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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Assange says there are more emails coming that could put Hillary in jail?

Think he's bluffing?

If they aren't released by the end of the convention I bet they'll wait until the debates...

I really hate that this just can't go away.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Assange says there are more emails coming that could put Hillary in jail?

Think he's bluffing?

If they aren't released by the end of the convention I bet they'll wait until the debates...

I really hate that this just can't go away.
No. Panic.


Assange says there are more emails coming that could put Hillary in jail?

Think he's bluffing?

If they aren't released by the end of the convention I bet they'll wait until the debates...

I really hate that this just can't go away.

I don't think they have anything, but they will keep leaking it in a toxic drop feed.

What I loathe is the relative lack of attention to the question 'why is he doing this?'. I mean, where the hell is the republican leak and hack? Does anyone think there aren't huge email trails showing racism and corruption at the RNC?
Assange says there are more emails coming that could put Hillary in jail?

Think he's bluffing?

If they aren't released by the end of the convention I bet they'll wait until the debates...

I really hate that this just can't go away.

You're going to see a LOT more emails leaked, but it'll be more of an embarrassment to the party and donors than anything criminal or unethical.
With the emails tied to Russia and Russia to Trump, the emails are going to be brushed off more and more over time (assuming there's an endless supply.) Dismissed as a hit job from a desperate candidate and we'll get additional "meh" Watergate comparisons.

Also, fuck Assange. His threats aren't new.
We were promised daily email leaks this week. Where are my daily email leaks!?
I can't fathom how many times Wikileaks has claimed to have awesome stuff but ended up being an ItsFuckingNothing.gif in one form or another. It's one of the core rules of the internet at this point.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm angry more than anything. Both parties should be standing against this. It's cyber warfare against the US. Trump stands much to gain from this and it's also possible that his camp is involved. I'm so pissed.
What could He have that the FBI doesn't already have? They had the physical server. The only thing I think you'll find could be embarrassing Clinton foundation emails but they're not actually from or to or even about Hillary. It's just a smear campaign. You're going to have to deal. Hopefully by then everyone just accepts he's a Russian state actor and ignores it.
Assange says there are more emails coming that could put Hillary in jail?

Think he's bluffing?

If they aren't released by the end of the convention I bet they'll wait until the debates...

I really hate that this just can't go away.

He's said this before, it ended up being FOIA sourced emails no one gave a shit about.


I fear republicans have figured out how to harm a democratic candidate... They now know that one manufactured scandal isn't enough, they just need to manufacture as many as they can to bring favorables down.


What could He have that the FBI doesn't already have? They had the physical server. The only thing I think you'll find could be embarrassing Clinton foundation emails but they're not actually from or to or even about Hillary. It's just a smear campaign. You're going to have to deal. Hopefully by then everyone just accepts he's a Russian state actor and ignores it.
Maybe emails that were deleted locally somehow? Which would also make Hillary look bad.

And yeah Clinton foundation emails. Might not hurt Hillary but it could hurt Bill which hurts the Clinton brand. At this point you've gotta prepare for the worst. And if nothing else it can hinder confidence in the party and other voters moving forward. The not knowing part from now till election day.

I hate Assange and Wikileaks. They used to be helpful but they now do more harm than good. See: Turkey emails. Assange for jail 2016.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Maybe emails that were deleted locally somehow? Which would also make Hillary look bad.

And yeah Clinton foundation emails. Might not hurt Hillary but it could hurt Bill which hurts the Clinton brand. At this point you've gotta prepare for the worst. And if nothing else it can hinder confidence in the party and other voters moving forward. The not knowing part from now till election day.

I hate Assange and Wikileaks. They used to be helpful but they now do more harm than good. See: Turkey emails. Assange for jail 2016.

When would he even have done that? Did anyone even know she had a private server until the FOIA stuff years later?


When would he even have done that? Did anyone even know she had a private server until the FOIA stuff years later?
No idea. But maybe they have emails from other sources that were later deleted locally by the state dept., but archived by someone remotely who got hacked or leaked something, and they just happen to contradict Hillary when she says she turned over everything and didn't wipe the server etc. I'm just trying to think of what could be leaked that could put her in jail. It's either gotta be that or some shady Clinton foundation stuff but that seems unlikely right now.

