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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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He'll probably get the taxes first, but at this point I do not support tax raises. People already barely have much money has it is raising that seems to hurt them financially speaking. Plus, everyone has different circumstances I don't agree with one size fits all. ACA has a marketplace that allows people to choose what best for them, but I don't know much so I could be talking out of my ass. Hillary's approach to the best of my knowledge makes sense because it is basically healthcare for all, but it is not a single payer . Although, I wonder why a single payer is something that is better than expanding ACA.

If you could snap your fingers and have single payer, costs would be way lower for everyone. It would cut out the middleman (health insurance companies) for the most part outside of better, optional high tier plans. It would also mean everyone was automatically covered

It's objectively better than what we have, but the steps it would take to get there from our current system are enormous.

Would this magazine risk publishing something like this against someone so high profile without having anything real behind it?

If just one of the women in this story come out and say it's true then Cruz is done I think.

Yea, but if they all deny then he might be ok
His tax raising making sense hinges on single payer working out, but chicken/egg? Does he propose that we raise taxes immediately while trying to get single payer (which won't go anywhere)?

Stuff like that is problematic, regardless of how much I'd prefer single payer and how I was initially captivated by his drive to achieve it.

Like you said, the plans aren't realistic, so what would he actually do? They're important questions

The main middle class tax raise is tied to the single payer plan. So, taxes would go up, I should think, only once the plan is actually implemented. However, his numbers don't add up anyway. The tax hike would have to be a lot larger than what he proposed, because he's promising to save $324 billion a year on prescription drugs....when in 2014 we spent around $300 billion. Bernie's plan says we'll save $160 billion a year on things like cosmetic surgery when that only accounted for about $12 billion. The math, even with the tax increases he's calling for, just doesn't work out.

Estimates show that his plan would cost anywhere from $1.3-$14 trillion more than he's currently saying.


The smaller tax increase he wants for paid family leave would be implemented immediately. Hillary also wants paid family leave, but she pays for it not through a tax increase on the middle class and businesses but through higher taxes on higher income earners.


Amazing news day. This sums it up.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It will be interesting to see if Cruz denies it, if it does then he is either calling their bluff that they have proof. If he does not, then... well..


If Katrina does a press conference next week addressing the affair...

Honestly, if I were in Trump's position, I might seriously consider paying Katrina as much as it took to come out and do a presser. That'd be a campaign KILLSHOT.

Regardless, people need to start tweeting Trump with the story ASAP.
Honestly, if I were in Trump's position, I might seriously consider paying Katrina as much as it took to come out and do a presser. That'd be a campaign KILLSHOT.

Regardless, people need to start tweeting Trump with the story ASAP.

Everyone already has been. Trump's NeoNazis have tweeted so much about this story that it's trending worldwide on Twitter. It's honestly impressive how much they've invested into pushing this story. They learned so much about pushing dumb shit back when they were with #GamerGate.
And ya'll know he's into some kinky shit. Probably makes the poor women wear a Reagan mask or something....and probably screams "This one's for the Gipper" as he climaxes.

Oh hell, I just thought about sex and Ted Cruz at the same time.

And ya'll know he's into some kinky shit. Probably makes the poor women wear a Reagan mask or something....and probably screams "This one's for the Gipper" as he climaxes.

Oh hell, I just thought about sex and Ted Cruz at the same time.


Nah, you're thinking of Scott Walker. Cruz probably thinks he's much more than Reagan ever was and that Reagan was a pinko for not murdering all the undocumented immigrants in America and instead granting some amnesty.
That's mostly irrelevant, Trump doesn't portray himself as someone with "strong Christian values" at least not in the same way Cruz does.

Are we talking about Donald "nobody reads the Bible more than me" Trump? No I get it, I just don't think Trump should go on the attack here, he should just let this play out
If someone accused Trump of having an affair, he'd walk on stage say "Fuck ya I did, brahs, look at these hands. Too much for one woman. Get rekt" and his poll numbers would go up.

Lyin' Ted's doing that whole "Jesus wants me to be President real bad" shtick.
Are we talking about Donald "nobody reads the Bible more than me" Trump? No I get it, I just don't think Trump should go on the attack here, he should just let this play out

I also don't think he should go on the attack here but only because he doesn't need to. The story is already out there, there's nothing Trump can do that the public and the media won't do much worse.
If someone accused Trump of having an affair, he'd walk on stage say "Fuck ya I did, brahs, look at these hands. Too much for one woman. Get rekt" and his poll numbers would go up.

Lyin' Ted's doing that whole "Jesus wants me to be President real bad" shtick.

Trump's response would be 30 minutes long and would have 3 minutes on the actual affairs and 27 minutes on how big his hands are and how no one has ever criticized these beautiful hands look at them please.
If Cruz had a gay lover, I'd seriously die. The utter lashing and beating conservative media would give him (and will even with this) would give me strength for years.

This election is far too easy for Hillary Clinton.
If someone accused Trump of having an affair, he'd walk on stage say "Fuck ya I did, brahs, look at these hands. Too much for one woman. Get rekt" and his poll numbers would go up.

