Poor Rubes.
Also, shitty dem debate numbers because why have two debates in one week:
Kasich probably going to make this case tonight:
He's been talking about it in his town halls more and more.
Kasich probably going to make this case tonight:
He's been talking about it in his town halls more and more.
Well Hillary could die?
And he'll be 72 @ the 2024 election.
I mean, he could die too.
Hello, President Ryan.
He's quite popular in a swing state. Who cares about the rest?
Kasich probably going to make this case tonight:
He's been talking about it in his town halls more and more.
Was America as obsessed with polls in 2008 and 2012 as we are now?
It was 28.
naw man
I can't do that again.
I made a few for Trump. One lovely man, and I shit you not, let me know that he was voting for Trump so we could put the white back in White House. He let me know he didn't have any problems with "colored folk" but thought that the face of America should represent the people. He also thought I was a girl (most people do on the phone). He said he was happy to see a "bright young thing" working to take back her country. He told me he would pray for me. I burned my phone when I got done.
I can't do that again.
So, I made calls for Queen today. Got a lot of people in Florida who had voted early for her. Mostly older, obviously. Lots of voice mails.
I made a few for Trump. One lovely man, and I shit you not, let me know that he was voting for Trump so we could put the white back in White House. He let me know he didn't have any problems with "colored folk" but thought that the face of America should represent the people. He also thought I was a girl (most people do on the phone). He said he was happy to see a "bright young thing" working to take back her country. He told me he would pray for me. I burned my phone when I got done.
I can't do that again.
I know we have other Ohio gaffers here, but is anyone else actually in Cuyahoga county? Need to make sure you're voting for Michael O'Malley for Prosecutor if so. Fuck Tim McGinty.
So, I made calls for Queen today. Got a lot of people in Florida who had voted early for her. Mostly older, obviously. Lots of voice mails.
I made a few for Trump. One lovely man, and I shit you not, let me know that he was voting for Trump so we could put the white back in White House. He let me know he didn't have any problems with "colored folk" but thought that the face of America should represent the people. He also thought I was a girl (most people do on the phone). He said he was happy to see a "bright young thing" working to take back her country. He told me he would pray for me. I burned my phone when I got done.
I can't do that again.
Is that Martin's twin brother?
Kasich probably going to make this case tonight:
He's been talking about it in his town halls more and more.
Obama had a good press conference today, exposed that Trump is not alone in his ideas but just more inflammatory.
Stating that Cruz and Rubio's anti-immigration stances contradict their life story of being both products of immigration
Wow, that's crazy.So, I made calls for Queen today. Got a lot of people in Florida who had voted early for her. Mostly older, obviously. Lots of voice mails.
I made a few for Trump. One lovely man, and I shit you not, let me know that he was voting for Trump so we could put the white back in White House. He let me know he didn't have any problems with "colored folk" but thought that the face of America should represent the people. He also thought I was a girl (most people do on the phone). He said he was happy to see a "bright young thing" working to take back her country. He told me he would pray for me. I burned my phone when I got done.
I can't do that again.
So after Tuesday Kasich and Rubio could potentially drop out. Exciting stuff if it becomes a 2 man race.
I know we have other Ohio gaffers here, but is anyone else actually in Cuyahoga county? Need to make sure you're voting for Michael O'Malley for Prosecutor if so. Fuck Tim McGinty.
"No, no. I'm gonna win my home state"Drumpf: "john, how many states have you won? zero. Sad!"
If Kasich wins Ohio (which I'm fairly positive he will), I can't see him dropping out.
I'm to your south, but I get all my news from Cleveland stations. I've not seen a single O'Malley ad. Saw a few McGinty ones.
I made a few for Trump. One lovely man, and I shit you not, let me know that he was voting for Trump so we could put the white back in White House. He let me know he didn't have any problems with "colored folk" but thought that the face of America should represent the people.
Super Tuesday Part 2- ivysaur12
*Covers all primaries and caucuses from March 15th-26th
April Madness-TBD
*Covers all April primaries and caucuses
May Meltdown-TBD
Covers All May primaries and caucuses
June Showdown-TBD
*Covers all June primaries and caucuses
*Veepstakes is going to be in PoliGAF
2016 Republican National Convention-b-dubs
2016 Democratic National Convention- NeoXChaos
1st Presidential Debate-b-dubs
Vice Presidential Debate-Ebay Huckster
2nd Presidential Debate-kingkitty
3rd Presidential Debate-Holmes
General Election 2016-Aaron Strife
Republican Debates
12 - March 10 CNN - Makai
13 -March 23 Makai
Democratic Debates
9 April-kingkitty
10 May-TBD
cropping this would b better
tbh with Poppa we've an embarrassment of riches. A different avatar for each and every sad Rubio backer.
Working off of those numbers, and giving Hillary the worst possible vote share in each state:
Hillary 386
Bernie 305
That would put her pledged delegate lead at 298.
Hillary 1152
Bernie 854
With Supers
Hillary 1624
Bernie 877
Hillary would need 38% of all remaining delegates to secure the nomination.
Bernie would need 75% of all remaining delegates to secure the nomination.
The most common demographic in America is white women. By his own logic, shouldn't he be voting for Hillary?
Racists are weird.
Yea Rubot backers absolutely MUST wear a trump avatar. No exceptions.
Working off of those numbers, and giving Hillary the worst possible vote share in each state:
Hillary 386
Bernie 305
That would put her pledged delegate lead at 298.
Hillary 1152
Bernie 854
With Supers
Hillary 1624
Bernie 877
Hillary would need 38% of all remaining delegates to secure the nomination.
Bernie would need 75% of all remaining delegates to secure the nomination.
Polls are closed in the Virgin Islands. How excited are we?
I looked at this model and I thought it was interesting. But does it hold for both open and closed primaries?