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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Out of a morbid sense of curiosity what's their position on nuclear power?

D. Nuclear Issues
The Green Party recognizes that there is no such thing as nuclear waste "disposal." All six of the "low-level" nuclear waste dumps in the United States have leaked. There are no technological quick fixes that can effectively isolate nuclear waste from the biosphere for the duration of its hazardous life. Therefore, it is essential that generation of additional nuclear wastes be stopped.

The Green Party calls for the early retirement of nuclear power reactors as soon as possible (in no more than five years), and for a phase-out of other technologies that use or produce nuclear waste. These technologies include non-commercial nuclear reactors, reprocessing facilities, nuclear waste incinerators, food irradiators, and all commercial and military uses of depleted uranium.

Current methods of underground storage are a danger to present and future generations. Any nuclear waste management strategy must be based on waste containers being stored above ground and continuously monitored, and the containers must be retrievable and capable of being repackaged. All such strategies must also minimize the transportation of wastes.

The Green Party strongly opposes any shipment of high-level nuclear waste across the U.S. to the proposed Nevada waste repository at Yucca Mountain, or any other centralized facility. The Green Party believes that this proposal is part of a move to re-fire a fast-track, commercial nuclear industry by providing a means for "safe disposal." We deny there is such a thing as safe disposal of nuclear waste.

We propose making spent reactor fuel and other high level wastes safer by vitrification at the site where it is produced or now stored.

We call for cancellation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), the nation's first weapons complex nuclear dump in southern New Mexico.

We call for independent, public-access radiation monitoring at all nuclear facilities
We support applicable environmental impact statements (EIS) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis with citizen participation at all nuclear sites.

We support an immediate and intensive campaign to educate the public about nuclear problems, including disposal, cleanup, and long-term dangers.

We oppose the export of nuclear technologies or their wastes to other nations.

We oppose public subsidies for nuclear power, including Price-Anderson insurance caps and stranded cost recovery bailouts. We oppose federal loan guarantees to enable the construction of a new generation of nuclear reactors.

We oppose the development and use of new nuclear reactors, plutonium (MOX) fuel, nuclear fuel reprocessing, nuclear fusion, uranium enrichment, and the manufacturing of new plutonium pits for a new generation of nuclear weapons.

We oppose the deregulation of radioactive materials and wastes, which is allowing such wastes to be recycled into consumer products and to enter municipal waste landfills and incinerators. We call for the strict regulation, tracking, monitoring, and recapturing of radioactive materials and wastes.

We call on the military to clean up depleted uranium contamination from testing ranges and battlefields and to fully compensate exposed veterans and civilians who have been affected by depleted uranium exposure in the U.S. and elsewhere.



She invested a lot in ads and organization in CO and MN and still got blown out by 20+ points. Caucuses are just really inhospitable to her. It's kind of incredible she ever managed to win Iowa.

Sure but there is a difference between losing by 10-25 and by 40-50. It probably won't matter in the end but it does seem that Hillary has tended to take her foot off the gas, risking upsets like MI.


did he? I think that's you inferring that from the states that he visited as compared with his message?

Yeah, that's what my post said? When you abandon as unwinnable any Democratic state with a significant African-American voter percentage, that sends a clear message.

You can, like, lie about it and say that you weren't intending to send that message and that you skipped them for totally different reasons. That's fine! But it's also, like, not a political revolution. It's the same strategy the Republican party has been using for fifty years.

To me this sounds like you're saying what you want to hear instead of listening to the rallies and message given. Not to say I'm not the same way.

This seems to come up a lot. Yeah, you're right, I'm not listening to Sanders's rallies. Why would I? For one thing, I've already seen one Sanders speech, so as I understand it I'm pretty much covered. But also I'm not a Sanders supporter! Why would you expect me to spend a bunch of time running around after him?

The things that Sanders actually does, and the votes he actually wins, are more important than the speeches he makes. Despite the protestation to the contrary, Sanders is a politician like everybody else. I understand his speeches as political speech. That means sometimes he says what he thinks people want to hear, rather than saying things that are true. Just like everybody else! So I don't take that as a primary source.


I think you're missing the point of that complaint, though. Sanders didn't give up on a bunch of states, he gave up on Democratic voters of color. The two are pretty different! Nobody cares about a bunch of states. The campaign strategy that doing so describes is important.

So he abandoned southern Super Tuesday states after he saw the writing on the wall in SC. Since than you can hardly say he hasn't contested all states - simply put Hillary had a huge advantage early on the calendar that required Sanders to perform better in Iowa, Nevada and SC for him to move the needle in the south. After he was blown out in SC he concentrated on the later contests. There are finite resources he can spend this campaign and he doesn't have the surrogates in Southern states who are part of the communities there who had all gotten behind Hillary.
Yeah, that's what my post said? When you abandon as unwinnable any Democratic state with a significant African-American voter percentage, that sends a clear message.