Lyin' Ted's doing that whole "Jesus wants me to be President real bad" shtick.

Nah, Trump would just lie like he does about never setting lawsuits, Trump steaks still being available, Trump magazine not going under, etc.
Probably had a gay lover on the side too

I'd like to think my people have a bit more....no, there are some thirsty ass queens that'd be all up in that gig, girl. I've been on Grindr.

Trump's response would be 30 minutes long and would have 3 minutes on the actual affairs and 27 minutes on how big his hands are and how no one has ever criticized these beautiful hands look at them please.

Look. Okay, yes. I had an affair, okay? I'm not saying I didn't. I believe in hiring the right people to get the job done, okay? And, what you do, is...look, I've built some of the biggest hotels in the world? And it's only natural that I'm going to use them from time to time. And, alright, there were no complaints. None. No complaints. Because, there are no problems, okay? I love women. I love women. I do. They're great. They love me. Okay? It's beautiful, that I can tell you.
I think the GOPe might want to push this story, even if fake, just to destroy Cruz's career to stop him from taking over the party later on. Trump in 2016 is terrible, but a Trump 2016 nomination that sets up Cruz for 2020 (which is the current path) is backbreaking.

Of course, a lot of white nationalists will probably get into the House in 2018 and then they'll take over the party instead of Cruz, but still!
I think the GOPe might want to push this story, even if fake, just to destroy Cruz's career to stop him from taking over the party later on. Trump in 2016 is terrible, but a Trump 2016 nomination that sets up Cruz for 2020 (which is the current path) is backbreaking.

Of course, a lot of white nationalists will probably get into the House in 2018 and then they'll take over the party instead of Cruz, but still!
I forgot about that. This kills any potential future runs and could definitely end his career and obstructionism in the senate.


What do you call a raging dumpster fire that suddenly got bigger? Like what is this phenomenon that is the current GOP who failed to topple a man whose stump speech consists of penis jokes, hot air and an imaginary wall.

Like the dnc must be wetting themselves with glee right now.
There's some suggestive evidence, but I'm remaining on #TeamBullshit unless we get either a confirmation from Cruz or some of these women standing by their accusations.

NutTed, but she still suckin'.
I haven't seen Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi trash tweeting so much since they were convinced Zoe Quinn was a whore.

It's the exact same people too!

Which is probably the main thing that makes me doubt this. Trump's fans on Twitter are Gaters and Gaters have never been right about anything.
At this point, the GOP should just freaking pack it in.

Jeb! he's our man. We know he's got this. He's Presidential as fuck. Sure, we don't like his last name, so we'll just pretend it doesn't exist. Okay, so he's got the personality of a dish sponge covered in dried lasgana...and it looks like being a human causes him physical pain. But he's totally got....oh, god, why is he doing.....Oh my god, $100 million dollars....He can't do shit.

Rubio, then. Definitely Rubio. Dude's solid as fuck. He's got this. He can totally...why is he repeating himself again? Oh god, no. Someone...oh god no. Please, someone stop him....Why is he doing this to us!? Why?

Okay, well, Cruz, I mean, okay, he's not our best hope, right? He's not. We don't love him. In fact we hate him. Oh, god, do we hate him. Total asshole. But, hey, he's our asshole. So, let's go ahead and get Jeb! and all the rest out there to tell him what a good candi---What? What's that? Affairs? Cruz? No, no. Not possible. He's like a Ken doll. Just mounds of plastic where all the good stuff is supposed to be. It's....oh god, really? Are...are we sure? Oh dear lord no.

Oh god, let's just start drinking. We don't believe in moderation, and this sure as hell ain't the time to start.


Personally I'm still on #teambullshit but let's be real. Facts haven't exactly been the driving force of the conservative movement thus far. Assuming people buy into the narrative enough it could do a number on Ted, but I don't see this shit being able continue trending till morning.

We'll see though. It's bedtime and if I think anymore on Ted having affairs I might have a nightmare.
Personally I'm still on #teambullshit but let's be real. Facts haven't exactly been the driving force of the conservative movement thus far. Assuming people buy into the narrative enough it could do a number on Ted, but I don't see this shit being able continue trending till morning.

We'll see though. It's bedtime and if I think anymore on Ted having affairs I might have a nightmare.
This is not going away by next week. If anything, trump will add shit tons of fuel to the fire.


Bullshit or not I'm not BusTed has the charisma or constituency to get out this one. Doesn't help him that the Republicans have nothing to do till the 5th.
It doesn't have to be true. It just has to gain traction, especially since we've spent the last day listening to Cruz tell all of us how no one better hurt his wife...and here's a story of how he hurt his wife. It takes the narrative away from "OMG Trump went after Cruz's wife" and makes it "Cruz maybe cheated on his wife, and he yells at Donald for hurting her?"

Consider also that Trump's been calling him Lying Ted for months. We know Cruz has done some shady shit in the election, including those push polls and saying Dr. Carson dropped out. The hint of a scandal is all that's needed in this cluster fuck of a primary.

In politics, a simple insinuation is as damaging as an out right confirmation.

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