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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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evidence that no one clicks links anymore

woe is man, that we are steeped in such beastly ignorance

An exception to the rule can exist. Homeboy didn't say "what is it with this lady" but "what is it with the far left".

And as I said, GENERALLY, that applies more to the far right then The far left


Not in terms of ideology obviously, but in how they go about doing things.

What, posting on Twitter?

I don't see the far left organizing constant, ongoing, endless harassment campaigns like alt right goons and /pol/ types, holding hate-filled protests and marches full of sieg heiling and nationalistic rhetoric, beating up immigrants and people of color. I see some doofy idiots throwing hissy fits now and then like the hardcore Bernie stans in Nevada or Antifa itching for a fight with Neo Nazis (which I'm fine with anyway) but it's disingenuous to claim that the far left "goes about doing things" the same way as the far right. There are idiots on the far left who say and do idiotic things, certainly, and there are tendencies on the left that are sometimes intellectually insufficient. But that's not a defining feature of "the far left".

The left to be most worried about are the Stalinist types who are fine with allying with Europe's far right because they're both opposed to neoliberalism.


What, posting on Twitter?

I don't see the far left organizing constant, ongoing, endless harassment campaigns like alt right goons and /pol/ types, holding hate-filled protests and marches full of sieg heiling and nationalistic rhetoric, beating up immigrants and people of color. I see some doofy idiots throwing hissy fits now and then like the hardcore Bernie stans in Nevada or Antifa itching for a fight with Neo Nazis (which I'm fine with anyway) but it's disingenuous to claim that the far left "goes about doing things" the same way as the far right. There are idiots on the far left who say and do idiotic things, certainly, and there are tendencies on the left that are sometimes intellectually insufficient. But that's not a defining feature of "the far left".

The left to be most worried about are the Stalinist types who are fine with allying with Europe's far right because they're both opposed to neoliberalism.

I didn't take that to mean the left and the right of modern American/European politics but historically.

Stalin/Castro weren't that far different from Mussolini/Hitler in how they did things.


Earlier today we were observing that one of the biggest issues with both Greens and Libertarians in America are that they consist exclusively of people who were somehow disqualified from participating in the two-party system, generally by reason of craziness.

This definitely describes Cynthia McKinney. Batshit crazy


I didn't take that to mean the left and the right of modern American/European politics but historically.

Stalin/Castro weren't that far different from Mussolini/Hitler in how they did things.

I wouldn't really call Stalin a leftist though. I think its telling one of the first things Lenin did when he came to power was legalizing homosexuality while the first thing Stalin did when he came to power was criminalize it again.
I mean this is pretty well accepted so I'm not sure what's funny? There's very clear evidence for social stratification arising out of the agricultural revolution as states began to form and the shamans/priesthood form a ruling class with the chiefs/kings who own and distribute the surplus produced by the farmers, and this didn't occur, or occurred very little, prior to that. Even in some of the cultures of Old Europe prior to the Yamna intrusion there was plenty enough such that stratification was low, because when there's little to no scarcity that forces people to adopt economies based on exchange, there's little impulse for greed.

True or not, is there any evidence that this was a superior way of life, which is always the hidden implication of Marxists when they bring this stuff up?
Earlier today we were observing that one of the biggest issues with both Greens and Libertarians in America are that they consist exclusively of people who were somehow disqualified from participating in the two-party system, generally by reason of craziness.

Gary Johnson just wants to do drugs all the time and pay no taxes though, that's not too crazy and could be considered personally rational.


True or not, is there any evidence that this was a superior way of life, which is always the hidden implication of Marxists when they bring this stuff up?

I don't think anyone thinks it was a superior way of life. Marxists are modernists, they want technology and societal advances like everyone else. The point is just that it demonstrates that "human nature" is malleable.

That said, there is some evidence that in some respects it was superior. Hunter gatherers have more leisure time and agriculture, IIRC, had immediately negative effects on human health because of the extra work involved and the suddenly much less diverse diet, leading to malnutrition, stunted growth, etc., but it was worth it because of the stability that it afforded once people really got the hang of it, job specialization, etc. At the same time it also led to more oppression and warfare because of the rise of states. So there were tradeoffs in both directions.