Uncle Joe doing a great job on morning Joe right now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
NYT: mr obama's aides have largely cleared his calendar in October and barring new crises the white house expects him to be on the campaign trail almost daily leading up to Election Day.



Maybe emails that were deleted locally somehow? Which would also make Hillary look bad.

And yeah Clinton foundation emails. Might not hurt Hillary but it could hurt Bill which hurts the Clinton brand. At this point you've gotta prepare for the worst. And if nothing else it can hinder confidence in the party and other voters moving forward. The not knowing part from now till election day.

I hate Assange and Wikileaks. They used to be helpful but they now do more harm than good. See: Turkey emails. Assange for jail 2016.

No idea. But maybe they have emails from other sources that were later deleted locally by the state dept., but archived by someone remotely who got hacked or leaked something, and they just happen to contradict Hillary when she says she turned over everything and didn't wipe the server etc. I'm just trying to think of what could be leaked that could put her in jail. It's either gotta be that or some shady Clinton foundation stuff but that seems unlikely right now.

Uncle Joe doing a great job on morning Joe right now.

The Clinton foundation is merely a Republican attack. In reality, they give over 90% of their donations to the people that need help.


The only reason the media isn't swarming over the Russia connection is the DNC. If WikiLeaks tries again there won't be anything to stop them.
True. The content of the emails would likely sway the narrative though. If they aren't that terrible then Russia, maybe Trump being potentially involved is the center focus. If it shows Clinton and/or the DNC doing something really stupid it could be a big problem.


Just watched Bill's speech. I'm a huge fan of his 2012 speech, which I've rewatched at least once a year since.

But this may have been better.

It just struck a perfect balance, painting an image of Hillary as someone who will fight every day to improve the lives of others, getting results every time and being genuinely beloved for it. Contrasting this with the caricature the Republicans painted was also great.

This was a difficult speech to pull off, but he nailed it. And so different from the 2012 speech too. The range.


NYT: mr obama's aides have largely cleared his calendar in October and barring new crises the white house expects him to be on the campaign trail almost daily leading up to Election Day.


I love this. The hairs on my arms stood up. That's a biiiig chess piece to be hopping around the map. I knew he'd be helping, but not to such an extreme extent.

Democrats are going to have plenty of data telling them exactly where he needs to go, what issues he needs to focus on, what groups he needs to target.

Wow. What a way to go out.


I love this. The hairs on my arms stood up. That's a biiiig chess piece to be hopping around the map. I knew he'd be helping, but not to such an extreme extent.

Democrats are going to have plenty of data telling them exactly where he needs to go, what issues he needs to focus on, what groups he needs to target.

Wow. What a way to go out.

Considering his legacy would be destroyed if he doesn't go hard and get Clinton elected, I can see why he would be active in October. This election could make or break his legacy (well some of it anyway)!

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I fear republicans have figured out how to harm a democratic candidate... They now know that one manufactured scandal isn't enough, they just need to manufacture as many as they can to bring favorables down.

Yep. Make up a million "scandals", make sure and refer to them as scandals at every opportunity, then question their honesty/integrity.


Considering his legacy would be destroyed if he doesn't go hard and get Clinton elected, I can see why he would be active in October. This election could make or break his legacy (well some of it anyway)!
Yup. I'm giddy. This is wonderful news to wake up to.

He pledged to "fundamentally transform" America - a scare quote Republicans use all the time - and getting his chosen successor elected would go a long way towards fulfilling this. If he succeeds, there's a good chance that he ends-up being the most politically impactful president of our lifetimes, and I'm pretty sure he knows this.


Here's the latest on Trump and use of a data operation, from a few days ago:

Trump's Big Data Gamble (WSJ)
Among Donald Trump’s unorthodoxies is his campaign’s refusal to use big data. “I’ve always felt it was overrated,” Mr. Trump said in May. “Obama got the votes much more so than his data-processing machine. And I think the same is true with me.”

David Plouffe, who ran Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, tweeted: “Trump now wants to ban data and modeling from his campaign. Agree with him that Obama got the votes not data. But flying blind is nuts.” Democratic operative Ron Klain quipped in response: “Plouffe: Ix-nay on the elping-hay of rump-tray.”