You can, like, lie about it and say that you weren't intending to send that message and that you skipped them for totally different reasons. That's fine! But it's also, like, not a political revolution. It's the same strategy the Republican party has been using for fifty years.

I think Sanders banked on winning states (which his camp probably thought would give him press and momentum) instead of trying to make margins less big between him and Clinton in the south.


So he abandoned southern Super Tuesday states after he saw the writing on the wall in SC. Since than you can hardly say he hasn't contested all states - simply put Hillary had a huge advantage early on the calendar that required Sanders to perform better in Iowa, Nevada and SC for him to move the needle in the south. After he was blown out in SC he concentrated on the later contests. There are finite resources he can spend this campaign and he doesn't have the surrogates in Southern states who are part of the communities there who had all gotten behind Hillary.

You seem to not realize, that if any candidate for the Democratic party writes off the South they CANNOT win the Democratic nomination.

For him to pull back wholesale was literally his way of saying "I know I"ve lost, but I'm staying in, anyhow."


I think Sanders banked on winning states (which his camp probably thought would give him press and momentum) instead of trying to make margins less big between him and Clinton in the south.

Maybe, but if so, that just goes back to them either not understanding how to win the nomination, or not intending to win the nomination.

That said, now that I think about it, Sanders is actually mounting a super effective campaign if you assume that he always intended to run as a message candidate and he was never convinced that he could win. In that context trading 70-30 losses for 51-49 wins actually makes a lot of sense.

So maybe he's been a genius all along!
Yeah, that's what my post said? When you abandon as unwinnable any Democratic state with a significant African-American voter percentage, that sends a clear message.

You can, like, lie about it and say that you weren't intending to send that message and that you skipped them for totally different reasons. That's fine! But it's also, like, not a political revolution. It's the same strategy the Republican party has been using for fifty years.


This seems to come up a lot. Yeah, you're right, I'm not listening to Sanders's rallies. Why would I? For one thing, I've already seen one Sanders speech, so as I understand it I'm pretty much covered. But also I'm not a Sanders supporter! Why would you expect me to spend a bunch of time running around after him?

The things that Sanders actually does, and the votes he actually wins, are more important than the speeches he makes. Despite the protestation to the contrary, Sanders is a politician like everybody else. I understand his speeches as political speech. That means sometimes he says what he thinks people want to hear, rather than saying things that are true. Just like everybody else! So I don't take that as a primary source.
some good points here.

Just yesterday at his rally he made a bold point on our treatment of Native Americans throughout American history. I guess I don't really value the 'colored' vote in the sense that 'black' characterizes the entire colored vote. I treat it more as terms of political power within our society. Now maybe Bernie's stance there was political strategizing, honestly I'm not someone like most people here who follows politics every day. But it's more his consistency throughout his term in public office that shows he has a decent understanding of power structures within this nation, and that particularly we haven't been treating the powerless very well. I find it kind of silly to point out places he visited as proof of his lack of care, despite its political success...which is primarily why Clinton will be the nominee and the next president!


You seem to not realize, that if any candidate for the Democratic party writes off the South they CANNOT win the Democratic nomination.

For him to pull back wholesale was literally his way of saying "I know I"ve lost, but I'm staying in, anyhow."

I think that's the point in his campaign - the longer this race continues the more successful he has been. After all people in this very thread were saying he would only win Vermont on Super Tuesday.

You seem to not realize, that if any candidate for the Democratic party writes off the South they CANNOT win the Democratic nomination.

For him to pull back wholesale was literally his way of saying "I know I"ve lost, but I'm staying in, anyhow."

The way I see it he probably feels he hasn't lost until Hillary secures the needed amount of delegates. And even in such a case he wants to go to the convention and spread the message which seems to encapsulate what future democrats want from the party.
I think Sanders banked on winning states (which his camp probably thought would give him press and momentum) instead of trying to make margins less big between him and Clinton in the south.

This is certainly part of it, but no one seems to remember Sanders campaigned hard in South Carolina for weeks up until about the last week or so, when it became obvious that he wasn't closing the gap. He spent a lot of time and money there and still lost 75-25.

People say he "gave up" on the South but truth is he was never going to close the gap there, no matter how much time/money he spent. His campaign did the best with the candidate it has.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I would be ok with reducing our nukes to 100-200 unilaterally based on some recommendations in the arms control community. But you will never get elected on this platform (which sums up the Green Party in a nutshell).

Yeah, the idea is to still have enough to have MAD stay in effect, but reduce maintenance costs which are wasted resources and reduce the risk of failures.
I think that's the point in his campaign - the longer this race continues the more successful he has been. After all people in this very thread were saying he would only win Vermont on Super Tuesday.

