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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Dominic HoldenVerified account
Breaking: NC Gov McCrory plans to sign bill tonight to repeal LGBT protections & ban trans ppl from some bathrooms, his spox confirms to me

K Ringelberg ‏@KRingelberg 1h1 hour ago
@dominicholden @ShaunKing just to be clear the bill also denies the right of municipalities to raise minimum wage.

Ted Cruz talking shit about my mayor, fuck this asshat!

This kind of thing with Cruz is what really makes me hate him. To be fair, it took months of research for me to finally settle on something.

But when he pulled that "New York values" thing on Trump--like, sure, NY is a lost cause in the general for you no matter what. But you're supposed to be running for president of the entire country, what idiot candidate decries the values of the people in a whole state, you dumb shit?
I have no qualms with calling out racism. Trump's ban on Muslims is an example of racism and bigotry. Where I don't think a candidate should go is calling the person racist, even if s/he is. Call their policies racist. Call their ideas racist. Calling them, and by their extension those who support them, racist feels, to me at least, like it has the potential of doing more harm than good.

We absolutely do need to walk the walk and earn the support of minority voters. We do that by having policies and positions that are better than the trash on the other side. We do that by calling out bigotry and hatred, like Hillary has done multiple times in her campaign. She did it really well last night and today, especially as it relates to Muslim and Muslim Americans.

It's like calling someone opposed to same-sex marriage a homophobe. Look, they probably are. But, if our goal is to change their hearts and minds, I just feel it's better to come at it a different angle. The moment you start throwing labels around like that, people put up their hackles and you lose the opportunity to engage with them. Show them why they're wrong, why their values don't line up with who we are as a nation.

And, to be clear, I do believe that Trump is a racist. I'm a peon on the internet, so me calling him that doesn't make a lick of difference. The only way to take on Trump is for Hillary to be above all the petty bullshit he's going to throw at her.

Just my two cents.

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton (and Bernie Sanders) aren't straight up calling Trump a racist because they are trying to court white voters. Because, to be honest, there are racists in the Democratic Party, in the progressive sphere, and among the blue collar voters that they are trying to grab from Trump's clutches. In the meantime, the victims of bigotry haven't gotten much of a shout out. This is why Clinton's Harlem speech was so damn important. She took a step towards acknowledging the problem.

Maybe the Democratic Party will remember that black women are the party's backbone and the reason Clinton is doing so well right now, and remember that the Latinos and Hispanics are the growing part of the party's future. All the POCs need to hear that Trump is racist from the leaders of the Party.

Also, shout out to my man Bill deBlasio for telling the truth. Doesn't hurt that he has skin in the game.


In my opinion, Hillary Clinton (and Bernie Sanders) aren't straight up calling Trump a racist because they are trying to court white voters. Because, to be honest, there are racists in the Democratic Party, in the progressive sphere, and among the blue collar voters that they are trying to grab from Trump's clutches. In the meantime, the victims of bigotry haven't gotten much of a shout out. This is why Clinton's Harlem speech was so damn important. She took a step towards acknowledging the problem.

Maybe the Democratic Party will remember that black women are the party's backbone and the reason Clinton is doing so well right now, and remember that the Latinos and Hispanics are the growing part of the party's future. All the POCs need to hear that Trump is racist from the leaders of the Party.

Also, shout out to my man Bill deBlasio for telling the truth. Doesn't hurt that he has skin in the game.

No more is this more apparent than Sanders' campaign.


In my opinion, Hillary Clinton (and Bernie Sanders) aren't straight up calling Trump a racist because they are trying to court white voters. Because, to be honest, there are racists in the Democratic Party, in the progressive sphere, and among the blue collar voters that they are trying to grab from Trump's clutches. In the meantime, the victims of bigotry haven't gotten much of a shout out. This is why Clinton's Harlem speech was so damn important. She took a step towards acknowledging the problem.

Maybe the Democratic Party will remember that black women are the party's backbone and the reason Clinton is doing so well right now, and remember that the Latinos and Hispanics are the growing part of the party's future. All the POCs need to hear that Trump is racist from the leaders of the Party.

