinced that Bernie's just in this to try to burn it all down at this point.

He doesn't care about the Democrats. I doubt he'll support Hillary in the end. He doesn't care that he's grossly misleading his gullible followers (many of whom are new to this process and earnest) on his ability to win and how our government actually works. Hell, I don't think he even gives a shit about his "message" at this point; it's just there to give him something credible to say in-between flinging right wing attacks at Hillary and the Democratic establishment.

He's going to stay in until the bitter end just to disrupt as much as possible.

I hope Dems snub the shit out of him when this is all said and done.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can you babies stop? He will ask for something in return to get his voters to vote for Hillary. Whether that be policy concessions or firing Debbie or something. Go be trump voters if reality stings you!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Of those who said someone else should prevail at a contested convention, 33 percent favored Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, and 23 percent said they would like to see Ohio Gov. John Kasich win the nomination. Others receiving support were Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (10 percent), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (5 percent), 2012 nominee Mitt Romney (4 percent), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (3 percent) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (2 percent).

Please oh please go with Romney or Ryan. The backlash would be incredible.
Medacare for all, $15 minimum wage, corporate money out of politics, stoping climate change and something about visiting stadiums and talking to people.

She won't concede on Medicare for All. She's made her opposition to that part of her campaign against him. She'd probably be fine with pushing for $15 minimum wage, though. Probably reinstate Glass-Steagall. '


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You missed the part where Newt tries to sell the reporter on "The Art of the Deal." This happens in the interview!
That was pretty special. Basically "who cares whether or not Trump has credible foreign policy advisors, have you read his book?!"
The most important Republicans (with regards to their overall identity and philosophy) in the 50 year period between Trump and Goldwater are Reagan, Nixon, and Gingrich and Gingrich is currently promoting The Art of the Deal to reporters to during interviews. This has to say terrible things about the party.

Of course, the fact that Newt is right there with Ben Carson as the biggest scammer in U.S. politics is also a bad sign and that happened before Gingrich started talking about The Art of the Deal.


.@BernieSanders on if he loses & Dems ask him to rally voters 4 @HillaryClinton: "What's the Dem establishment going to do for us?" #tytlive

.@BernieSanders on whether @BarackObama is fighting against the establishment or part of it..."I think both" #tytlive #FeelTheBern

If Kasich had been smart, he would be preaching about his attempts to do the same with unions in Ohio that Walker did here. There is a subset of the voting population that hates public sector employees like myself and would eat that up.

At least I can derive satisfaction from the fact that when I shit at work, taxpayers are paying for it.

That would have probably cost him Ohio. Remember that we shit on SB5 when he tried that stunt and has been stuck sneaking his anti-union stuff into other bills for the past 6 years.

Nothing like re-opening old wounds when everyone's mostly forgotten about them to remember "Oh yeah, THIS jackass tried to do that. I should vote against him."


She won't concede on Medicare for All. She's made her opposition to that part of her campaign against him. She'd probably be fine with pushing for $15 minimum wage, though. Probably reinstate Glass-Steagall. '
Medicare was first on his list so that'll be a fun point of negotiation for the convention.
The thing that pisses me off is that there, theoretically, should be no "us" in Bernie's statement. He's not running for the nomination of the anti-Establishment Party. He's running for the nomination of the freaking Democratic party. The party that he has continued to show nothing but disdain for throughout his career and this process.


The thing that pisses me off is that there, theoretically, should be no "us" in Bernie's statement. He's not running for the nomination of the anti-Establishment Party. He's running for the nomination of the freaking Democratic party. The party that he has continued to show nothing but disdain for throughout his career and this process.

That and "what can you do for us" should be able to summed up with "not let the Republicans control the White House". Like its hard to bargain when you not "getting your way" means that everybody loses not just the person on the other-side of the table.


