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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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What is Rand Paul doing here.


Don King is a murderer who stole Ali's money.

Rand Paul was the guy who even posted the picture, it wasn't leaked.



What a depressing week this was.

At least the Trump VP pick fuck up happened and reminded me this clown will never even come close to being president.

But that in itself makes this week even worse, how is this lunatic the leader of 1 of the 2 major political parties in this country?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, with that 60 Minutes interview plus the downfall of Taylor Swift, the Gods truly favor Oblivion this day.
Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All

This is pretty good stuff.

“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”

He asked Trump to describe his childhood in detail. After sitting for only a few minutes in his suit and tie, Trump became impatient and irritable. He looked fidgety, Schwartz recalls, “like a kindergartner who can’t sit still in a classroom.” Even when Schwartz pressed him, Trump seemed to remember almost nothing of his youth, and made it clear that he was bored.

“If he had to be briefed on a crisis in the Situation Room, it’s impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time,” he said.

But Schwartz believes that Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.” He said, “That’s why he so prefers TV as his first news source—information comes in easily digestible sound bites.” He added, “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.” During the eighteen months that he observed Trump, Schwartz said, he never saw a book on Trump’s desk, or elsewhere in his office, or in his apartment.

Lying is second nature to him,” Schwartz said. “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.”

Some of the falsehoods in “The Art of the Deal” are minor. Spy upended Trump’s claims that Ivana had been a “top model” and an alternate on the Czech Olympic ski team. Barrett notes that in “The Art of the Deal” Trump describes his father as having been born in New Jersey to Swedish parents; in fact, he was born in the Bronx to German parents. (Decades later, Trump spread falsehoods about Obama’s origins, claiming it was possible that the President was born in Africa.)

In “The Art of the Deal,” Trump describes Roy Cohn, his personal lawyer, in the warmest terms, calling him “the sort of guy who’d be there at your hospital bed . . . literally standing by you to the death.” Cohn, who in the fifties assisted Senator Joseph McCarthy in his vicious crusade against Communism, was closeted. He felt abandoned by Trump when he became fatally ill from aids, and said, “Donald pisses ice water.”

It took Schwartz a little more than a year to write “The Art of the Deal.” In the spring of 1987, he sent the manuscript to Trump, who returned it to him shortly afterward. There were a few red marks made with a fat-tipped Magic Marker, most of which deleted criticisms that Trump had made of powerful individuals he no longer wanted to offend, such as Lee Iacocca. Otherwise, Schwartz says, Trump changed almost nothing.

In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.” But he dismissed Schwartz’s account of the writing process. “He didn’t write the book,” Trump told me. “I wrote the book. I wrote the book. It was my book. And it was a No. 1 best-seller, and one of the best-selling business books of all time. Some say it was the best-selling business book ever.” (It is not.) Howard Kaminsky, the former Random House head, laughed and said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”

Schwartz expected Trump to attack him for speaking out, and he was correct. Informed that Schwartz had made critical remarks about him, and wouldn’t be voting for him, Trump said, “He’s probably just doing it for the publicity.” He also said, “Wow. That’s great disloyalty, because I made Tony rich. He owes a lot to me. I helped him when he didn’t have two cents in his pocket. It’s great disloyalty. I guess he thinks it’s good for him—but he’ll find out it’s not good for him.”

Minutes after Trump got off the phone with me, Schwartz’s cell phone rang. “I hear you’re not voting for me,” Trump said. “I just talked to The New Yorker—which, by the way, is a failing magazine that no one reads—and I heard you were critical of me.”

“You’re running for President,” Schwartz said. “I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying.”

“That’s your right, but then you should have just remained silent. I just want to tell you that I think you’re very disloyal. Without me, you wouldn’t be where you are now. I had a lot of choice of who to have write the book, and I chose you, and I was very generous with you. I know that you gave a lot of speeches and lectures using ‘The Art of the Deal.’ I could have sued you, but I didn’t.”

“My business has nothing to do with ‘The Art of the Deal.’ ”

“That’s not what I’ve been told.”

“You’re running for President of the United States. The stakes here are high.”

“Yeah, they are,” he said. “Have a nice life.” Trump hung up.


Don King stole a lot more than just money from Ali.

Between the 60 Minutes interview and that Tony Schwartz article, I, uh... let's just say this shit is terrifying. I didn't know that Ray Cohn figured into this either, he was a John Birch society member, an associate of Joseph McCarthy, a crook who lost his law license, and somehow, Donald Trump is even more unethical than he was? Mind blown.
Don King stole a lot more than just money from Ali.