Also, shout out to my man Bill deBlasio for telling the truth. Doesn't hurt that he has skin in the game.

Tell 'em


Democrats are doing the bare minimum against Trump right now so they don't accidentally screw themselves out of an easy win in November.


Two polls released recently have the GOP's favorability at around -30%. Trump is losing by double digits. I wouldn't be surprised if the generic congressional ballot has Dems up by double digits. This is literally the perfect year to kick out a lot of those shit Republican governments and yet they have midterm protection. It sucks.


Unconfirmed Member
Also, Obama down in Argentina showing out and doing the tango.
Phife dies and Obama is dancing the tango? Shameful.

User 406

Two polls released recently have the GOP's favorability at around -30%. Trump is losing by double digits. I wouldn't be surprised if the generic congressional ballot has Dems up by double digits. This is literally the perfect year to kick out a lot of those shit Republican governments and yet they have midterm protection. It sucks.

It's always, "The party sucks! But my local guy is great!"


The takeover of state governments by the GOP has been a goddamned disaster that basically never gets talked about.

Speaking of which:

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania’s epic budget stalemate ended Wednesday when the Democratic governor backed off a recent veto threat, leaving just slivers of his once-ambitious agenda intact after nine months of partisan gridlock that threatened to shutter schools and forced layoffs at social service agencies.

Gov. Tom Wolf’s drive for a multibillion-dollar tax increase from a Republican-controlled Legislature to fund a record increase in public school aid ultimately fell far short— he got half the aid he wanted — and fueled a budget fight without parallel in the state’s modern history.

A Republican-penned $6.6 billion supplemental spending package with no new taxes will become law Monday, leaving Illinois as the only state still without a budget in place for the current fiscal year. In addition to education money, it also funds prisons, agriculture programs and health care spending.

He's not signing it, but not vetoing it either so it's just going to become law. Thanks a lot state GOP.


neither your state or my state are getting a D legislature anytime soon so Wolf and JBE like Nixon in MO have to work with what they can get.
It just pisses me off. When Rendell was governor he had enough Democrats in the legislature to get things done. Wolf has nothing. It's bullshit -- ESPECIALLY because he beat Corbett in a year that was otherwise a prize for Republicans nationally. Corbett was such a bad Governor that the voters rejected him and voted in favor of Wolf's platform. State GOP still says fuck you to the voters. Pisses me off.


You want Bullock in MT reelected, Cooper, Justice and Kinder to win so atleast they can veto the garbage coming out of their Republican legislatures.


Most people really underestimate the impact that state government has on their lives in comparison to that of the federal government.

Hopefully not in California. When we replaced Schwarzenegger with Jerry Brown and elected a Democratic supermajority, the difference was night and day. We'd heard that our state was "ungovernable" for so long it had become accepted wisdom; then all that talk evaporated.
It's kinda insane that he's losing so bad when he's always packing stadiums and whatnot. I honestly don't think I could go to one of his rallies because it seems that he just says the same shit all the time.

Also, Obama down in Argentina showing out and doing the tango.

I am going to miss this guy.


No Scrubs
Okay, so why did you move there? Or am I misunderstanding you in that you like it there other than this stupid strict enforcement of the speed limit

They're also removing some LGBTQ protections. Some really shitty stuff is going down over there.


Speaking of the GOP, governors, blue, red, and purple States Charlie Baker needs to fucking stop messing around and expand legal protections here in MA for transmen and women.


Passed and signed into law as of about 40 minutes ago.
Oh, this just passed? Damn that moved fast.

Part of me hopes there will be a limit to this craziness and it upsets enough people that there are consequences; i.e. voters shake up the legislature or elect a Democratic governor. Who knows. But yeah that is so shitty.
Congrats to NC on begin the latest state to attack the non-existent problem of transgendered individuals molesting children!

"Rape culture is a feminist myth!" -Lawmaker who then votes to restrict rights of transgender individuals and people of color based on a story from his co-worker that his co-worker got from a Herman Cain chain email.

This, of course, is the generous interpretation of their actions.
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