From what I recall agriculture was experimented with during the Mesolithic but really took off during the early Holocene because of climate fluctuations causing people to fall back on it in the lean times, and then they just continued developing it from there.
I wouldn't really call Stalin a leftist though. I think its telling one of the first things Lenin did when he came to power was legalizing homosexuality while the first thing Stalin did when he came to power was criminalize it again.

That's your poligaf revisionist definition of "left". Leftism has, historically, been about populism, the working class, economic justice, socialism, worker's rights, and revenge against an oppressive ruling class.


That's your poligaf revisionist definition of "left". Leftism has, historically, been about populism, the working class, economic justice, socialism, worker's rights, and revenge against an oppressive ruling class.

True, though as a working man I do agree with all that stuff too.... though even then Stalin failed, he wasn't exactly a bastion of how to rule the working class either.


Stalin was a leftist. He was just a nasty, evil one because he thought that he had to be that to protect the revolution from capitalists.

"Left" is not synonymous with good. We have to allow ourselves to be critical of our history.
I don't think anyone thinks it was a superior way of life. Marxists are modernists, they want technology and societal advances like everyone else. The point is just that it demonstrates that "human nature" is malleable.

That said, there is some evidence that in some respects it was superior. Hunter gatherers have more leisure time and agriculture, IIRC, had immediately negative effects on human health because of the extra work involved and the suddenly much less diverse diet, leading to malnutrition, stunted growth, etc., but it was worth it because of the stability that it afforded once people really got the hang of it, job specialization, etc. At the same time it also led to more oppression and warfare because of the rise of states. So there were tradeoffs in both directions.

From what I recall agriculture was experimented with during the Mesolithic but really took off during the early Holocene because of climate fluctuations causing people to fall back on it in the lean times, and then they just continued developing it from there.

ALSO also, the other point I wanted to make is that while it's maybe reasonable to postulate that early hunter-gatherer societies were more egalitarian, it's politically-driven imbuement to suggest that this necessarily meant that greed was lessened, absent any kind of direct observation. Setting aside the researchers challenging the former consensus of hunting-gathering being a peaceful lifestyle compared to the violence of modernity, because I am aware of some of the problems there, methodologically (though, full disclosure, I do subscribe to the view that we are getting proportionately less violent with time), how would one use the remains of campsites, crafts, weapons, etc. to surmise that there were not those within groups that engaged in practices that could recognizably be called greed?
Yes, anarchists have a lot in common with Nazis and radical feminists are looking a lot like monarchists these days.


Actual leftist organizers on the ground have all the respect in the world from me, even if I disagree with some of their policy positions.

As far as douchebag (largely white male) writers for various magazines who spend all their time on Twitter trying to find any bit of non-purity from any person criticizing them, I got no time for.


ALSO also, the other point I wanted to make is that while it's maybe reasonable to postulate that early hunter-gatherer societies were more egalitarian, it's politically-driven imbuement to suggest that this necessarily meant that greed was lessened, absent any kind of direct observation. Setting aside the researchers challenging the former consensus of hunting-gathering being a peaceful lifestyle compared to the violence of modernity, because I am aware of some of the problems there, methodologically (though, full disclosure, I do subscribe to the view that we are getting proportionately less violent with time), how would one use the remains of campsites, crafts, weapons, etc. to surmise that there were not those within groups that engaged in practices that could recognizably be called greed?

Well, since humans are individuals, there can certainly be individuals who may have bad tendencies. I don't subscribe 100% to nurture in the nature vs. nurture debate. I think it's a mix. Obviously people's brains are going to be hardwired differently. So sure there could be some people in the tribe or wanted more than the others. But the material conditions would force the others to keep them in line. Nothing wrong with that.

The developments in the post-agricultural world make it possible, on the other hand, for large scale, institutionalized greed on the part of rulers, and I think the way that people interact with each other that fosters a mentality of selfishness is often or largely a product of that.


Oh I showed the Kaine speech to my parents, who were both illegal immigrants, and it went over well. The "campaneros del alma" was a hit along with "Fe, familia, Y trabajo". At one point my dad said wow.


"The Depressed Sanders Vote"

What are the most recent numbers on Sanders primary voters who say they'll vote for Hillary?
You know how the second that somebody loses a presidential election they get a personality transplant? Kerry, Gore and even Romney immediately loosened up and became 100% more likeable. That's what Kaine was like. Super loose and not constantly guarded and Presidential. I hope he keeps that.