Hehe good old days. And now, if we count the 51-49% states he "lost", he is on his way to win as many states as Cinton did in 08 (although smaller ones, of course).
I'm not sure anyone believes that Bernie doesn't care. I think the argument is that he doesn't understand. There's a big difference between the two. His southern strategy was stupid in that it reinforced his demographic perception problem. The story was that he had a problem with people of color, and his actions only reinforced that. From a purely electrical perspective, there is a big difference between ignoring huge delegate rich States like Florida and Texas, and not investing resources in small caucuses which are hard to poll and get a read on.


some good points here.

Just yesterday at his rally he made a bold point on our treatment of Native Americans throughout American history. I guess I don't really value the 'colored' vote in the sense that 'black' characterizes the entire colored vote. I treat it more as terms of political power within our society. Now maybe Bernie's stance there was political strategizing, honestly I'm not someone like most people here who follows politics every day. But it's more his consistency throughout his term in public office that shows he has a decent understanding of power structures within this nation, and that particularly we haven't been treating the powerless very well. I find it kind of silly to point out places he visited as proof of his lack of care, despite its political success...which is primarily why Clinton will be the nominee and the next president!

Sorry if I got too snarky with you. The election is wearing on me!

I think I would say that, in the same way that people doubt Hillary's liberal positions because of her past and misogyny and stuff, I fundamentally doubt Sanders's commitment to intersectionality because of his past history, his campaign strategy, and the fact that he's an old white dude from the second whitest state in America.

This probably colors my reading of the empirical evidence, although in fairness to me the empirical evidence that other people of color doubt Sanders as well is pretty strong.

It seems like a lot of arguments kind of go to "I think Sanders is a good person and Clinton is a bad person," or whatever. Which is fine, but I don't think we can really know people's minds over the television. And we certainly can't have useful arguments about them! It's just personal experiences at that point.

So I can totally believe that you trust the guy based on your observations of him, and that's valid. I just don't trust him much based on my observations. We can both be right, kind of!


No Scrubs
Most shit here is regular IPA though. B9ooooo

That's weak. I knew I should have gotten tickets though, sounds like despite everything being a boring IPA that there's some good beer there.

Nothing beats a good lager.

loving my Rogue '7 hop IPA,' though it's not nearly as good as their 'Dead Guy Ale'. Up next is a milk stout!

From who? Left Hand makes a fantastic one that is like an alcoholic chocolate milk.
From who? Left Hand makes a fantastic one that is like an alcoholic chocolate milk.

that's the one :)

Got my hipster LPs playing, my Henry James (early novels LoA edition) at my side, a bright Seattle sky beaming into my living room, and some beer to help me out on one of my relatively few stress-free Saturdays of 2016.

Sorry if I got too snarky with you. The election is wearing on me!

So I can totally believe that you trust the guy based on your observations of him, and that's valid. I just don't trust him much based on my observations. We can both be right, kind of!

no worries, the main reason why I lurk here is to broaden my own horizons and challenge my own views! Going from 95% white/Republican suburb of Houston to 'a bit insane at times' Seattle doesn't help for much broadening of the political spectrum. My years at CMU were intriguing, but it was also a hive-mind in many respects.


Pigeon, you said you studied theatre and work in the game industry. What exactly do you do?

At this moment I'm a F2P product manager, so I work with production and marketing to launch games and make them successful on the business side.

I actually dropped out of college, but my major was theatre at first. Unfortunately it turned out that I'm not a good actor, just charismatic.


FGC Waterboy
What establishment.

Seattle is like the most desperate-to-be-weird city in the world.

Lol, when a city doesn't vote the way you want to, time to insult the city. :p.

Plus, let's be honest, that title goes to Portland, no questions asked. It's city motto is "stay weird".
Lol, when a city doesn't vote the way you want to, time to insult the city. :p.

Plus, let's be honest, that title goes to Portland, no questions asked. It's city motto is "stay weird".

I grew up there, I get to throw shade :p

And Portland just is weird. Seattle really really wants to be Portland. Or Austin. But mostly Portland.


No Scrubs
Lol, when a city doesn't vote the way you want to, time to insult the city. :p.

Plus, let's be honest, that title goes to Portland, no questions asked. It's city motto is "stay weird".

From what I can tell Seattle and Portland got some weirdness rivalry going on, each one trying to out-do the other.


No one is more sick of the establishment than those living next to it.

Lol, when a city doesn't vote the way you want to, time to insult the city. :p.

Plus, let's be honest, that title goes to Portland, no questions asked. It's city motto is "stay weird".
Noo, the "weirdest" city is Santa Cruz. Come here and find out.


At this moment I'm a F2P product manager, so I work with production and marketing to launch games and make them successful on the business side.

I actually dropped out of college, but my major was theatre at first. Unfortunately it turned out that I'm not a good actor, just charismatic.
F2P. Perfect. From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs. :)
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