They have reason to laugh. Campaign professionals in both parties agree the Democrats have a large lead in information about voters—and that smart use of data can make the difference, at least in close elections. When she officially becomes the party’s nominee this week, Hillary Clinton will inherit the database Mr. Obama’s team built over two campaigns.

It seems like he hasn't budged on this, which I'll always find astounding. And I honestly don't know if polling models are reflecting this, or even if they could, really.


Conservative are so bewildered by the fact that Dems aren't talking about national security, ISIS, and the huge debt.

It's almost as if there are REAL problems and threats that exist instead of one-off boogymen.


After sleeping on it last night I had to take a moment to reflect on the evening.

It was a nice night, the positive messaging showcasing that this campaign fights for the rights of everyone was consistent. Once again there was more diversity shown onstage than ever seen in the history of American politics. The convention was packed with a unifying embodiment Democratic supporters all the way to recess gavel
,that ever elusive gavel

Even with the lengthy career of Hillary Clinton feeling more and of a normal and something that we've always had, it's easy to forget that History was officially made last night. Sometimes it's easy to forget to celebrate even enormous accomplishments when your other goals are still ahead. Today is going to be a great day to celebrate our new history.

That's not to endorse any sort of complacency, we need to keep our momentum strong and even increase our velocity while we're in motion, but I do think when presented with a historical moment like this it's okay to celebrate the milestone.


So Biden said that Trump wants to carpet bomb ISIS. Technically this was Cruz. Trump, of course, has to point this out on Twitter. When then results in people posting what he actually said, which is he wants to "bomb the shit out of ISIS."


Does it feel like the Russia angle taints the emails:?

The only time they are discussed anymore is in relation to Russia, so they are already dead. If they have more to release we will see how it's handled.

I'm of the opinion that it's going to make Trump look worse if there isn't anything truly devastating in them.


The only time they are discussed anymore is in relation to Russia, so they are already dead. If they have more to release we will see how it's handled.

I'm of the opinion that it's going to make Trump look worse if there isn't anything truly devastating in them.

Polls from next will look interesting. The DNC should do it damnest to tie Trump to Putin, that cold war shit still runs deep
Does it feel like the Russia angle taints the emails:?

I think so. If nothing else, because Asante has confirmed that he's trying to inflict maximum damage to Clinton and there's no way to verify that every email they release is a real email.

They could easily release a fake email that's *really* bad, and we wouldn't know. Therefore, we can't really trust anything they release is 100% truthful or agenda-free. You


Hot take for this morning: I'm really tired of hearing that Sanders voters are the "future" of the party because it immediately sidelines and dismisses the intersectional coalition that actually won the country for Obama twice and won the primary for Hillary.

In this way it's really just PoC erasure yet again.*

* yes, some of Bernie's voters are PoC, no, that doesn't change my take, the demographic focus is different


Hot take for this morning: I'm really tired of hearing that Sanders voters are the "future" of the party because it immediately sidelines and dismisses the intersectional coalition that actually won the country for Obama twice and won the primary for Hillary.

In this way it's really just PoC erasure yet again.*

* yes, some of Bernie's voters are PoC, no, that doesn't change my take, the demographic focus is different

This will all go away when the whole revolution will disappear in the midterms.
I would have thought WikiLeaks itself is pretty tainted given it's become just a mouthpiece for an egomaniac douche holed up evading potential sex crimes charges.
Hot take for this morning: I'm really tired of hearing that Sanders voters are the "future" of the party because it immediately sidelines and dismisses the intersectional coalition that actually won the country for Obama twice and won the primary for Hillary.

In this way it's really just PoC erasure yet again.*

* yes, some of Bernie's voters are PoC, no, that doesn't change my take, the demographic focus is different

Point taken, but I was under the impression that if you isolated Bernie's 18-29 yo voters that they reflected the diverse Dem coalition pretty well. Is that not true?


I would have thought WikiLeaks itself is pretty tainted given it's just a mouthpiece for an egomaniac douche holed up evading potential sex crimes charges.

Yea but you just described a hero to the people who tout wikileaks. Being an egomaniac douche accused of rape only elevates him in their eyes


Conservative are so bewildered by the fact that Dems aren't talking about national security, ISIS, and the huge debt.

It's almost as if there are REAL problems and threats that exist instead of one-off boogymen.
I mean... it's really reductionist to say those aren't real problems? It's kind of ridiculous that any of those points would be partisan issues.
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