Wow. With the exception of a couple, those purple and blue states are pretty much my list of acceptable states to live in.
"@Kj11100Me: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump will be greater president than Ragan. Trump will set the button for morality,Christianity.
Lawmakers in the House voted 83-25 Wednesday to pass the bill.
The Senate approved the bill in a 32-0 vote after Democrats walked out.
The takeover of state governments by the GOP has been a goddamned disaster that basically never gets talked about.
This NC shit enrages me. Overriding liberal legislation at the local level and throwing in a fuck you on minimum wage to boot.
Local governance is best! /sParty of small government
Sanders when Clinton accepts the nomination in July.
You're OK because I'm a boring straight who adores her. #BalanceAm I a bad gay if I don't like Mariah?
I mean, yeah, this tweet seems obvious that it would have happened in retrospect.
at least ariana doesnt need to photoshop her album cover to hell and back to mask the ravages of time
aaron why
its not 2007
The GOP sure move quick when motivated by hate, transphobia, bigotry and general contempt for the working poor.
Did the tone of the race become more conciliatory when it became mathematically impossible for HRC in 2008? Or did it remain as toxic.
Party of small government
Did the tone of the race become more conciliatory when it became mathematically impossible for HRC in 2008? Or did it remain as toxic.
Compares Ivanka to Chelsea.Holy shit. Why, why, WHY is Trump doing this? It is such a low blow. He could have owned this cycle if he'd just called Cruz on his low blow ad and left Heidi out of it. This is just pathetic. I can't wait to see this type of shit in the general election.
Holy shit. Why, why, WHY is Trump doing this? It is such a low blow. He could have owned this cycle if he'd just called Cruz on his low blow ad and left Heidi out of it. This is just pathetic. I can't wait to see this type of shit in the general election.
Just when I thought Trump's favorability rating among women couldn't plunge any lower.
And to think I was once afraid that Trump would be able to successfully pivot when closer to the general. He just can't help himself.
It's incidents like these where I still wonder - just for a moment - if he's tanking on purpose.
I mean, he's clearly clever in many regards. He's manipulated the media masterfully. He's hit all the right buttons among the GOP's base of voters. He has to know how this will play with the general.
He has the thinnest skin of any candidate to run for president I may have ever seen. If Hillary makes just an offhand mention of hands, he may go nuclear on her.I don't think it's on purpose. I genuinely believe he cannot handle any type of criticism. People hae been kissing his ass his whole life, and the littlest thing is enough to set him off. He's mental.
Compares Ivanka to Chelsea.
I don't think it's on purpose. I genuinely believe he cannot handle any type of criticism. People hae been kissing his ass his whole life, and the littlest thing is enough to set him off. He's mental.
Trump isn't smart like Cruz, Trump is just an asshole who cares about the same things that 45% of the GOP cares about and just says those horrible things because he has no shame. Trump is winning off instinct alone.