You know how the second that somebody loses a presidential election they get a personality transplant? Kerry, Gore and even Romney immediately loosened up and became 100% more likeable. That's what Kaine was like. Super loose and not constantly guarded and Presidential. I hope he keeps that.

Except for Trump. He'll become even more insufferable.


He will collapse like a dying star. I honestly wonder if he will end up getting his Twitter account suspended.

Shouldn't his account be suspended already? Haven't most of his racist, xenophobic rants been on Twitter? It's not gonna happen, but Twitter should suspend his personal account. It would be ethical and hilarious.
Shouldn't his account be suspended already? Haven't most of his racist, xenophobic rants been on Twitter? It's not gonna happen, but Twitter should suspend his personal account. It would be ethical and hilarious.
For all intents and purposes, it's impossible to be suspended from twitter unless you make a deliberate effort of it, or have repeatedly tried to test the boundaries of it. Short of directly threatening someone (or specifically inciting others to) they really give zero fucks.

"Just" hate speech or "just" terrible insults or "just" your typical racist bullshit won't get you anywhere. If he went so far as to actually parrot the Lock Her Up™ on Twitter, calling for it openly? That's a little more threatening. Edit: To clarify, if he said or retweeted the actual text of "lock her up" in any context. That's an actual threat and a call to action for others. More edit: Wait, let me guess, he's probably already done this and no action was taken? Would not shock me. lol


What were his 2012 predictions?

Michael Moore Predicts ‘President Romney’ In November

“Mitt Romney is going to raise more money than Barack Obama. That should guarantee his victory,” Moore told HuffPost host Josh Zepps. “I think people should start to practice the words ‘President Romney.’ To assume that the other side is just a bunch of ignoramuses who are supported by people who believe that Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago is to completely misjudge the opposition.”

Moore – director of the documentaries “Fahrenheit 9/11” and the Academy Award-winning “Bowling For Columbine” – said that the Republicans will utilize their financial advantage to organize and win the presidential election.

Moore iterated that the Republicans are highly motivated and implied that “hate is a strong emotion” that they are utilizing. Moore went on to say that Obama’s base is more apathetic than they were in 2008, and they need to get back to that past enthusiasm.
I could watch the debates of Biden absolutely ruining Ryan over and over again. Serious how is that man still around after getting his soul stolen like that on national television.

I hope Kaine is able to take apart Pence in a similar way
Michael Moore is weird. Shitting all over Bush, and now shitting on Obama and Hillary.

It's because he wants them to lose and Trump to win. Nobody gives two shits about Michael Moore right now. Guys like him are at their most popular during republican presidencies.

He's praying every night Trump wins because that might mean people actually give a crap about whatever he is doing again. Nobody has cared about anything he has done since Bush left office.
It's because he wants them to lose and Trump to win. Nobody gives two shits about Michael Moore right now. Guys like him are at their most popular during republican presidencies.

He's praying every night Trump wins because that might mean people actually give a crap about whatever he is doing again. Nobody has cared about anything he has done since Bush left office.

Pretty much. Making shitty movies about President Trump would probably reignite his career among the same people who are refusing to vote for Clinton.


I could watch the debates of Biden absolutely ruining Ryan over and over again. Serious how is that man still around after getting his soul stolen like that on national television.

I hope Kaine is able to take apart Pence in a similar way

I'm fairly sure we covered this a couple of days ago... ;-)

Basic summary - whilst Biden did a great job of boosting democrats feelings after the terrible first Obama debate, his performance was only aimed at existing dems. Polls after the debate only gave him a narrow win, and he got a lot of push back for treating Ryan like the jerk he is.

Ryan didn't 'get his soul stolen' or anything like that. He's still around because outside of dem supporters, the debate was basically a tie and it pissed republicans off a lot.


I'm fairly sure we covered this a couple of days ago... ;-)

Basic summary - whilst Biden did a great job of boosting democrats feelings after the terrible first Obama debate, his performance was only aimed at existing dems. Polls after the debate only gave him a narrow win, and he got a lot of push back for treating Ryan like the jerk he is.

Ryan didn't 'get his soul stolen' or anything like that. He's still around because outside of dem supporters, the debate was basically a tie and it pissed republicans off a lot.

