Rubio comes on Fox and the first thing he does is thank the police officers.
Empty suit.
Rubio comes on Fox and the first thing he does is thank the police officers.
Rubio comes on Fox and the first thing he does is thank the police officers.
Rubio comes on Fox and the first thing he does is thank the police officers.
That is a great piece if perspective.The thought of an evil FDR-type coming into power probably scared the shit out of all of them, especially after getting done with WWII and fascism all over Europe. If you look at where they were when it passed, it makes perfect sense that everyone would be for it.
I want to thank Rahm Emanuel for not endorsing me. I dont want the endorsement of a mayor shutting down schools and firing teachers.
Oh God, fuck you Ted Cruz. Tell me when Obama's ever "divided" us?
Oh God, fuck you Ted Cruz. Tell me when Obama's ever "divided" us?
I mean, let's not get petty.
Oh God, fuck you Ted Cruz. Tell me when Obama's ever "divided" us?
I can't wait to rage when Obama gets name-checked for the protestors at the rally. I'm sure they'll also reference his connection to Chicago.
"See this just shows how Obama has been dividing the nation!"
Apparently he had just said that at his rally.I mean, let's not get petty.
It's kind of amazing there's so much anger from both the left and right when the economy is the best it's been in years. Unemployment is way down and people's homes and retirement savings have mostly recovered. Sure wage growth has been slow, but inflation has been even lower, so people are still gaining. Not to mention we went from being stuck in 2 wars to being mostly out of conflict. I don't really have an explanation for this when all the numbers indicate things were much worse in previous years.
It's kind of amazing there's so much anger from both the left and right when the economy is the best it's been in years. Unemployment is way down and people's homes and retirement savings have mostly recovered. Sure wage growth has been slow, but inflation has been even lower, so people are still gaining. Not to mention we went from being stuck in 2 wars to being mostly out of conflict. I don't really have an explanation for this when all the numbers indicate things were much worse in previous years.
I mean, let's not get petty.
I mean, the 1960s were the angriest time in American history and the middle class never had it better (relative to everyone else) before or since.
Not all anger is economic. Most anger in U.S. history has really been about race.
1860s were a little worse.I mean, the 1960s were the angriest time in American history and the middle class never had it better (relative to everyone else) before or since.
Not all anger is economic. Most anger in U.S. history has really been about race.
How popular is Rahm?
I mean, the 1960s were the angriest time in American history and the middle class literally never had it better (relative to everyone else) before or since.
Not all anger is economic. Most anger in U.S. history has really been about race.
Like in the 20's. He's hated by everyone especially after the news broke that the Chicago PD was sitting on the Laquan video until after Rahm's re-election.
The return of
I suspect ACORN is involved somehow too.
When he won the election in 2008 and again in 2012 and all those times he refused to eat shit--if conservatives are to be believed.
It really is the culture 'war'None of this to say that the people angry are all racist or that it's all about race. The recovery hasn't been equally distributed and we are in a place of transition economically, but to say race isn't playing a rather large roll in all this anger is also ignoring the history of this country.
More from Associated Press. Trump has been caught out in a massive lie. This is all manipulation.
"A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department says the agency never recommended that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cancel his campaign rally in the city.
CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi tells The Associated Press that the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the University of Illinois at Chicago venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower on the scene to handle any situation.
Guglielmi says the university's police department also did not recommend that Trump call off the event. He says the decision was made "independently" by the campaign.
Trump cancelled the rally in Chicago due to what organizers said were safety concerns after protesters packed into the arena where it was to take place.
Trump afterward told MSNBC in a telephone interview that he canceled the event because he didn't "want to see people hurt or worse." He said he thinks he "did the right thing."
Guglielmi says Trump never arrived at the Chicago venue."
It's kind of amazing there's so much anger from both the left and right when the economy is the best it's been in years. Unemployment is way down and people's homes and retirement savings have mostly recovered. Sure wage growth has been slow, but inflation has been even lower, so people are still gaining. Not to mention we went from being stuck in 2 wars to being mostly out of conflict. I don't really have an explanation for this when all the numbers indicate things were much worse in previous years.
Marco Rubio is just short-circuiting and combining random buzzwords together:
Could we just start posting the text in a quote please?
He likely got it off twitter.Could we just start posting the text in a quote please?
Rubio and Cruz can't decide if they want to blame Trump or Obama more.
Blame journalists on Twitter :/
He likely got it off twitter.
Blame journalists on Twitter :/
Crossposting from OT.. You were right Rusty..
Can this election be over with already, please? I'm tired of Bernie, Hillary, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and fox/media.
8 more months of this to go![]()
We really need to pass a law that truncates the election season. Like, no one can announce or start running until November the previous year or something.