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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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No Scrubs
How in the world does NY not have early voting?

Beats me, but our polls are open forever on the days we do vote. We really should have it though, makes no sense why we don't.

EDIT: Reminds me, I need to get Metsfan to PM me that dem meet-up info already. I need people to drink with so I don't look like such a drunk.

I don't remember which one of you awesome people recommended I try tequila, but thank you. Thank you so much.

Careful, tequila can be a bitch the next day. I like tequila but tequila don't like me.
They do limit the amount of polling stations versus primary day, so yes it can affect which type of voters turn out. Still looking like the polls are going to be close to right though by these numbers.

Not surprising. If Bernie did considerably better than 60/40 in NC I'd be pretty impressed.
I don't quite get why you all are so disappointed by Tyson's tweet. He is correct, as, i suspect, you're all aware. That these people are also given voice is, sadly, one of the nastier aspects of giving everybody the vote.

This is, evidently, a necessary evil. Until the ai overlords arrive, anyway. Then Big Poppa can go create the Affront in some distant corner of the universe.

Careful, tequila can be a bitch the next day. I like tequila but tequila don't like me.

Aint nothing that hits quite as fast as it, tho. God damn. Rum takes some 30-45min to act, but teq? Sheeit, 10 min and you're feeling it.

Wish i could find something that'd mix well with it. Also that it didn't cause hangovers. Rum remains god-king.


Why is Deathstroke-with-a-combover hating on Bernie?

One would think he is a fan of thug armies.
I don't quite get why you all are so disappointed by Tyson's tweet. He is correct, as, i suspect, you're all aware. That these people are also given voice is, sadly, one of the nastier aspects of giving everybody the vote.

This is, evidently, a necessary evil.

It's just a stupid fucking tweet. It's like if someone said during the civil rights era that MLK supporters aren't against racist politicians, they're just against people voting for racist politicians. Would that make much sense? Why would anyone even say that? Why parse it out that much other than to troll?

At best statements like NDT's are irrelevant, useless, and merely rhetorical. At worst it is downplaying legitimate opposition to Trump and emboldening his followers who are already getting violent at the thought that "others" are trying to interfere with their rights to expression.

It's just really fucking stupid and he should know better. NDT has a trend of tweeting trollish remarks about various topics, this one just goes too far.
I don't quite get why you all are so disappointed by Tyson's tweet. He is correct, as, i suspect, you're all aware. That these people are also given voice is, sadly, one of the nastier aspects of giving everybody the vote.

This is, evidently, a necessary evil. Until the ai overlords arrive, anyway. Then Big Poppa can go create the Affront in some distant corner of the universe.

Him being correct or not isn't the point. He just shouldn't have said it. Period.


Unconfirmed Member


brainchild's avatar finally makes sense.

I do think getting onto trump and sanders for their supporters do is a little unfair, but what does "they oppose free citizens voting for Donald Trump" mean? Of course anti-Trump people would want people to not vote for Trump. That's the whole point of democracy. It's not like I see a lot of people wanting to make voting for Trump illegal.

I feel like I need further explination here, because this makes no sense even using general conservative or centrist logic.
Sure, but this is not a good argument against trade deals. That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. If trade deals are good for the 99%, then they're good even if they're even better for the 1%.

Well IMO when policymakers don't use these deals to encourage the private sector to use foreigners and depress the wages of professionals that's a big deal. When the gov't creates monopolies and further increases protection under the law for things like copyright...that's not good for most because it raises prices.

So, how are these instances of protectionism and recent period of wage inequality a good deal for the 99%? Are the charts cited enough to offset? You can't mix protectionism and reduce barriers that disproportionately favor the wealthy...while expecting working poor folks not to implode and explode about the situation with frustration and anger IMO. Now, people are dummies for not looking at trade theory and understanding that they were at risk of being a loser in the winner/loser framework so I feel bad. But bottom line is that owners of capital and professionals more often than not win and they win big.

Another issue that I doubt most care about is that the US and other rich industrialized nations fleece developing nations by selling them a false narrative about what structural changes rich countries made on their path to success. It doesn't match up with the empirical record. http://www.amazon.com/dp/1843310279/?tag=neogaf0e-20

We also seem to damage their potential GDP by insisting on structural adjustments that disproportionately benefit our interests which is not offset by foreign aid.


...you did that on purpose, didn't you?

Right you said everyone is team queen except for these 4 people. Maybe I misunderstood?

Edit: wait, ekai, Makai different people.

I am counting the regulars I see post often and remember. Ekai and terrsact I forgot and are new.

A Human Becoming is for Bernie............ ooops


Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 1h1 hour ago
.@rnedewa YouGov and Marist will have polls in FL, IL, and OH. PPP in NC. I'd think Monmouth and others may release in other states?


How can you be anti-Jeb!? He's like a sad little puppy that no one wants. Why don't you love him?
If a pollster called me up and asked me what issues were important to me, #1 would be making sure motherfucking Jeb is not allowed to be president. We simply could not allow the coolest president ever to be succeeded by that dweeb. Al Gore and Mitt Romney probably picked on him in school. We all know W tortured him. Even his own mom was on record saying he shouldn't be president and he wasn't her favorite kid. I am grateful to Donald Drumpf for burying him. Bury isn't even an accurate account of what happened. He hired Haliburton to dig a 150 foot well on the Crawford Ranch and then Spartan kicked him into it while yelling "NERDDDD"
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