Between the 60 Minutes interview and that Tony Schwartz article, I, uh... let's just say this shit is terrifying. I didn't know that Ray Cohn figured into this either, he was a John Birch society member, an associate of Joseph McCarthy, a crook who lost his law license, and somehow, Donald Trump is even more unethical than he was? Mind blown.

I thought the 60 minutes interview was an Onion parody.

Like, nope, those were real answers by two people trapped in an arranged marriage.


Don King's a rotten pice of shit. As a long time boxing fan I can't help but think of all the dudes he's completely fucked in the past. Makes sense Trump would be down with that literal racist shitbag considering he's also shit on Mexicans.



Worth noting: Trump apparently gave Schwartz HALF THE PROCEEDS from the book. That is actually a terrible deal for Trump!

Basically, the article confirms something that has always been somewhat visible -- Trump isn't just a sociopath. He's actually a relatively low-functioning sociopath. Can you imagine what Donald Trump would have become if he wasn't born with millions of dollars? He would have been dumped into the back of a truck by Rudy Giuliani and carted out of state.

In many ways, Trump really is the perfect American presidential candidate -- a hateful nonentity propped up by family connections until he became a huge celebrity in spite of his best efforts.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Worth noting: Trump apparently gave Schwartz HALF THE PROCEEDS from the book. That is actually a terrible deal for Trump!

Yeah, this was the biggest thing that struck me. Giving the guy a sizable fee up front? Okay, whatever. But giving him half the royalties?! Dude's a horrible negotiator. (as we all knew already)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh god, what happened to my precious T Swizzle?!

Kim K. caught her in a bold face lie, which she was able to corroborate. Taylor Swift was then finally exposed to the world to see as the fraud I and millions of others always knew she was.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
- Martin Luther King Jr.


Kerbal Space Program is amazing. Just accidentally launched my first astronaut into space. Which was good but I didn't plan for any way for him to get back.

You'll be remembered, Lorick. Also I wish I'd put a radio on your ship.
Kerbal Space Program is amazing. Just accidentally launched my first astronaut into space. Which was good but I didn't plan for any way for him to get back.

You'll be remembered, Lorick. Also I wish I'd put a radio on your ship.

Go rescue him! That can be your next goal.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Rubio's convention "speech" is a prerecorded video.

Hillary needs to get her own Hannity. The guy is basically just campaigning for Trump.

He has done the exact same thing for the last 3 elections.
Trump has no chance of getting NJ, CT, MI, WI and PA. He will lose by 10+% in all those states most likely.

I think that applies to most states honestly. Anything that Obama won by 3 or so points against Romney, odds are Clinton takes it by 5+ against Trump, maybe 10.

He has done the exact same thing for the last 3 elections.

I like to think the left is a bit more respectable because we don't have these partisan hacks that push every candidate for the sake of the party. I mean who do we really have? Rachel Maddow? She's still rightfully critical of liberal candidates--maybe not as much as others but she holds them a bit more accountable than someone like Hannity does to Trump.


Hoooooly shit.

Is it too late for him to be a keynote speaker

Priorities USA should contact him asap to star in an attack ad. As pigeon says, this so nicely sums up what's wrong with Trump: sociopath, liar, no attention span. Not to mention a fraud who didn't even write the book he keeps touting as one of his prime accomplishments.

National GE:
Clinton 44%
Trump 41%
Johnson (L) 7%
Stein (G) 2%


Also interesting from the above poll:


If Warren becomes Clinton’s running mate ...

77% no effect

12% more likely to support Clinton

9% less likely to support Clinton

2% unsure
Clinton-Vilsack 2016!

Damnnnnnnnn. Buit hardly surprising.

And finally:

Sopan Deb ‏@SopanDeb 4h4 hours ago
On 60 Minutes: "By the end, Trump had uttered more than 2,160 words while Pence's word count clocked in around 900."
The Trump Show.

New poll shows a tie in CT. But it's from Harper Publishing/Newsmax. Still think it's BS.


Donald Trump may be winning converts from an unlikely source — Democrats — a new unpublished poll shows.

What's more, according to the poll, Trump is tied with Hillary — and in fact, the Republican candidate is within striking distance in several historically Democratic states.

Sources I interviewed said the poll was conducted by the Harper Polling Firm for the U.S. Senate campaign of GOP State Rep. Dan Carter.

The as-yet published poll shows Trump tied with Clinton — each with 43 percent — in heavily Democratic Connecticut.
The last time a Republican nominee for president carried Connecticut’s electoral votes was in 1988, when the GOP ticket was headed by George H.W. Bush. The Nutmeg State last sent a Republican to the Senate in 1982 and today has no Republicans in any statewide elected office or any of the five U.S. House seats.

