We've got a fanfic in the making! And, because internet, I can rest assured that this already exists somewhere.
My takeaways:
1. Trump came out smelling like roses. I would say unscathed honestly.
2. If Cruz's goal was to knock Rubio out of the race, I didn't see it. Coupled with his comments on a contested convention recently, he may have shifted strategy. He may be hoping the party comes around to him as the second place candidate.
3. Rubio did well but I don't think it matters. He is moderate on the things Republicans are most sanguine on (MUSLINS) and crazy everywhere else.
4. Not a good debate for Kasich with everyone else looking like an adult.
It's crazy that looking like an adult for a Presidential candidate is considered a good showing.
He wants to win Ohio badly. I also think he's an asshole and not the guy he tries to be on stage. So, yes.I wonder if Kasich would accept a spot on that ticket.
Kind of risky isn't it? If you lose you're forever that guy who bent the knee to Donald Trump.
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/donald-trump-delegates-convention-220616#ixzz42b5Zhb3gA number of us who have done modeling district-by-district using demographics, polling, previous cycles results the way we see it is Trump finishing in the 1,350- to 1,370-delegate range if he wins Ohio and Florida, and right around 1,200 without them, said one neutral Republican strategist watching the race. If he wins one, theres a better chance than not he gets to 1,237, but it would be very close.
Politico insiders say Rubio won!!!!!!!
Also, LOL at Drudge looking at the details to find that someone in Delaware spammed 44000 votes for Cruz in his poll. Sounds like a Cruz campaign move.
This is actually a good analogyCruz is the ric flair of politics. Can't wait until he concedes.
Cruz is the ric flair of politics. Can't wait until he concedes.
This is actually a good analogy
Ah.. That makes more sense. Wasn't sure how I missed it.Dirtiest player in the game.
adam, ebay and manky. How delusional is your Governor about this race? he insist he's somehow going to by mental gymnastics leap frog Cruz and Trump to the nomination.
Kasich is nothing if not opportunistic. He knows how to tie himself to something that will benefit him. He's gaming for Veep. No more, no less. He'll use his delegates to be a king maker if it benefits him in any way.
I wonder if Kasich would accept a spot on that ticket.
Kind of risky isn't it? If you lose you're forever that guy who bent the knee to Donald Trump.
So you think he'd go for being Trump's VP?And this, Kasich knows how to take a setback and work towards the next thing. If he doesn't get the nomination, he'll take whatever advantage he can get for the future.
Politico insiders say Rubio won!!!!!!!
what's the math for this?
That's how much Sanders needs going forward to win a majority of pledged delegates.
except I think the current total is actually 771-550 because Sanders only got +4 not +8 out of Michigan
this is correct, per that one site i implicitly trust to know how delegate allocation works
is that site most accurate? A lot of sites have different pledged and superdelegate calculations. It's confusing.
To be fair I think the error is because The Green Papers didn't update their Michigan delegate totals for a few days, so if the person who made that copied off them a few days ago...yeah.this is correct, per that one site i implicitly trust to know how delegate allocation works
To be fair I think the error is because The Green Papers didn't update their Michigan delegate totals for a few days.
With regards to Bush and Kasich, it absolutely baffles me that neither of them have had anyone talk to them about posture and body language. Both of them hunch their neck over and slouch (except Bush when he's standing on his tip toes) which make them look tired and weak and Kasich in that interview has his hands on his hips making him look like he's pissed and ready to jump down the interviewer's throat. These are minor, elementary points like stand up straight, have open body language, and don't fidget and yet, seemingly, no one has told them about this issue or they just don't listen. It's such an unforced error because it contributes to the subconscious image people make of these people and when the man you are trying to beat happens to be a 6'2" bully, anything you do to make you look smaller or nervous comes across TERRIBLY.
Omg lol, it's too good. Kasich as a raccoon is hilarious.Someone applied Snapchat filters(?) to the debate last night, and the results are pretty damn good.
Cruz in running mascara reminds me of an old Tammy Faye Bakker sketch.
("Demonic raisins, I REBUKE YOU!")
You really believe body language and posture are significant factors in terms of them getting their butts whooped by Trump?
Kasich looks like a hunchback.