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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Funny thing is, we don't have cable or watch broadcast news, my wife and I stay informed with primarily text based sources on the internet that he's not interested in looking at, and while we do discuss politics, he's usually not in the room. But apparently his peers at school talk about this stuff a lot, and that's where he's been picking a lot of it up. :p Fourth graders, man.
I started my news/politics habit in 5th grade. NPR & Nina Totenberg on my walkman on the bus, CNN & Bernard Shaw on TV, etc..

I'd skip morning recess and watch CNN with my
(hunky coast guard reserve)
social studies teacher. My parents thought it was the weirdest thing, but then other kids started joining us and we ended-up forming an unofficial "news club."
I try to keep an open mind and seperate politics from the people, conservative or liberal, but I really have zero respect for Trump supporters.


Please do not lump all of us in with the small minority of Trump supporters who have displayed racist behavior or Nazi symbolism. The vast majority of us denounce the KKK (as do Trump), white supremacy, and Nazism.



Please do not lump all of us in with the small minority of Trump supporters who have displayed racist behavior or Nazi symbolism. The vast majority of us denounce the KKK (as do Trump), white supremacy, and Nazism.

Right, but ideally you wouldn't just denounce it, you would refuse to vote for it.


David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe Mar 10
'08 example shows how hard to come back/landslides matter. Mar 4 we lose TX/RI/OH. Win VT. HRC nets 4 dels. We net 7 with MS win the next wk

David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe Mar 10
Stumbles along the way like losing MI no fun. Like us losing OH/TX. It passes.



I can tell you I've been bombarded on the radio and TV today with Bernie ads. Nothing from Clinton. He's very clearly outspending her on advertising here.

he outspent her in SC. Did him no good. Had plenty of staffers to boot too. NC and FL will net her alone possibly 100+ delegates if she wins both by 30-40 pts
"Small minority."
Can Clinton just hit Sanders hard with something? I know she's way ahead and doesn't want to alienate anyone but can she just run an ad comparing him to Fidel Castro?

The only thing she can hit him hard with is her lead and how many votes she's gotten and use it against his political revolution idea and that he's the only one who can turn out voters

But it's too early to do that


No Scrubs
he outspent her in SC. Did him no good. Had plenty of staffers to boot too. NC and FL will net her alone possibly 100+ delegates if she wins both by 30-40 pts

That's what he's trying to prevent. I assume Weaver and/or Devine finally figured out how delegates work.


Junior Member
Trumps campaign is even more of a disaster than it was at the beginning. I really don't see how he gets the nomination at this point. Republican voters has to know this guy is fucking toxic now.


He's one of the (many) Bernie/Trump crazies. Beyond reason.

/r/The_Donald is a little scary right now. They're really riled up about the protest.

Speaking of Bernie/Trump, the reddit truce is over.

"as a chicago survivor..." ohhhhhhhhhh man

the "sjw's are terrorists" and "liberals are cuckolds" garbage doesn't even register any more, but seeing trump supporters identify as 'survivors' because enough people finally banded together and stood up to their hateful rallies where the assault of minorities is encouraged - that incited a bit of a reaction from me

i hope these protesters are emboldened by their success and continue to fight back
Protestors are being nasty on fox news right now. They try to talk to Trump supporters and gangs of people come up and start cussing at them and being obnoxious. Then they ask the protestors why they are doing what they are doing and they just keep saying that they don't want to tell them.


No Scrubs
Trumps campaign is even more of a disaster than it was at the beginning. I really don't see how he gets the nomination at this point. Republican voters has to know this guy is fucking toxic now.

I don't see how he doesn't get it. Unless his support in Florida evaporates entirely over the next few days, there's no way to stop him. Frankly, all of this just plays into his narrative. This isn't going to hurt him, if anything it'll help him.
Trumps campaign is even more of a disaster than it was at the beginning. I really don't see how he gets the nomination at this point. Republican voters has to know this guy is fucking toxic now.
They probably see all this stuff as even more justification as to why they need him. Put "those people in their place", etc.


I don't see how he doesn't get it. Unless his support in Florida evaporates entirely over the next few days, there's no way to stop him. Frankly, all of this just plays into his narrative. This isn't going to hurt him, if anything it'll help him.
I could very easily see him inciting a riot at the convention if they deny him the nomination.


No Scrubs
fine time when the polls continue to show you down by x points in every state on Tuesday.

After Michigan they might just think all the polling is suspect. It's not the craziest thought given what happened.

I could very easily see him inciting a riot at the convention if they deny him the nomination.

You and me both. The GOP leaders needs to realize that they can't try anything tricky anymore. Trump's base has been riled up way too much for them to snake this from him.

Interesting to see that Sanders is outspending Clinton in Illinois. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I've seen a ton of Clinton ads and none for Sanders here in Chicago. Maybe The Bern feels like he can't appeal to the crowd that watches Seinfeld reruns.

Sanders is clearly winning the yard sign battle in my (North Side) neighborhood though, by which I mean I've seen one Sanders yard sign to zero for Clinton. Lots of yard signs for local judicial races though.

I'm eager to see how things turn out here. I'd love to see how the results break down by precinct, or at the very least how the candidates do in various parts of the city.


Protestors are being nasty on fox news right now. They try to talk to Trump supporters and gangs of people come up and start cussing at them and being obnoxious. Then they ask the protestors why they are doing what they are doing and they just keep saying that they don't want to tell them.

There's no rule saying they have to play nice with anyone. If I was a protester I'd probably troll Fox News too.
I don't know if I can get mad for protesters failing to exactly articulate their emotions when protesting a white nationalist rally that almost got them killed.
I'm not sure how "only" 16% of Trump's supporters are willing to publicly admit they think that whites are a superior race, with a similar amount in the "don't know" category, is supposed to show his supporters aren't racist.

