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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Sanders when Clinton accepts the nomination in July.

Shout out to my boy Gov. Dayton, also. MN has pretty much fully recovered from the recession and we have a huge budget surplus right now.

He had two years to work with a fully DFL legislature, and while the Republicans won the state house in 2014 they haven't been able to do much other than just stay the course, which is fine since Dayton got most of his big agenda items accomplished in those two years. When the legislature was fully GOP it was pretty hellish (our govt. shutdown) but DFL still has the State Senate right now so I'm guessing they don't see much use in orchestrating standoffs with Dayton from only one half of the legislature.

To think just over nine thousa
nd votes kept us from turning into Wisconsin in 2010. Even if Republicans had made big state legislature gains in the 2010 elections, just winning most of the big governorships (FL, OH, WI, MI, PA etc.) that year would have put us in much better shape since most of those governors would have been able to force fair redistricting maps and the state government situation would be far more balanced.
Oh please, ya'll. Cher's 90 and her hair is made of paper. #NoFillerIfI'm90%Plastic

I don't understand why we LGBT people are so terrifying to Republicans. I really don't. This is something I've never been able to wrap my mind around. How does who I happen to love impact your life in anyway shape or form? It's jut baffling to me.
Did the tone of the race become more conciliatory when it became mathematically impossible for HRC in 2008? Or did it remain as toxic.

Also Ariana Grande is like one of fake Japanese geminoids.
Did the tone of the race become more conciliatory when it became mathematically impossible for HRC in 2008? Or did it remain as toxic.

Hillary dug her heels in and made a few less than savory statements. But, even then, both were calling for party unity for the most part. Neither of them ever put conditions on their support for the other should s/he become the nominee.


Larry Sabato ‏@LarrySabato Mar 22
We desperately need top-to-bottom political reform, inc.(but not limited to) spaced regional primaries (NO caucuses) + secure online voting.
Party of small government

It seems like they do this kind of thing every time they get complete power at the state level. I swear half of what Walker and his rubber stamp legislature have done in Wisconsin feels like it was motivated by a desire to screw over Madison for daring to have local ordinances that go against conservative orthodoxy (the other half was motivated by his desire to make a name for himself so he could run for president).

Whatever problems I have with the Illinois legislature (and I have plenty) at least they hate Rauner enough to keep him from getting everything he wants.


A) Fuck North Carolina (or rather the GOP government to be specific)

B) Fuck Trump. Yes that Super-PAC was low but don't stoop lower ugh! I guess he doesn't care since he already lost Utah? Still that's gross :(


Holy shit. Why, why, WHY is Trump doing this? It is such a low blow. He could have owned this cycle if he'd just called Cruz on his low blow ad and left Heidi out of it. This is just pathetic. I can't wait to see this type of shit in the general election.
Compares Ivanka to Chelsea.


No Scrubs
Holy shit. Why, why, WHY is Trump doing this? It is such a low blow. He could have owned this cycle if he'd just called Cruz on his low blow ad and left Heidi out of it. This is just pathetic. I can't wait to see this type of shit in the general election.

He literally cannot help himself.


trump is so dumb lmao

way to shoot yourself in the head

you can just take the high road and look good among moderates leading up to the general

but nope, you do something that's borderline sexist like this and keep playing like the general is gonna be a shitslinging tmz style mudfight


Just when I thought Trump's favorability rating among women couldn't plunge any lower.

And to think I was once afraid that Trump would be able to successfully pivot when closer to the general. He just can't help himself.


Just when I thought Trump's favorability rating among women couldn't plunge any lower.

And to think I was once afraid that Trump would be able to successfully pivot when closer to the general. He just can't help himself.

It's incidents like these where I still wonder - just for a moment - if he's tanking on purpose.

I mean, he's clearly clever in many regards. He's manipulated the media masterfully. He's hit all the right buttons among the GOP's base of voters - he's done his homework on what sore spot issues to hit and which talking points to deploy. He has to know how this will play with the general.


It's incidents like these where I still wonder - just for a moment - if he's tanking on purpose.

I mean, he's clearly clever in many regards. He's manipulated the media masterfully. He's hit all the right buttons among the GOP's base of voters. He has to know how this will play with the general.



I don't think it's on purpose. I genuinely believe he cannot handle any type of criticism. People hae been kissing his ass his whole life, and the littlest thing is enough to set him off. He's mental.


I don't think it's on purpose. I genuinely believe he cannot handle any type of criticism. People hae been kissing his ass his whole life, and the littlest thing is enough to set him off. He's mental.
He has the thinnest skin of any candidate to run for president I may have ever seen. If Hillary makes just an offhand mention of hands, he may go nuclear on her.

Reminds me of how incredibly fucking pissed Trump looked at the White House Correspondents dinner when Obama was just straight roasting him for the birther nonsense.


No Scrubs
I don't think it's on purpose. I genuinely believe he cannot handle any type of criticism. People hae been kissing his ass his whole life, and the littlest thing is enough to set him off. He's mental.

The man has held a grudge against Rosie O'Donnel for how long now? He literally has no ability to let anything go ever. His skin couldn't be any thinner if it were made of tissue paper and he couldn't hold a grudge longer if he was an elephant.
He should have shit on her for working for goldman sachs. Attacking her looks isn't a good thing to do, but he will just say it was a retweet and he isn't the one that posted it. He's just benefitting from someone else's attack like Cruz did when the super pac attacked Melania.
Trump isn't smart like Cruz, Trump is just an asshole who cares about the same things that 45% of the GOP cares about and just says those horrible things because he has no shame. Trump is winning off instinct alone.


Trump isn't smart like Cruz, Trump is just an asshole who cares about the same things that 45% of the GOP cares about and just says those horrible things because he has no shame. Trump is winning off instinct alone.

It helps that the party has been a dumpster waiting to catch fire for a long time now.


So, will this impact Trump at all in the upcoming races? Will it cause him to lose WI? Or will he just dominate another news cycle?
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