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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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We're seeing movement towards Hillary in pretty much everything now, from pollster to pollster, in both primary and general polling. Something has definitely happened. A shift.

On the primary side, people like to back a winner. It's a manifestation of the bandwagon effect, really. Who wants to vote for the person who is definitely going to lose?

As to the GE matchups....Trump's doing gods work for Queen. Her speech today was great. She's not going to be, for better or worse, a President who is weak on foreign policy or doesn't understand it. That's her jam, and if terrorism is a major issue this election, that plays to her strengths.

Adam my good man, you're incorrigible I tell you.

How dare you. I am a good Christian woman.
She rally behind Hillary, but I bet he wants the dems to have something that is part of his platform on theirs. I doubt they take him very seriously , but throw him a bone or two. I can see them doing medicare for all, but doing through expanding medicare through ACA, and $15 minimum wage, but only until they are ready. I don't think they'll start becoming the anti-wallstreet party, but they may campaign on getting rid of citizens united. All of which are part of Hillary's platform already so there is already some flexibility.

his supporters want him this way, we don't like this party

Then make your own party. You think the Democrat Party will listen to some fools that barely vote and don't partake in the political process much? No. They aren't going to reform that like and Bernie well influence the party he wont change it much. The ones that set the message is the party leader AKA Hillary and people that are in the DNC, and others like Obama.


his supporters want him this way, we don't like this party



EDIT: Already posted, but like, what the fuck????

Big surprise, Bernie Sanders doesn't give a shit about his ideals, and is just an ego driven politician like them all who will decide to burn bridges when things don't go his way.

He's not a Democrat. Let that fucker do his thing, lose pitiably, continue to disgrace himself by going this route and then I hope Hillary ostracizes the fuck out of him when elected. Pathetic and nothing anyone with even the slightest interest in progressive policy would suggest.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Can you babies stop? He will ask for something in return to get his voters to vote for Hillary. Whether that be policy concessions or firing Debbie or something. Go be trump voters if reality stings you!

Man I hope its firing DWS


We're seeing movement towards Hillary in pretty much everything now, from pollster to pollster, in both primary and general polling. Something has definitely happened. A shift.

The question is, do these polls adjust for retroactive momentum?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The most important Republicans (with regards to their overall identity and philosophy) in the 50 year period between Trump and Goldwater are Reagan, Nixon, and Gingrich and Gingrich is currently promoting The Art of the Deal to reporters to during interviews. This has to say terrible things about the party.

Of course, the fact that Newt is right there with Ben Carson as the biggest scammer in U.S. politics is also a bad sign and that happened before Gingrich started talking about The Art of the Deal.

No love for Buckley?


Because he's a giant mess and hypocrite like most politicians.

Wait wait wait... what? I thought he was ABOVE THE FRAY™ and driven by real progressive ideology and a desire to change this country for the better?

Oh, you mean he's just the same sort of self-absorbed ambition driven candidate as the rest of them? Snap... that's a crusher.
His answer on supporting the Dem party at the end was more level headed than I was led to think. It didn't sound like he's ready to jump ship. He just wants the Dem party to become more grassroots and listen to its people a little more. That's fair.

I think he's trying to strengthen the party. Even if his strategy is a bit misguided.


Jesus the hyperbole with Bernie in here. Acting like the Democratic Party is some unimpeachable force after shitting their pants from 2010-2014 is exactly the reason people are looking for an outsider. Party loyalty is a sucker's game for anyone not working in Washington.
Jesus the hyperbole with Bernie in here. Acting like the Democratic Party is some unimpeachable force after shitting their pants from 2010-2014 is exactly the reason people are looking for an outsider. Party loyalty is a sucker's game for anyone not working in Washington.

He's not going to win.

It is going to be Clinton vs Trump or Cruz.

Trump or Cruz or any GOP would be a disaster and would go against everything Sanders believes in.

He needs to step up and do his part in stopping them.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Bernie is not a Democrat, but he is hardly an outsider. But he's also a bad candidate so he's getting blown out. :shrug:

I don't care what he does, really. He can stay in until June or July or whatever. Hell, he can pretend he is running for president in February 2019. Nobody is paying attention to him anymore. The networks barely even cover his hour long boreathon stump speeches. Wall Street fatcats will continue to get rich and he can continue to remain bothered.


Couldnt give fewer fucks about Bernie at this point. He blowtorched the respect I had for him when he started to act like a child after it became clear he couldn't win.

So go ahead and twist in the wind with your delusions of momentum and hypocrisy sir. The rest of us have an election to shape and win.

Bernie is not a Democrat, but he is hardly an outsider. But he's also a bad candidate so he's getting blown out. :shrug:

I don't care what he does, really. He can stay in until June or July or whatever. Hell, he can continue he is running for president in February 2019. Nobody is paying attention to him anymore. The networks barely even cover his hour long boreathon stump speeches. Wall Street fatcats will continue to get rich and he can continue to remain bothered.

Basically this. No one is even paying him any mind anymore, and this latest stuff justifies it in my eyes. He can stay in until he can't any longer for all I care. I'm done paying him any mind, as is most of the media at this point.
His answer on supporting the Dem party at the end was more level headed than I was led to think. It didn't sound like he's ready to jump ship. He just wants the Dem party to become more grassroots and listen to its people a little more. That's fair.

