Aaron Strife
Times like these that I wish Biden had jumped in.Sucks he can't run again.
Dunno how he'd be doing in the primaries but say he were the prohibitive favorite, you know he'd be enjoying every single minute of this.
Times like these that I wish Biden had jumped in.Sucks he can't run again.
Did anyone counter him?
Fuck, people have got to stop letting Trump control the messaging. He wins every time.
They're so grateful that he comes on or calls into their shows they let just let him spew whatever he wants. It's kind of gross to watch tbh.
Did anyone counter him?
Fuck, people have got to stop letting Trump control the messaging. He wins every time.
Thinking about all the great legislation she's gotten passed in her single term as a senatorI wonder what someone like Kelly Ayotte is thinking right about now
I don't know how the Republicans are going to hold a convention in Cleveland. That's about the blackest city there is. There will be tens and tens of thousands of protesters outside, at minimum.
Damn it, I deposited $1800 to use on a market on PredictIt, only to find out that they limit it to a max of $850???
I already had $800 on that market, so basically I have $1800 sitting in my account now.![]()
Someone got physical with him. That MSNBC loop!![]()
I think we know how he feels about this Drumpf guy.
I think we know how he feels about this Trump guy.
Someone got physical with him. That MSNBC loop!
Trump ethered
Also doesn't help that you have a massive wealth imbalance (gilded age level); the economic recovery has left a large chunk of the country behind (many of the Sanders / Trump followers), and that the two sides have gone from policy disagreements to "you're bad human beings / racists / sexists / godless / etc".
Nope, can't see how both sides haven't been fanning the hell out of those flames for the last 8 years, and can't see how this tinderbox won't explode, especially with massive denial people are in about Trump.![]()
How long before the RNC relocates the convention to Salt Lake City?
I wish I could vote for Obama for a 3rd term![]()
They can have their meltdown in Utah or Ohio... doesn't matter.Prince Reibus is on the phone already.
TRU IMP![]()
I think we know how he feels about this Trump guy.
Why did they ratify the 22nd anyway? wiki doesn't give a great history of it. General fear of a populist president maintaining office or in direct response to not liking FDR?Prince Reibus is on the phone already.
You're right (34 seconds in).pretty sure he is the one who got physical -- other dude was just in his face screaming
Wonder if he could walk into a third term like Bill couldvePrince Reibus is on the phone already.
You, me, and everyone else.
Dog-whistle – Teh blacks are all on welfare
"People are protesting because they are unemployed":
Why didn't it happen like this in 2012?
I'm going to keep using this image every time people talk about the terrible economy, sorry guys. I have an excellent one for the rising income inequality too when people deny it, tho!
Wonder if he could walk into a third term like Bill couldve
Black Lives matter protester: "Black Lives matter"
Trump and the GOP - The police don't get the respect and recognition they deserve. They're treated horrible. They're the best......
"Thunderous applause"
Dog whistles everywhere. It's not just Trump.
I wasn't trying to claim as much. But the poster seemed surprised by the claim. I translated it for them.
Why did they ratify the 22nd anyway? wiki doesn't give a great history of it. General fear of a populist president maintaining office or in direct response to not liking FDR?
Wonder if he could walk into a third term like Bill couldve
I can't help but think Reagan would've won a third term and been even more mentally unfit during it. But otherwise, we get Clinton in 2k... man, what an alternate reality.He easily would win a third term, but I am glad there's a 2 term limit even though I like Obama. It's not worth the risk for future elections.
It's funny that you say that. It seems like the same people who say the economy is terrible and Obama should be impeached over it are the same people who deny income inequality getting disgustingly out of hand. Like, how do you live with that kind of dissonance?
It's funny that you say that. It seems like the same people who say the economy is terrible and Obama should be impeached over it are the same people who deny income inequality getting disgustingly out of hand. Like, how do you live with that kind of dissonance?
I will never forget the fucker for trying to pack the court. Talk about a blatant power grab.We all sort of forget because of all the good he's done, but FDR had a lot of power grabs during his time in office. He was never in danger of becoming a dictator, mostly because despite everything he was probably a good dude, but no one wanted to take that risk in the future.
Wonder if he could walk into a third term like Bill couldve
It's really weird. Complete dissonance -- if there's no inequality and our unemployment rates and growth are healthy, what's the issue, then?
This older lady I work with was asking for my advice on the upcoming primary... she was torn between Hillary, Bernie and Cruz...
I told her to look into Hillary lol
I will never forget the fucker for trying to pack the court. Talk about a blatant power grab.
But yeah, for amendment to be ratified it had to be a bipartisan affair. Still surprises me.
I think we know how he feels about this Trump guy.
Trump is like the this is fine dog and blaming the media for the press coverage..
I wasn't trying to claim as much. But the poster seemed surprised by the claim. I translated it for them.
I can't help but think Reagan would've won a third term and been even more mentally unfit during it. But otherwise, we get Clinton in 2k... man, what an alternate reality.
I wouldn't be shocked...He's clearly enjoying the interviews. Dialing into all the networks, soaking up all the airtime and watching the media dance in his little circus tent. He had this pre-planned.
Eisenhower would have been president until the day he died though, and people would have been doing write-ins after he died to keep electing him.
Meaning no great society reforms, including desegregation, democratic party is still hodgepodge of 1940s, probably no vietnam war, etc.
The term limit as it is works to keep the most important post in the country fresh and ever changing, which is a good thing. Sure it means occasionally we get a nixon or bush 43, but that serves to swing the country in other directions later. Honestly I hope we get term limits on the senate set at 4 terms max and the house at 10 consecutive terms to keep fresh blood rolling through congress, but eh...