Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 1h1 hour ago
Ronald Brownstein Retweeted Mark Murray
In cumulative analysis of 20 exit polls by POS, @HillaryClinton has won 65.6% of Democrats, just 36.9% of indies
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 1h1 hour ago
Great stats from @DavidChalian capture the @SenSanders challenge: on D side all big delegate prizes are diverse states, where he's struggled
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 2h2 hours ago
In remaining states whites in 08 D primary = 70% NY, 64% DE, 53% MD, 52% CA, 59% NJ, 57% NM: top @HillaryClinton targets #WesternSaturday
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 2h2 hours ago
In remaining states whites in 08 D primary: RI 85%, WV 96, KY 89, OR 85, MT 91, SD 89: top @SenSanders targets. Bubble: CT 82, PA 80, IN 78%
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 2h2 hours ago
Wins 4 @SenSanders on #WesternSaturday would extend his streak of taking smaller, mostly white states;but the biggest D prizes r all diverse
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 5h5 hours ago
Given pattern of white support @SenSanders should b strong in RI, WV, KY, OR, MT, NEB, SD + WA. But diverse states r big ones: CA, NY NJ etc
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 5h5 hours ago
Given demographic patterns thru early races @HillaryClinton should be favored in NY, MD, DEL, CA, NJ, NM. Tossups: PA/IN. CT a lean Bern?
Ronald Brownstein ‏@RonBrownstein 5h5 hours ago
Pattern worth noting as D calendar turns: @HillaryClinton has won whites 9/10 Southern states; @SenSanders won whites 8/10 non-south states