I think he's trying to strengthen the party. Even if his strategy is a bit misguided.

I don't know about grassroots, but what the hell does "listen to the people" mean? There are many types of people in the Democrat party, but not all of them give a shit about wall street and/or don't place them in a high priority. Some don't even care about trade deals while some even supports it. That statement is too vague, but the two parties have to balance who wants what and it is not easy I'm sure.


He's not going to win.

It is going to be Clinton vs Trump or Cruz.

Trump or Cruz or any GOP would be a disaster and would go against everything Sanders believes in.

He needs to step up and do his part in stopping them.

08 Version

She's not going to win.

It it going to be Obama Vs McCain

McCain would be a disaster and go against everything Clinton believes in

She needs to step up and do her part in stopping him.
Jesus the hyperbole with Bernie in here. Acting like the Democratic Party is some unimpeachable force after shitting their pants from 2010-2014 is exactly the reason people are looking for an outsider. Party loyalty is a sucker's game for anyone not working in Washington.

The Democratic Party is the best hope we have for progressive change in this country. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. And, of course, the party isn't above criticism. We often do things wrongly.

However, when you're running to essentially lead the party, you watch what you say. I don't particularly care for McDonalds, so I'm not going to interview for the role of CEO and tell the people who have worked at McDonalds for decades "Ya'll are morally bankrupt, your food and ideas are shit, you're all part of the problem, but, hey, hire me, okay?" It's a ridiculous strategy.

To be clear, I don't much care what his personal opinions are. He'll be back in the Senate soon enough. I'm talking from a strategy stand point moreso than anything else.
My neofascist father is mad that I don't visit the racist relatives with my girlfriends because they make racist comments to my Chinese girlfriend.

Not sure if unfriending your dad on Facebook is good for family relations though...

User 406

You guys are getting trolled too easily. Calm down. No need to get into a hateboner circle jerk of self-righteousness. Anyone who lived through the 2008 primary should know better.
Bernie is not a Democrat, but he is hardly an outsider. But he's also a bad candidate so he's getting blown out. :shrug:

I don't care what he does, really. He can stay in until June or July or whatever. Hell, he can pretend he is running for president in February 2019. Nobody is paying attention to him anymore. The networks barely even cover his hour long boreathon stump speeches. Wall Street fatcats will continue to get rich and he can continue to remain bothered.


Bernie's planning to camp out in California for the next couple of months. Can retroactive momentum make Clinton non-viable?
"You're going to see me here more than you feel comfortable with," Sanders told the Los Angeles Times during a 50-minute meeting with the editorial board Tuesday. "We think we have a path to victory and that path absolutely has to come through California."

Sanders said Wednesday during a visit to Los Angeles that he is counting on a ground game of liberal organizations — including the labor and environmental movements — to help him continue to attract large crowds and, he hopes, generate momentum.

When asked how he can win given the delegate lead Clinton has amassed, Sanders said, "I would fully concede we have a narrow path to victory; your point is well taken, but it is a path."

He said the math can't be argued with, but he believes he has a shot because many of the superdelegates haven't declared their allegiance. The senator thinks he is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump in the fall, and came armed with poll numbers that show him performing better than Clinton in head-to-head matchups. While admitting Clinton "absolutely" also could defeat Trump, he said the head-to-head is what superdelegates care about.

As for his next steps in California, "You will see very large rallies in city after city after city," he said, a few hours before a planned rally at the Wiltern in Los Angeles.
08 Version

She's not going to win.

It it going to be Obama Vs McCain

McCain would be a disaster and go against everything Clinton believes in

She needs to step up and do her part in stopping him.

And she did. I don't recall her going on TYT and hinting that he might not.

In the end I'm sure he will but his comment makes me doubt a bit
Went from a Sanders supporter to full-on "Fuck off, Bernie" mode in three months, which is a record turn-around for any politician I have ever supported.

So there's that.


Went from a Sanders supporter to full-on "Fuck off, Bernie" mode in three months, which is a record turn-around for any politician I have ever supported.

So there's that.

Sanders supporters are becoming a major problem... Thankfully it seems to be a vocal minority, though...




Here's part of an interview that my friend my High School I mentioned earlier did about her experiences protesting in Arizona and the aftermath.

08 Version

It it going to be Obama Vs McCain

McCain would be a disaster and go against everything Clinton believes in

She needs to step up and do her part in stopping him.

She did though. And to be fair, I still expect Bernie to do so after the convention. I just find a lot of what he's saying recently very peculiar. Like "why are you saying some of these things dude?". Was Hilary saying these sorts of stupid things in 08 too when things were winding down? I'll be honest in that I didn't vote in the primary of that year because I had moved States and forgot to re-register in time so I kind of tuned out until GE season started.
Well, he's saying he's not going to run millions of dollars of ads in California. Which...okay, girl, sure you're not. That's been your strategy so far, throw money at the teevee box and see what happens. Didn't really work, but at least you were consistent with it.

I mean, I guess it's a strategy. I don't think it's a good one. These huge rallies don't really make a ton of difference, because he's pretty much just pulling people who already Feel the Bern.


You guys are getting trolled too easily. Calm down. No need to get into a hateboner circle jerk of self-righteousness. Anyone who lived through the 2008 primary should know better.

Completely agree. We'll all love Bernie again when he's stumping for Clinton after the summer.
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