Although the Carter campaign has so far not released the poll, its existence is well-known in state political circles and has been discussed increasingly.

Conducted between July 5-6 among 600 likely voters statewide, the survey found some surprising results regarding Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal: as to whether voters wanted to see him re-elected, 42 percent wanted to see him re-elected and 44 percent said no.
Some observers have suggested that Trump himself set the stage for his unusually strong position in Connecticut by early wooing of Democratic and independent voters to help him win the state’s presidential primary. As the Hartford Courant reported on April 16: “From Jan. 1, through the middle of last week, 66,324 new voters have registered in Connecticut: 30,815 as Democrats and 14,355 as Republicans. During that same time period, 13,722 unaffiliated voters joined the Democratic Party while 8,232 became members of the GOP."


So did no one in the GOP manage to do no research on Trump? How could 16 campaigns be so shit?

Nobody took him seriously in the beginning and when he actually got rolling, they had no idea what to do. But yeah, amateur hour. I mean some stuff is just a Google away.

Most interesting was that more than 1/3 of their respondents were from the South (350 / 1006). On top of that it's interesting to note that Black RV's responding saying they were most likely to vote (74.2% probably will) out of everyone (most others were mid-60's), and have also been following the race more closely than people of other races. There were more people who identified as Conservative than as Moderate or Liberal--and Liberals have been following the election more closely than the other 2.

Clinton's unfavorability and favorability go up with age weirdly enough. Trump's lowest unfavorability region is the South (big surprise) where 38% have a very unfavorable view, and his worst region is the West where 61% view him very unfavorably. 16.7% of Liberals really don't like Hillary, compared to 18.7% of Conservatives that really don't like Trump.
The more I think about it, the more I'm becoming convinced that the undecided are

"Man I really don't want to vote for Clinton but Trump is an idiot and is dangerous" people. If the American population can laugh Palin away and tank a campaign ticket, then there is no reason to think that Trump won't have the same effect in the dog days of the election.

Trump people are Trump people, no shame in voting him, open and honest about it. Nobody is going to go "SURPRISE, I WAS A TRUMP SUPPORTER ALL ALONG".

Trump hit his legit ceiling, he seems incapable of getting above 40% on average in polling in the two weeks where the email story was the most damaging to Clinton.


The more I think about it, the more I'm becoming convinced that the undecided are

"Man I really don't want to vote for Clinton but Trump is an idiot and is dangerous" people.

Trump people are Trump people, no shame in voting him, open and honest about it. Nobody is going to go "SURPRISE, I WAS A TRUMP SUPPORTER ALL ALONG".

Trump hit his legit ceiling, he seems incapable of getting above 40% on average in polling in the two weeks where the email story was the most damaging to Clinton.
I think lots of people are disgusted and have lost faith in our politics. They're considering sitting at home or voting for Johnson.
I think lots of people are disgusted and have lost faith in our politics. They're considering sitting at home or voting for Johnson.

If that was the case he would be polling higher. It's pretty clear that Johnson is mainly republicans who can't bring themselves to vote for Trump, if third party was such an issue for the dems then I would assume that Stein would be pulling in far higher numbers from the BoB people.

I mean, national polling is interesting but there is a pretty decent divide among all polling atm in terms of national vs. state. Clinton is ahead in nearly all swing states, some by smaller margins, some by near double point margins, and the reason seems to be coming down to the turnout generators on the polling and the people who are going to come out and vote

I really wish there was a "if you're undecided, then who are you most apt to vote for come election day if you had to make a decision?" question, would really clear some things up


If that was the case he would be polling higher. It's pretty clear that Johnson is mainly republicans who can't bring themselves to vote for Trump, if third party was such an issue for the dems then I would assume that Stein would be pulling in far higher numbers from the BoB people.

I mean, national polling is interesting but there is a pretty decent divide among all polling atm in terms of national vs. state. Clinton is ahead in nearly all swing states, some by smaller margins, some by near double point margins, and the reason seems to be coming down to the turnout generators on the polling and the people who are going to come out and vote

I really wish there was a "if you're undecided, then who are you most apt to vote for come election day if you had to make a decision?" question, would really clear some things up

They do your last paragraph later on in the cycle, it's still super early
Not again:

Jenna JohnsonVerified account
On Fox, Trump says when Obama talks about police, his words are"OK" but his body language says something else: "There's something going on."

Holy shit, the Clinton campaign using the 1964 actor and ad "Confessions of a Republican".
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