And it doesn't change that his platform is fueled by racist nationalistic rhetoric and discriminatory policies and the candidate himself is a misogynist probable racist fanning these flames.
Please don't do this. We have enough trouble with the quantum racism phenomenon as it is. Trump has a very long and well documented history of racist actions and words, in the same way he has an extensive history of misogyny that doesn't merit giving him any benefit of the doubt. He's a racist, full stop.
And I'm fed up to my back teeth with this "this will just embolden his supporters!" crap coming from all quarters. The fuck you people think Trump's been doing with every single rally? They
must be opposed.
I don't see anyone complaining that Trump's rhetoric and vile supporters are "emboldening" leftist protestors. Maybe
they should stop being disgusting aggressive bigots? Why not take that angle for a fucking change?
something something negative peace something something presence of justice