They are saying because he is white she will probably lose some of the minority vote.
Lol dude just did half the speech in Spanish.
They are saying because he is white she will probably lose some of the minority vote.
Literally just the gifts "scandal".Query: Has the Trump campaign put out any opposition research out there?
They are really fucking bad at what they do. Sad!
Query: Has the Trump campaign put out any opposition research out there?
They are really fucking bad at what they do. Sad!
And y'all doubted him and called him boring... Lmao
Andrea Mitchell is saying nice things about Hillary.
I'm scared. Is this how I die? Am I already dead?
Mane the Putin jab is great, start pulling that up everyday.
Love a bunch of progressives sharing a Russian intelligence operation under the #dncleak tag.
They released a statement calling him a "career politician". has opposition research on Kaine.
I'm assuming it's a disguised pro-coal voter.Wtf is an energy voter?
Hey, hey. Uncle Joe can't be replaced.I love Kaine now. He's like Biden but better.
Has Trump responded yet?
Has Pence responded yet? Pence alive?
That opposition research is basically "He's a moderate democrat!"
Jesus, is this guy actually that much of a boy scout that the worst thing they have on him is that he supports some positions that are not in line with the liberal wing of the Dem party? That might appeal to the GOPs own center right voters who don't like Trump?
Go home GOP, you're drunk.
CNN said it's going to be hard for Kaine to top this speech next week.
Wait the RNC oppo is to attack him from the left?They released a statement calling him a "career politician". has opposition research on Kaine.
Well, if you feel you deserve something, you actually have to fight for it. Sitting at home never voting and then complaining the party isn't appealing to you doesn't make much sense.I really hate how "entitlement" has become a bad word.
For real?? Haha. Big fat mess.So the Trump/GOP plan is to go after Bernie supporters. That's literally all they have. Mess.
Trump is so fucking tone deaf.That GOP website article is a fucking hoot. Their primary lane of attack is to say how moderate he is on the left.
CNN said it's going to be hard for Kaine to top this speech next week.
The GOP putting on that disaster of a convention and then saying Kaine is too moderate is hilarious. Do they realize that's how you drive independents to the opposition.
So the Trump/GOP plan is to go after Bernie supporters. That's literally all they have. Mess.
So the Trump/GOP plan is to go after Bernie supporters. That's literally all they have. Mess.
That is interesting.The GOP are attacking Kaine from the left.
This man is too damn sensible!
That GOP website article is a fucking hoot. Their primary lane of attack is to say how moderate he is on the left.
Shit Kainementioned Wikileaks in his speech?
"The left" can go suck an egg.
I'm kind of sick of hearing about what "the left" want. "The left" having their feelings hurt.
"The left" having no one that represents them exclusively and perfectly.
"The left" in question being this exclusive self-defined club, that cares so so so so much about income inequality that they're willing to let a white nationalist nativist buffoon get anywhere near the White House, where he will without question make income inequality worse.
Sean Spicer just tweeted directly to Bernie fans some old ads of Kaine saying he was conservative.