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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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This whole thing fits right into Trump supporter's narratives. This will only help him going forward. The way these people want to make America great again is nothing more than making sure brown people, gays, women and everyone who isn't just like them is silenced. God, this is a big mess.


Bill Maher is going hard against #BernieorBust hashtag: https://www.facebook.com/Maher/

- He thinks Bernie fans and Hillary fans should stop nitpicking and attacking each ither
- Both fan groups are trying to find poop on each others candidates while ignoring big mass pile of poops in the othe rparty
- If Bernie doesn't win, don't stay home, but vote for Hillary

I agreed with him. It's sad if Bernie doesn't win, but the most important thing is to get a demcorat i nthe white house so the white house aren't owned by crazy town


It's pretty surreal seeing Trump begin to pivot towards the "other trump" in the midst of this GOP shitshow. Incredible how predictable it is but can't wait to see how many of his followers stay engaged once he wins the nom and continues to try to sound more measure and thoughtful.


If Sri does get the nomination, how long in seconds before someone on the Republican side makes an incredibly racist comment about it?


@realDonaldTrump: The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!

Politically this is a smart move. Now he can appear as the victim; something his supporters can identify with.

Shutting down this rally will most likely increase his support across the country. I would be surprised if he doesn't clinch the nomination now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's well past time for people here to stop cheering for Trump, this shit is insane

I'm starting to agree. This has crossed over from entertaining shit show, to an actual danger.
Oh man these chi protests, fucking crazy.

welp, Trump will def' play the victim card now. Fox must be proud. Well done Trump

lmao and fuck hannity somehow shoehorning Obama into this during his interview with trump on Fox, what a piece of shit human being


So, what exactly is the hidden meaning behind "organized protest"? Both Trump and Rubio said this. Are protests only valid if they magically happen? Do they think that sit ins in the south in the 60s were just organic events?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Obviously he's going to spin it into something to energize his base. I wonder where he will hold his next rally. I wonder what he will say about it.
Obviously he's going to spin it into something to energize his base. I wonder where he will hold his next rally. I wonder what he will say about it.

He has two rallies in Ohio today, the second being in Cleveland. After that he has one in Kansas City tonight


I really hope the rallies/protests calm down, I don't want the passion of the moment resulting in people getting seriously injured because of Donald Trump.

Or maybe it's already too late to hope for such.
So, what exactly is the hidden meaning behind "organized protest"? Both Trump and Rubio said this. Are protests only valid if they magically happen? Do they think that sit ins in the south in the 60s were just organic events?

Black people being paid by liberals to cause trouble is what they are trying to say.

User 406

And it doesn't change that his platform is fueled by racist nationalistic rhetoric and discriminatory policies and the candidate himself is a misogynist probable racist fanning these flames.

Please don't do this. We have enough trouble with the quantum racism phenomenon as it is. Trump has a very long and well documented history of racist actions and words, in the same way he has an extensive history of misogyny that doesn't merit giving him any benefit of the doubt. He's a racist, full stop.

And I'm fed up to my back teeth with this "this will just embolden his supporters!" crap coming from all quarters. The fuck you people think Trump's been doing with every single rally? They must be opposed.

I don't see anyone complaining that Trump's rhetoric and vile supporters are "emboldening" leftist protestors. Maybe they should stop being disgusting aggressive bigots? Why not take that angle for a fucking change?

something something negative peace something something presence of justice


You know, in the aftermath of the 2012 election I remember reading a lot of serious thinkpieces by Republicans about how they needed to address their party's issue with race and maybe not be quite so hostile to people who aren't white.

Plus ça change I guess.
Cleveland is going to be a powerkeg. The establishment has to know that attempts to change the rules to subvert Trump now could risk a riot by Trump supporters.


Cleveland is going to be a powerkeg. The establishment has to know that attempts to change the rules to subvert Trump now could risk a riot by Trump supporters.

Yeah, if it's a brokered convention and they try to give it to someone other than Trump, things could genuinely get out of hand. I've gone from being sort of excited at the prospect of a brokered convention to scared about what will happen if we have one.


Can someone explain to me how Hillary's response to the protests isn't incredibly misguided and tone-deaf?

"Both sides are bad! Being angry about things is bad! We should all hold hands and get along!"


She can't really be seen to be encouraging violence. That reads to me as an attack on Trump's rhetoric, framed in such a way that she can't be accused of supporting violent protest.


Can someone explain to me how Hillary's response to the protests isn't incredibly misguided and tone-deaf?

"Both sides are bad! Being angry about things is bad! We should all hold hands and get along!"

What she's staying is yelling at things is not a strategy. Blaming others is not a solution. Anger is not the end goal, nor is it the beginning of the solution. Divisiveness will not solve our problems, nor will violence.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I learned yesterday I have to be in Chicago on Tuesday and will likely be in the air as the polls close coming home. No riots pls.
What she's staying is yelling at things is not a strategy. Blaming others is not a solution. Anger is not the end goal, nor is it the beginning of the solution. Divisiveness will not solve our problems, nor will violence.

Ah, yes, we all know that no successful movement in history has ever utilized "angry" or "divisive" tactics.
Can someone explain to me how Hillary's response to the protests isn't incredibly misguided and tone-deaf?

"Both sides are bad! Being angry about things is bad! We should all hold hands and get along!"

I don't see where she says that at all.

People really want to twist everything she says in the absolute least flattering way.

That's super similar to most Obama type statements.

She's running to be President, not only please liberals, she can't just throw rhetorical bombs at trump supporters when we see what they want.
Ah, yes, we all know that no successful movement in history has ever utilized "angry" or "divisive" tactics.
Completely run of the mill comments...Saying "violence is bad" should not be seen as politically motivated. It is bad. What sucks is that the protests did turn violent, completely playing into Trump's hands. Now he can play the victim card.
Yes clearly Clinton is saying that the protesters have no right to be angry and shouldn't be protesting Drumpf.

Completely run of the mill comments...Saying "violence is bad" should not be seen as politically motivated. It is bad. What sucks is that the protests did turn violent, completely playing into Drumpf's hands. Now he can play the victim card.

Surely she can avoid engaging in false equivalencies and vapid civility fetishism without condoning violence.
Completely run of the mill comments...Saying "violence is bad" should not be seen as politically motivated. It is bad. What sucks is that the protests did turn violent, completely playing into Trump's hands. Now he can play the victim card.

He would've done so regardless.


Surely she can avoid engaging in false equivalencies and vapid civility fetishism without condoning violence.

Would you mind pointing out where she equivocates? I'm not seeing it, I though the divisive language part was about Trump. Also, what is civility fetishism? A public official asking the public to not incite violence?
Surely she can avoid engaging in false equivalencies and vapid civility fetishism without condoning violence.

I really have no idea where you're getting this. She condemns violence and encourages cooperation. Her only statement trending towards "civility fetishism" was wholly directed at Trump's rhetoric.
He would've done so regardless.
He could have, but he has a slight basis in his facts now. Like a couple of people getting arrested he will blow it up to "hundreds and hundreds of them being violent and arrested", much like those inane thousands of Muslims cheering 9/11 comments.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
They will turn political unrest and violence into pluses for Trump's strongman image. He will "solve" this clearly pressing issue.


My understanding of Hillary's statement is that it's fairly standard "Only love can drive out hate" fluff but it seems I've misread it because my Twitter feed (which is a mix of Hillary and Bernie but would probably identify mostly as progressive) is pissed. I think coming on the same night as the comments about Nancy Reagan didn't help.
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