.@BernieSanders on if he loses & Dems ask him to rally voters 4 @HillaryClinton: "What's the Dem establishment going to do for us?" #tytlive


EDIT: Already posted, but like, what the fuck????


The thing that pisses me off is that there, theoretically, should be no "us" in Bernie's statement. He's not running for the nomination of the anti-Establishment Party. He's running for the nomination of the freaking Democratic party. The party that he has continued to show nothing but disdain for throughout his career and this process.

dnc and dws haven't played nice, sad!

bernie just unleashed a solar flare upon the establishment

we're with you, bernie !


Something tells me negotiating with Sanders would be like negotiating with Republicans, only on the other side of the spectrum.
She's white.


That and "what can you do for us" should be able to summed up with "not let the Republicans control the White House". Like its hard to bargain when you not "getting your way" means that everybody loses not just the person on the other-side of the table.

Bingo. I'm still surprised by the hubris Bernie has about this type of thing. He acts as though we owe him something. Last I checked, we didn't owe him anything.


I need to dig out my posts from months ago where I said this would happen. In 2008 Clinton played nice and worked to bring people together because she's a democrat and it's in her interest to see the party strong.

Bernie has zero motivation to do that - in fact, he has the opposite. It's better for him if the republicans win, because (like Fox being happy with democrat presidents) he then gets to rail about the establishment and grandstand forever. No-one is pure enough to satisfy his ideals, so better to have a huge target to campaign against.

I think we'll see a half hearted attempt at best to support Clinton, and he'll do exactly the wrong thing and try to bargain with her using his supporters, a move which weakens her out of the gate. Again, noticeably something Clinton didn't do with Obama despite being in a much stronger relative position than Bernie will be at the end of this.


More evidence that Quinnipiac has been Clinton's worst pollster this cycle:

Quinnipiac's Clinton+6 was the best live interview national poll result for Trump in the last month. The others: C+11,18,10,12,9,13,8

Either they're seeing something no one else is, or their screens really don't like her for reasons I can't understand (this also has manifested in their Clinton v. Sanders polls)
More evidence that Quinnipiac has been Clinton's worst pollster this cycle:

Either they're seeing something no one else is, or their screens really don't like her for reasons I can't understand (this also has manifested in their Clinton v. Sanders polls)

If I remember correctly, they were weighting for a GE electorate that was very Republican.

Also, how are you feeling?



EDIT: Already posted, but like, what the fuck????

Fuck off Bernie. That's basically saying he's not anti-GoP

How would you not campaign against Trump or Cruz? What the fuck. Dude is going from one of my favorites politicians to an annoying rhetoric machine
Fox News is out with a new national poll:

GOP Side

Trump 41 (+5)
Cruz 38 (+19)
Kasich 17 (+9)

Dem Side:

Hillary 55 (+11)
Bernie 42 (-5)

This is also the only national poll that had Bernie up last month. It also swings wilder than I do after three cocktails that one time I was at my friend's house and I totally didn't know the dude was....: cough :

Never mind.


Fox News is out with a new national poll:

GOP Side

Trump 41 (+5)
Cruz 38 (+19)
Kasich 17 (+9)

Dem Side:

Hillary 55 (+11)
Bernie 42 (-5)

This is also the only national poll that had Bernie up last month. It also swings wilder than I do after three cocktails that one time I was at my friend's house and I totally didn't know the dude was....: cough :

Never mind.

We're seeing movement towards Hillary in pretty much everything now, from pollster to pollster, in both primary and general polling. Something has definitely happened. A shift.


Fox News is out with a new national poll:

GOP Side

Trump 41 (+5)
Cruz 38 (+19)
Kasich 17 (+9)

Dem Side:

Hillary 55 (+11)
Bernie 42 (-5)

This is also the only national poll that had Bernie up last month. It also swings wilder than I do after three cocktails that one time I was at my friend's house and I totally didn't know the dude was....: cough :

Never mind.

Adam my good man, you're incorrigible I tell you.
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