How in the world does NY not have early voting?
I don't remember which one of you awesome people recommended I try tequila, but thank you. Thank you so much.
They do limit the amount of polling stations versus primary day, so yes it can affect which type of voters turn out. Still looking like the polls are going to be close to right though by these numbers.
I live in the north bay but I have family down here. Now I'm driving home on the 17 in the rain. So fun. I went to school in Toronto.Where at bro? UCSC is my stomping grounds from a few years ago.
Careful, tequila can be a bitch the next day. I like tequila but tequila don't like me.
I live in the north bay but I have family down here. Now I'm driving home on the 17 in the rain. So fun. I went to school in Toronto.
Thank you for using the word brah, brah.I think you like a drink even more than me brah![]()
Thank you for using the word brah, brah.![]()
I don't quite get why you all are so disappointed by Tyson's tweet. He is correct, as, i suspect, you're all aware. That these people are also given voice is, sadly, one of the nastier aspects of giving everybody the vote.
This is, evidently, a necessary evil.
I don't quite get why you all are so disappointed by Tyson's tweet. He is correct, as, i suspect, you're all aware. That these people are also given voice is, sadly, one of the nastier aspects of giving everybody the vote.
This is, evidently, a necessary evil. Until the ai overlords arrive, anyway. Then Big Poppa can go create the Affront in some distant corner of the universe.
I still can't believe how late the CA primary is. I just wanna vote!
Him being correct or not isn't the point. He just shouldn't have said it. Period.
Come crash on my couch and you can vote on Tuesday.
And, HELLZ YA, my play is going to be staged if I can find the cast for it. YES. WERK.
Come crash on my couch and you can vote on Tuesday.
And, HELLZ YA, my play is going to be staged if I can find the cast for it. YES. WERK.
Same difference, really.
Your play is called "HELLZ YA"? That's pretty awesome. Is it about drag queens?
He shouldn't have said it period, what are you a gatekeeper
Lol. I didn't think babies could even be in bars.
Yes, Youngstown.
I still can't believe how late the CA primary is. I just wanna vote!
I still can't believe how late the CA primary is. I just wanna vote!
eh. It's fine. It's so many delegates it would totally fuck up the process.I love my state being largely irrelevant from the primary season, it's great... really...woo
everyone here is team Queen except for Aaron, Melk, brainchild and Orange.
4 frequent posters aren't hard to keep track of.I'm impressed that you keep track of this.
I'm impressed that you keep track of this.
everyone here is team Queen except for Aaron, Melk, brainchild and Orange.
brainchild's avatar finally makes sense.
And tesseract and ekai
Sure, but this is not a good argument against trade deals. That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. If trade deals are good for the 99%, then they're good even if they're even better for the 1%.
Anti-JebI think Maikai is for Bernie.
And tesseract and ekai
I think Maikai is for Bernie.
everyone here is team Queen except for Aaron, Melk, brainchild and Orange.
From the Ledger poll in Florida, Hillary's up 42 points among those who have already voted. That's a steep hill to climb. did that on purpose, didn't you?
Right you said everyone is team queen except for these 4 people. Maybe I misunderstood?
Edit: wait, ekai, Makai different people.
Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 1h1 hour ago
.@rnedewa YouGov and Marist will have polls in FL, IL, and OH. PPP in NC. I'd think Monmouth and others may release in other states?
How can you be anti-Jeb!? He's like a sad little puppy that no one wants. Why don't you love him?
From the Ledger poll in Florida, Hillary's up 42 points among those who have already voted. That's a steep hill to climb.
If a pollster called me up and asked me what issues were important to me, #1 would be making sure motherfucking Jeb is not allowed to be president. We simply could not allow the coolest president ever to be succeeded by that dweeb. Al Gore and Mitt Romney probably picked on him in school. We all know W tortured him. Even his own mom was on record saying he shouldn't be president and he wasn't her favorite kid. I am grateful to Donald Drumpf for burying him. Bury isn't even an accurate account of what happened. He hired Haliburton to dig a 150 foot well on the Crawford Ranch and then Spartan kicked him into it while yelling "NERDDDD"How can you be anti-Jeb!? He's like a sad little puppy that no one wants. Why don't you love him?
Hillary gained as many net delegates as Bernie did in Michigan with her wins in American Samoa and the Northern Mariana IslandsAll these Hillary gaffes in OT are making me Diablos guys. Reassure me Bernie can't win.![]()