And it doesn't change that his platform is fueled by racist nationalistic rhetoric and discriminatory policies and the candidate himself is a misogynist probable racist fanning these flames.
Trump is building a Frankenstein constituency. Overt racists are absolutely a sizable part of his constituency, but his real hard core is working class whites who are eager to see a rhetorical strongman wage economic war on the rest of the planet they see as having robbed them of the better life they thought they should have had. Most of his supporters' racism is probably not racism for its own sake, so much as it is a subset of a more general myopia that drives them to put their problems ahead of everyone else's. They don't want there to be even the slightest risk that there might be some harm that could come to them or theirs, so sure, ban Muslims from entering the country for as long as it seems like Islamists might be a threat. They want there to be jobs for American citizens, so throw out the Mexicans that aren't even supposed to be here in the first place so that companies don't have the option of hiring them any more. Etc.
That "only" 16% of Trump's supporters are willing to publicly admit they think that whites are a superior race, with a similar amount in the "don't know" category; doesn't change that his platform is fueled by racist nationalistic rhetoric and discriminatory policies and the candidate himself is a misogynist probable racist fanning these flames.

80% of Trump's supporters want to ban Muslims from the United States!

Trump is building a Frankenstein constituency. Overt racists are absolutely a sizable part of his constituency, but his real hard core is working class whites who are eager to see a rhetorical strongman wage economic war on the rest of the planet they see as having robbed them of the better life they thought they should have had. Most of his supporters' racism is probably not racism for its own sake, so much as it is a subset of a more general myopia that drives them to put their problems ahead of everyone else's.

80% of Trump's supporters want to ban Muslims from the United States!
The more attention Trump is given the more popular he has become. Tonight already I have talked to numerous people who thought the protests went way over the line and it has caused sympathy for Trump. The way the protesters acted in the media afterwards allowed them to be portrayed as hooligans whether it is fair or not.

The troll wants to be fed and people just don't understand that he will play this into an advantage.

Disclaimer: Solid Red till I am dead Right Winger, not a Trump supporter.
80% of Trump's supporters want to ban Muslims from the United States!

80% of Trump's supporters want to ban Muslims from the United States!

I clarified my statement. They want to ban further immigration of Muslims because there is a jihadist state in the Middle East that has already staged a terrorist attack in Europe and has threatened to do so in the U.S. This is ultimately a pretty reprehensible policy, for a variety of reasons, and not even smart, given the thoroughness of the vetting process that refugees undergo, but I don't think it's driven by direct racial hatred so much as it is by the fact that they put their needs, wants, and safety ahead of others'. What is masterful about his campaign is that his rhetoric is always framed so that racists can identify with it, no problem, but there's juuuuust enough wiggle room that people who don't desire to be racist but who want things that can be called racist (like a moratorium on immigration of Muslims), for selfish reasons, can mince around the reality of what they want.
The more attention Trump is given the more popular he has become. Tonight already I have talked to numerous people who thought the protests went way over the line and it has caused sympathy for Trump. The way the protesters acted in the media afterwards allowed them to be portrayed as hooligans whether it is fair or not.

The troll wants to be fed and people just don't understand that he will play this into an advantage.

Disclaimer: Solid Red till I am dead Right Winger, not a Trump supporter.

"Don't feed the trolls!" is a stupid libertarian philosophy that assumes the backlash effect has near infinite power so that libertarians can mentally avoid the fact that more corporate or state influence or group influence could be used to protect people.


I'm not sure how "only" 16% of Trump's supporters are willing to publicly admit they think that whites are a superior race, with a similar amount in the "don't know" category, is supposed to show his supporters aren't racist.

And it doesn't change that his platform is fueled by racist nationalistic rhetoric and discriminatory policies and the candidate himself is a misogynist probable racist fanning these flames.
And those were the ones willing to answer that they were racist on a survey. That's like racist plus. That's the number of self-aware proud racists in the group, not the number of racists.
Usually, when the U.S. has encountered scary people before, we end up supporting the religious freaks we think we can control so I'm guessing Cruz has better odds after tonight.

Hillary getting close over here...


Queen/Dick Nixon of the Left throwing in those implications of racism and bringing up some instances of white supremacist violence but she isn't exactly saying that Trump is a white supremacist!

Ehh, pretty good statement.


If protesters can shut down Trump's rallies in early March when he's not even the presumptive nominee I don't know how he'll be able to set a foot down in a swing state in September and October when passions will be 10 times what they are now. All the big cities in Ohio have large black populations.
I clarified my statement. They want to ban further immigration of Muslims because there is a jihadist state in the Middle East that has already staged a terrorist attack in Europe and has threatened to do so in the U.S. This is ultimately a pretty reprehensible policy, for a variety of reasons, and not even smart, given the thoroughness of the vetting process that refugees undergo, but I don't think it's driven by direct racial hatred so much as it is by the fact that they put their needs, wants, and safety ahead of others'. What is masterful about his campaign is that his rhetoric is always framed so that racists can identify with it, no problem, but there's juuuuust enough wiggle room that people who don't desire to be racist but who want things that can be called racist (like a moratorium on immigration of Muslims), for selfish reasons, can mince around the reality of what they want.
Let's just call a spade a spade. It's racism.

Because there is no way to test for "Muslimness." A white person can convert to Islam. There are secular people from the Middle East. The degree of adherence is going to vary.

The ban policy, and the people supporting it, ultimately boils down to wanting a "temporary" indefinite ban on brown people.
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