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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Kind of where I am at too. I mean, I voted for Nader in 2000!

Then again, what were considered radical opinions 10 years ago are now moderate opinions. So, I'm guessing part of it we won a lot of important culture wars battles and that the young uns are taking a lot of that change for granted and just want more progress.

So, probably that I'm old and own a business (and worked for Goldman.. shhhh)


But, ya. A decade ago, I was a scared gay kid who wanted to be able to get married. Now, some of the things the far, far left are fighting for I'm luke warm to (I'm not sold on $15 minimum wage. I'm not sold on basic income. I'm not 100% in favor of single payer, preferring a multiplayer option). So, ya. I think it's the children who are wrong, not us. : cough : I mean, it's natural I guess. I'm only 29 but I am seeing and feeling that slight shift between youngins and me.
The GOP putting on that disaster of a convention and then saying Kaine is too moderate is hilarious. Do they realize that's how you drive independents to the opposition.

They're probably hoping it'll convince enough of the lefties, who require 100% fealty before they are willing to do anything to stop a fascist, to stay home on election day.

Probably a stupid gamble.


So I wanted to play around with the NYT path to victory tool to see how a safely blue Virginia affects things.

Turns out they've already removed it from their list of swing states. Replaced with Arizona.

Arizona is more likely to go blue than Virginia is to go red. Think about that.

Arizona was already on there earlier I think. They just took Virginia off


Scottie Hughes said:
“I didn’t have to get a translator for anything that was going on at the RNC this week. And I’m hoping I’m not gonna have to kinda start brushing up on my Dora the Explorer to understand some of the speeches given [at the DNC].”


Looking at some stuff for Kaine on Wikipedia, it's interesting to see he's never been anything for longer than one term. He was mayor of Richmond for 3 years, lieutenant governor of Virginia for 4 years, governor for 4 years, and senator for 4 years. Did he not run for reelection as governor?
Like, Hillary looked so happy. The last few days have probably been some of the grossest she's dealt with in her life. Like, she's used to it, but my god, it has to wear on you after a while. And there she is. Still standing.



Looking at some stuff for Kaine on Wikipedia, it's interesting to see he's never been anything for longer than one term. He was mayor of Richmond for 3 years, lieutenant governor of Virginia for 4 years, governor for 4 years, and senator for 4 years. Did he not run for reelection as governor?

VA has laws that state you cant run for relection in various high offices. Besides the Senate seat.


Looking at some stuff for Kaine on Wikipedia, it's interesting to see he's never been anything for longer than one term. He was mayor of Richmond for 3 years, lieutenant governor of Virginia for 4 years, governor for 4 years, and senator for 4 years. Did he not run for reelection as governor?
VA only allows one consecutive term as Governor if I recall.
Looking at some stuff for Kaine on Wikipedia, it's interesting to see he's never been anything for longer than one term. He was mayor of Richmond for 3 years, lieutenant governor of Virginia for 4 years, governor for 4 years, and senator for 4 years. Did he not run for reelection as governor?

You can't run for re-election in Virginia. They would have to sit out a cycle and then run again.


Only the VA governorship is term limited by 1 term. You can however run again after 4 years out of office. Every other office you can run successively.


Ebay your thread is do by Monday morning.

PoliGAF Electoral Map & Popular Vote Sweepstakes begins August 1st and ends August 12th. Details to come soon.
Like, I'm giddy right now.

One, because I'm playing Ninja Turtles (FUCK YA!) and also because there are no negative reactions to this rollout anywhere.

Edit: Kanie plays the harmonica because OF COURSE HE DOES.


Or being inconvenienced.

Hence so many losing their shit about BLM blocking traffic for example.

Funny story about that: When that happened here in SC, a lot of fire fighters decided it was smart to go online and post racist bullshit.

Someone is now out of a job, and it's not BLM protestors.


Wow, Kaine is really great - I wasn't expecting that. He's not as charismatic as Obama, but I don't know what people were talking about when they said he was boring.


H. A. Goodman

You cheated BERNIE SANDERS, you escaped FBI criminal indictments, you voted Iraq and take prison lobby money, we're supposed to fear Trump?


@HAGOODMANAUTHOR I wonder how it feels for hillary, knowing that trump got his nomination democratically and she didn't.

So salty.


H. A. Goodman

You cheated BERNIE SANDERS, you escaped FBI criminal indictments, you voted Iraq and take prison lobby money, we're supposed to fear Trump?


@HAGOODMANAUTHOR I wonder how it feels for hillary, knowing that trump got his nomination democratically and she didn't.

So salty.
Dude will be absolutely shocked on November 8th when Hilary wins the election.


You know it's funny. I kinda realized last night, I'm probably no longer a left wing liberal by the Bernie definition that we supposedly have to live by. But, like, I don't think businesses are evil. And I think it's okay to make money! And, like, the most liberal position isn't always the best one. I don't know if it's me getting older, or if it's because I work for myself now.

I still think I'm totally liberal, but I'm not liberal for the sake of being liberal.

This election really made that clear for me as well. I thought I was very left wing previously (I think I still am!), but my views are apparently quite a bit different than the people who constantly harangue about imperialism, neo-liberalism and evil corporations, and those people are a bigger segment of society and the left than I previously thought.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Where can I watch Kaine speech?

Just how good is his spanish?
I read on wiki he became fluent after only 1 yr?

He lived in Honduras. It's pretty easy to pick up a language when you are immersed in it. Like it actually starts to impede your ability to communicate if you don't learn.


He lived in Honduras. It's pretty easy to pick up a language when you are immersed in it. Like it actually starts to impede your ability to communicate if you don't learn.

Especially in missionary work, which is pretty personal and not just day-to-day common things can just you pick up.


Kaine made me realize my hispanic ass needs to master spanish. Cuz goddamn I'm jelly. Seriously though, it's fucking awesome and my mom loves him now.

*Oh hell no some prick made a racist comment about spanish and Dora... 😟
H. A. Goodman

You cheated BERNIE SANDERS, you escaped FBI criminal indictments, you voted Iraq and take prison lobby money, we're supposed to fear Trump?


@HAGOODMANAUTHOR I wonder how it feels for hillary, knowing that trump got his nomination democratically and she didn't.

So salty.

H. A. Goodman is always a great read. Funny tweeter too. Really impressed with his body of work during the primaries.
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