So Biden re-energized democrats and Ryan disappointed republicans? Doesn't sound like a tie to me.

Biden killed it. His lines got the most replays and he dominated the next day coverage. No one in the media declared Ryan "the winner" or said that he did better than Biden in any regard (energy, policy, quips, etc) with only Fox News saying he did a great job. Yes, lots of people talked about whether Biden was too mean but even then, his performance was the most talked about and most praised. Biden won the debate.


So Biden re-energized democrats and Ryan disappointed republicans? Doesn't sound like a tie to me.

Biden killed it. His lines got the most replays and he dominated the next day coverage. No one in the media declared Ryan "the winner" or said that he did better than Biden in any regard (energy, policy, quips, etc) with only Fox News saying he did a great job. Yes, lots of people talked about whether Biden was too mean but even then, his performance was the most talked about and most praised. Biden won the debate.

It pissed them off not because Ryan did badly but because they thought Biden was a rude idiot.

And in terms of polling, it was a narrow win for Biden. I'm not saying he did a bad job - he did a fantastic job and it's what we all needed. But there's this viewpoint that Biden 'stole his soul' and 'crushed him', and people wondering why Ryan is still around - but that's more a reflection of our echo chamber than anything else. Biden didn't stomp him into the ground like people think.
I'm fairly sure we covered this a couple of days ago... ;-)

Basic summary - whilst Biden did a great job of boosting democrats feelings after the terrible first Obama debate, his performance was only aimed at existing dems. Polls after the debate only gave him a narrow win, and he got a lot of push back for treating Ryan like the jerk he is.

Ryan didn't 'get his soul stolen' or anything like that. He's still around because outside of dem supporters, the debate was basically a tie and it pissed republicans off a lot.

We did????

I can't remember. I might have been drunk posting (kind of like I am right now lol)


This came up in Discord,'but the RNC attack strategy against Kaine (argue that he's too moderate) makes sense only if you assume they believe there are no swing voters at all. If Trump has no way to expand past his ceiling, the only way to help Republicans is to try to incite party drama in the DNC and depress turnout.


This came up in Discord,'but the RNC attack strategy against Kaine (argue that he's too moderate) makes sense only if you assume they believe there are no swing voters at all. If Trump has no way to expand past his ceiling, the only way to help Republicans is to try to incite party drama in the DNC and depress turnout.

So... Basically voter ID laws + depress voters because Kaine isn't liberal enough + angry Bernie voters = Trump win?


Michael Moore is weird. Shitting all over Bush, and now shitting on Obama and Hillary.

Moore is a guy who makes his name and living off of bitching about Republicans, so Republicans in power means he's 100x more relevant and can make more movies about them. I mean, I think he's generally well-intentioned, but that's definitely a factor. And he obviously has somewhat of a trolling streak anyway.


Ugh at this wikileaks stuff tonight. Of course this happens after Kaine's rollout exceeds expectations and I was seeing Clinton holdouts finally warming up and people getting excited for the convention this week. Now it's back to e-mail e-mail e-mail fraud corruption establishment e-mail :pulls hair out:
Michael Moore is weird. Shitting all over Bush, and now shitting on Obama and Hillary.

I feel like he is the 'anyone that isn't perfect is my enemy' type of guy.

Ugh at this wikileaks stuff tonight. Of course this happens after Kaine's rollout exceeds expectations and I was seeing Clinton holdouts finally warming up and people getting excited for the convention this week. Now it's back to e-mail e-mail e-mail fraud corruption establishment e-mail :pulls hair out:

Eh, I feel like this is a whole lot of nothingburger over nothing. Only those who are really paying attention will make a ruckus about it.
Eh, I feel like this is a whole lot of nothingburger over nothing. Only those who are really paying attention will make a ruckus about it.
Kinda how I feel. I mean, it's a lot of drama now and it's definitely something Clinton didn't need and it's a particular shame it came out as she rolled out Kaine and took some of the attention away from him as he really did do great, but what will probably happen is that DWS either resigns or gets sacked, people continue to make noise about it for a few weeks afterward but it ultimately dies down just like everything else and the people concerned about it will by and large have fully come around by November because Trump will continue to say many, many more stupid things to come which people will increasingly be unable to ignore. Or something like that.
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